
  • A new interactive series called Borderlands EchoVision Live was announced at San Diego Comic Con, allowing the audience to make decisions that impact the characters' fates.
  • This community-led game will focus on eight aspiring Vault Hunters who are stuck in the town of Greywater Junction and must survive and fend off bandits to find a way out.
  • While fans await news about Borderlands 4, they can look forward to Borderlands EchoVision Live and enjoy the rich storytelling and world-building that the Borderlands franchise is known for.

A new Borderlands project was recently announced in the form of Borderlands EchoVision Live. First released in 2009, the Borderlands franchise has had three mainline games, seven spin-off games, and soon, a movie directed by Eli Roth.

It's been almost four years since Borderlands 3 was released, and many fans have been anticipating the arrival of the fourth game. Although developer Gearbox technically hasn't confirmed that Borderlands 4 is coming, there were hints in the past that it was working on a new Borderlands title.

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During this year's San Diego Comic Con (SDCC), Gearbox announced its upcoming interactive series called Borderlands EchoVision Live. Made in partnership with Genvid Entertainment, it will be a community-led game similar to Silent Hill Ascension, where the audience will be given the power to choose the characters' fates. According to GameSpot, the story will revolve around eight aspiring Vault Hunters, who take a tour of Eden-6, but suddenly find themselves stuck in the town of Greywater Junction. The entire series will then focus on how they'll survive and fend off bandits as they try to find a way out.

In a press release, Genvid Entertainment CEO Jacob Novak said participants would get the chance to make a mark in Borderlands EchoVision Live, and also warned that all decisions in the series would be final. As for the characters, Genvid Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Stephan Bugaj noted that it will feature all-new people from the Borderlands universe, which might mean that the likes of Handsome Jack might not make an appearance. Right now, the interactive project doesn't have a release date yet.

Interactive series like Borderlands EchoVision Live seem to be a growing gaming genre, especially with the rise of streaming platforms like Twitch and Kick. Although it might not be Borderlands 4 like many players expected, the series could still become a hit because of Borderlands' rich story is and world-building. Plus, it seemed like players loved calling the shots in the franchise's story with the popularity of 2014's Tales From the Borderlands and its 2022 sequel New Tales From the Borderlands.

Meanwhile, those who have been waiting for Borderlands 4 news might have to wait a little more. Two Borderlands games were released just last year, and with Borderlands EchoVision Live coming sometime soon, the fourth game might take a little longer to develop. On the bright side, longtime fans can still kill time with the current titles.

Borderlands EchoVision Live is in development.

MORE: What Role Tannis Could Play In Borderlands 4

Source: GameSpot