Neverwinter has been translating iconic Dungeons and Dragons lore and characters into an action MMO format for around a decade now and in that time the creative team has had the opportunity to put their own spin on some of the franchise's most iconic locations, weapons, abilities, and characters. That tradition definitely continues with the Northdark Reaches release, as the game gets the chance to bring legendary characters created by R.A. and Geno Salvatore to life once again.

Northdark Reaches launches today and takes fans of the Dungeons and Dragons MMO back to the Underdark to explore the events that take place between books one and two in the Way of the Drow series. Neverwinter's content stands alone, but closely connects to the events taking place in the latest Salvatore trilogy of novels.

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Game ZXC recently had a chance to sit down with Neverwinter's Narrative Director, Winter Mullenix

and Principal Lead Game Designer, Randy Mosiondz to talk about which characters they were most excited to bring to the MMO as NPCs in module 24...


Minolin Fey

A strong-willed, independent female drow who was previously faithful to Lolth. She wishes to see Saribel rescued and the chaos with the myconids settled so they can continue to their impromptu meeting with Brueno Battlehammer.

Randy: Yes. There were favorites that were called out by different members of the team. I like Minolin Fey she's a great character and like one of the first people you talk to when you get to the Northdark Reaches. Great character and voiced really well. I enjoy starting off with her and solving some of the early mystery of missing people with her.

Winter: Oh, gosh. I liked writing for all of them. Minolin Fey, I just love her. She, to me, speaks of the intrigue that Menzo represents. And I really enjoyed that slow reveal, without spoilers, there's some dialogue with Minolin Fey, where it's like 'Does she mean what she's saying?' And then later she'll reveal more, and it all comes together. It's that sort of nuanced speech that we worked with the Salvatores on that was key to delivering these characters. As for visuals, I do know that people loved working on Minolin Fey. Her hair is amazing, she's shorter than a lot of the other drow, so they got to do something a little different with her. And it was just brilliant all around.

Saribel Xorlarrin Do'Urden

A female drow priestess. She was once perceived as the youngest and weakest priesesst of House Xorlarrin, has a chip on her shoulder, married into power but lost it, she wants to recover from past mistakes rather than die from them.

Winter: They're nuanced characters and that's one of the things I really loved about them. Saribel Xorlarrin Do'Urden, she's always got this chip on her shoulder, and how do you portray that very succinctly in an action game? I always enjoy finding ways to work that nuance in.

Braelin Janquay

A male drow scout and a friend of dwarven king, Bruenor Battlehammer.

Winter: ... And Braelin Janquay similarly really fits into that theme of the intrigue and the mystery and the secrets.

There are a ton of new characters, quests, and activities arriving in the game with Northdark Reaches launch, so there are sure to be many other characters that become fan favorites, as well. Be sure to check back in the near future for more Neverwinter news, updates, and guides.

Neverwinter is free-to-play on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles. Northdark Reaches launches on November 8, 2022 on PC.

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