NetherRealm Studios is known for a couple of things. Mortal Kombat comes first and foremost, with the studio having formed to resurrect the beloved fighting game series from Midway's ashes. It did so with massive success, leading Mortal Kombat to become one of the top-selling fighting game franchises in just a few entries. NetherRealm Studios' other claim to fame is Injustice, a DC Universe fighting game series that stems from NetherRealm's publisher WB Games Interactive. While it's an odd companion to Mortal Kombat, Injustice has been embraced by both the MK and DC fanbases as a strong property in its own right.

Even though Mortal Kombat 12 hasn't been officially announced yet, things are still looking up for NetherRealm Studios and its fans. However, with MK12 defying the typical 2-year Mortal Kombat and Injustice rotation, some fans now feel ready for something different. A Marvel fighting game has been discussed as a possibility, but NetherRealm could spring for something more exotic than that. As the premiere North American fighting game developer, NetherRealm Studios is equipped to handle just about any property it and WB Games can get their hands on. It would make a lot of fans happy if it tried adapting an old arcade rival that has passed into Microsoft's hands.

RELATED: What NetherRealm's Next Fighting Game can Learn From MultiVersus

NetherRealm Studios is the Best Choice To Make Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct 2013

Midway was known for a lot more than NetherRealm currently is. The now-defunct company published and developed a wide variety of titles, and had a large arcade presence that featured Mortal Kombat among a stable of other games. Modern gamers may be surprised to hear that this included the original 1994 release of Killer Instinct. While Nintendo published Rare's fighting game on consoles, Midway handled it elsewhere despite its competition with Midway's own Mortal Kombat.

The two franchises went their separate ways after that, with Killer Instinct getting sequels in 1996 in the form of Killer Instinct 2 and Killer Instinct Gold. It went to Microsoft alongside Rare upon the developer's 2002 acquisition, and was eventually handed to Double Helix Games and Iron Galaxy for the cult classic Killer Instinct (2013). With its development complete, Killer Instinct now lies dormant without a clear path forward, but NetherRealm could easily provide one. Most of Xbox's studios lack experience developing traditional fighting games, but a high-profile collaboration between Microsoft and NetherRealm Studios could make for a lucrative and exciting opportunity.

Killer Instinct Compliments Mortal Kombat In Many Ways

phil spencer interest mortal kombat killer instinct crossover

Microsoft tapping NetherRealm Studios to develop a Killer Instinct successor would not only be a convenient deal, but would also be ideal for the game itself. Killer Instinct is a complementary title to Mortal Kombat, with some fans still hoping to see the two collaborate one day. The smaller series was never able to find its footing as a gory competitor to Mortal Kombat, instead choosing to focus on providing the slickest gameplay experience possible. Under NetherRealm's roof, Killer Instinct would finally have both qualities, serving as a return to NetherRealm's more loose pre-MK11 design and finally giving KI some sorely-needed blood and AAA detail.

The chronicles of Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct are still being written, but hopefully the two franchises can support each other in the future. Whether that means exchanging characters or NetherRealm Studios handling a new Killer Instinct title, some form of collaboration would be best for everyone involved. Mortal Kombat 12 including a Killer Instinct guest character to test the waters would be ideal, and would grab the attention of the small but passionate KI2013 community. NetherRealm Studios feels like the best path forward for Rare's old fighting game IP, and could finally give fans a new series to try after a decade of the same two franchises.

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