The Netflix adaptation of The Witcher has begun, and even though Part 2 of Season 3 is still pending, viewers already have a clear idea of the main players. Most of the cast has been split into couples for this particular set of episodes, with their mutual plans driving the various plotlines.

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A few of these couples have survived from the first season in one form or another. They were smart, cunning, or just had the luck of working well together at the right time. Most of the choices here are romantic, while others are more like working or social entanglements, but all of them are complicated.

7 Geralt And Yennefer

Geralt of Rivia And Yennefer of Vengerberg In Netflix's The Witcher

They've been an item since season one, and their relationship has been part of the story since Geralt made his fateful wish. Yennefer's backstory, which included her schooling at Arituza, took up most of the first season.

There's a nice dichotomy of fighter and mage between the two of them, and they use that to their advantage in Season 3, especially the scenes when they're working the room together at the ball. They're both equally adept when it comes to planning, with Geralt killing the grisly monster built by the mystery villain and Yennefer using her social connections to track down a suspect.

6 Tissaia And Vilgefortz

tissaia-and-vilgefortz the witcher season 3

The plot thickens with these two powerful mages, who seem to be the good guys from their lofty perch in Arituza, but maybe that's what we're being led to believe. Some viewers will recognize Vilgefortz as one of the antagonists in the video games, so although his plans and intentions seem benevolent so far, his true motives remain unknown.

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As for the steely Tissaia, is he helping her, or is she helping him? Vilgefortz seems to be going along with her side of the plan to reunite the Brotherhood, and the gruff Stregobor seems a likely perpetrator for the crimes they've uncovered, but he's not the only powerful mage in the room.

5 Sigismund Dijkstra And Philippa Eilhart


Together, they form the entire Redanian Intelligence network, with Sigismund being the official head of the department and aided by his colleague and close personal associate, Philippa. They have some things in common when it comes to how they spend their free time, and what's a little sadomasochism among friends?

Both characters also share a love of power and secrets, preferring to have influential positions of power that work behind the ruler, as opposed to sitting on the throne themselves. They prove this by murdering the queen, something that Sigismund fearlessly tells the shocked Prince Radovid, knowing that there's nothing he can do about it.

4 Francesca Findabair And Filavandrel

Francesca And Filavandrel

A relationship that has survived a few tragedies, not only the loss of a child but also a country and an army. Previously under the protection of Frugilla in Cintra, they are driven out when the Emporer arrives, and Season 3 finds them wandering in the wilderness.

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The only plan they have is to find Ciri, who Francesca believes can return the Elves to greatness with the power of her Elder Blood. At this point, it seems like they're on the losing side in this game, but the Emporer has recruited Cahir to kill the leader of the elven army and use the power vacuum to infiltrate their ranks. It remains to be seen if Francesca and Filavandrel fall for the ruse.

3 Jaskier And Prince Radovid

Jaskier And Prince Radovid kissing scene

They might not seem like a power couple at first, but between the two of them, Jaskier and Radovid know enough secrets to bring down every country, noble, and government in this story. They aren't fighters or mages, and the nature of their daily social and professional lives means that everyone confesses everything either to them directly, perhaps after a few drinks, or at least within earshot.

Jaskier isn't one for relationships, but it's established in the previous episodes that he has a special affection for Radovid. Although the Prince seems to feel the same way, the viewer has to suspect he's just doing what his brother, King Vizimir, asked him to do. Radovid's appearance at the end of the fifth episode, perfect to lure Jaskier away from a sleeping Ciri, was a bit too convenient. This episode is called "The Art of Illusion" after all.

2 Philippa Eilhart And Eva

philippa and eva the witcher season 3

Philippa discovers the information that Sigismund needs to know through a carefully organized and curated network of in-house spies, and Eva is one of them. She shares a close relationship with King Vizimir's employees, and Eva fulfills the duties of page, servant, and lady-in-waiting for the Redanian royal family.

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The fireplace and furs that this couple enjoys while discussing affairs of state and magical portals are considerably more romantic than the stoic interactions shared by Philippa and Sigismund. Their bondage sessions feel more like psychiatric appointments than the wild lovemaking of the servant and the spymistress.

1 Lydia Van Bredevoort And Rience

Lydia and Rience split image witcher season 3

Lydia is working for the same mysterious and powerful magic user as Rience, and although they seem to have a strict working relationship a few insults and barbs do get personal. They function well together, with Lydia tidying up Rience after he gets beaten up, or testing the dangerous concoctions that he brings home before they can mess up their boss' face instead of hers.

It's not just their employer, their magical skills, or the bad attitudes that unite them. Both Lydia and Rience suffered some devastating and permanent work-related injuries. Lydia hides her scared face with an illusion spell, but Rience seems to use his terrifying visage to its advantage.

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