Netflix’s You has left fans anticipating what happens next in season four. With Joe now in Paris to locate Marienne, it’s unknown if he’ll find her or find a new obsession. As seen throughout the series, Joe tends to find a new woman to obsess over very easily. He could find someone else while trying to look for her.RELATED:Must-Watch Netflix Movies You Probably Never Heard OfEven though Joe has a fresh start in his life with a new identity and in another country, he’s left quite a mess behind. From seeing flashbacks of his past that reveal new things to leaving his son, fans have more questions now that need answers.

10 Will Dottie Continue To Be In Henry’s Life?

Dottie And Henry You Season 3

Dottie Quinn went through a lot in season 3. Along with Love, she was still grieving the loss of her son Forty. With Henry’s birth, she is fully convinced he is Forty’s reincarnation and showed up unexpectedly throughout the season. While she provided support for Joe and Love, the tension between her and Love would rear its ugly head at times. Her grief, having tense moments with her daughter, and going through a messy divorce caused Dottie to snap and burn down her vineyard, putting Henry in danger.

She is the one who warns Joe about Love possibly killing her first husband. Despite this, she was a very doting grandmother and involved in Henry’s life. With Henry living with Dante and Lansing, the question if Dottie will still be in his life is up in the air.

9 Will Joe Leave Henry With Dante And Lansing?

Dante, Lansing, And Henry You Season 3 ending

Joe has made a lot of mistakes in his life, but he made the smart decision to leave his son with Dante and Lansing. He knew that Henry would be happy and safe with them. When saying goodbye to him, Joe tells Henry that they won't be separated forever. At the end of the last episode in season three, it seems like Henry is thriving with Dante and Lansing as his parents.

If Joe is as smart as he believes, he should leave Henry with them. It seemed like Love’s final words to Joe hit home and he realized that he isn’t the best parent material.

8 Wouldn’t Marienne Look Suspicious Leaving Town?

Marienne Bellamy You Season 3

After Love confronted her about her affair with Joe, Marienne seemed to skip town with her daughter. The only thing is: Ryan, her ex, was just murdered by Joe. Sure it’s known that he was mugged (according to the news), but the police are probably investigating his death. It would look odd and a little suspicious that Marienne fled the country. Even with an alibi, people around her and Ryan knew they were in a messy custody battle.

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The media could easily pin his death on her. As she pointed out to Joe, he’s a local celebrity and she’s a regular person. His fans could target her and try to convince the public she’s responsible.

7 Are Joe’s Mom And (Potential) Brother Still Alive?

Joe's Mom You Season 3

Fans learned that Joe’s mom was living a normal life and had a baby. It seems like Joe might have a half-brother. After this revelation, Joe’s mom explains that she’s trying to start life over without him. Obviously, this would hurt any kid that’s been abandoned by the parent they love. Despite her shortcomings, Joe loved his mother dearly and was hurt to learn she hadn’t come back to get him.

This has made some fans question if they’re alive or not. Considering Joe’s twisted way of thinking, he might not think his mom is fit to raise a baby. And fans know how Joe handles people he thinks shouldn’t be in an innocent person’s life.

6 Does Matthew Believe Joe Is Dead?

Matthew And Theo You season 3 ending

At the end of season three, Matthew is reading the article about Joe and Love’s murder-suicide. It looked like he was a little skeptical about the whole thing. It wouldn’t be too surprising if he decides to investigate it. Considering how tech-savvy and tenacious he can be when he wants to find something out, Matthew could learn the truth about Joe.

However, Matthew also didn’t have any qualms about leaving Joe to suffer from whatever Love had planned for him. There is a small possibility that he might check to see if Joe is gone for good.

5 Is Joe Going To Keep Sending Ellie Money?

Ellie Alves You season 2

Fans find out in the first episode that Joe is keeping his promise to Ellie to send her money and keep her safe. It’s unknown if he’ll keep this promise since he’s supposed to be dead. There is a slight chance that the murder-suicide that he staged made national news or caused a social media firestorm.

Considering that Sherry is a very popular influencer, it wouldn’t be too surprising that most of America know Joe’s name and face. It could be a little hard for him to send Ellie money under the radar.

4 Is Will Bettelheim Helping Joe Stay Under The Radar?

Will Bettelheim You season 2

Will is one of the few people that’s made it out alive after being held captive by Joe. Fans know that he’s able to create a new identity that’s pretty convincing. Joe seems to be living under the new identity “Nick” in France. Could Joe have called Will for a favor?

It’s a little weird that Joe managed to fly to another country undetected. Calling Will to get some help could keep Joe under the radar and let him travel without much suspicion.

3 Is Joe Going To Live Out Of The Country For Good?

Joe Goldberg in France You season 3 ending

It seems like Joe has traveled to Paris to search for Marienne and her daughter. However, with his track record in the US, it might be tough for him to rebuild a life. He abandoned his life in Brooklyn and is a known name in California. His face is known almost everywhere. It seems like living out of the country is the only solution to avoid getting caught for his crimes and keep people from questioning him.

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If he were to go back to the US, Joe would have to live in a pretty remote area and be a recluse. This would be hard for him to do since he tends to obsess over a woman who catches his eye and makes himself known to everyone around.

2 What Happened To Nurse Fiona?

Nurse Fiona You season 3

Joe befriended the nurse at the orphanage he was living at, and Fiona gave him a safe place to hide away from the bullies. The two of them struck up a friendship and she helped ease the void of his mother leaving him. However, Joe quickly noticed the signs of abuse Fiona suffered at home. She stayed with the man and told Joe to leave after he confronted her about it.

The last that is known about Fiona is that she mysteriously disappeared and left all her stuff behind. No explanation is given, but Joe assumes her boyfriend is the reason why.

1 Will Marienne Take Joe Back?

Marienne Bellamy and Juliette in You season 3

Marienne seemed to believe Love when she said that Joe killed her ex, Ryan. She looked horrified to learn that the man she loves did such a thing. Little did Marienne know, she was very close to dying by Love’s hand, but luckily she made it out alive. After giving Love some advice and taking her advice to run, Marienne seemed to disappear. Joe thinks she’s in Paris due to Marienne mentioning she was born there.

She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and only wants the best for her daughter. If Joe were to ever find Marienne, there’s a small chance she takes him back. He’s very charismatic and knows how to make himself look like a good guy. However, Marienne also seems like she wants to avoid trouble and she knows Joe isn’t squeaky clean.

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