Joe Goldberg has charmed his way into the hearts and minds of You fans for three seasons. Even though he’s a murderer, fans can’t help but wait and see what he’s going to do next for the sake of love. He’s a romantic at heart, but his heart is a pretty disturbing place.

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It’s thanks to him that You has produced so many great moments that become meme-worthy. He’s provided viewers with so much entertainment that there are some jokes only You fans will understand. Maybe one day someone will catch him or he’ll find The One. Either way, fans will be happy to watch.

10 Maybe He’ll Trade The Baseball Cap For A Beret Next Season

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

If there is one inside joke among You fans: Joe’s baseball cap. He does seem to think if he puts a cap on, he’s invisible or unrecognizable. It’s worked a couple of times, but it’s not exactly the best disguise. Beck was able to recognize him following her when she was on her way to see Dr. Nicky. Ryan, Marienne’s ex-husband, saw Joe following him.

Maybe Joe will rethink his disguise when he goes out to stalk his next obsession. Even if it’s a little beret, it’ll switch things up a little.

9 Caring For Kids Is A Good Thing

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

One of the more positive things about Joe is that he cares about the kids in his life. He gave Paco food and books whenever Paco’s mom and her boyfriend Ron were being loud. Joe took him in when his mother suffered a relapse. While he did kill Ron in front of Paco and told him not to tell anyone, he saved him from Ron’s wrath. There was no telling what Ron would’ve done to Paco since the kid hit him in the head with a baseball bat.

After settling in LA, Joe looked after Ellie and saved her from Henderson. He gave her money to run away after Love planned on framing her for it. In season three, it was revealed that he continued sending money to her. Joe has a lot of red flags when it comes to his character, but this is one of the few green flags he has and it makes a lot of fans have mixed feelings.

8 The Internal Monologues Are Pretty Funny

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

Joe’s internal monologues are some of the best material in the show. From his analysis of others to thinking of his situation, they provide a lot of information about him and let viewers delve deep into his mind. Sometimes it can be pretty funny to hear what he thinks and other times it can be disturbing, especially when he justifies his killings.

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This meme not only hilariously shows how Joe speaks in his mind, but also shows how he can obsess over a lady from one simple action.

7 Joe Is Never Too Busy When It Comes To Love

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

Joe is willing to do anything for love. Whether it’s suffering the company of his love interest’s friends and family or killing any toxic people in their lives, Joe is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He’ll even make sure to answer the phone when he’s out doing his errands, no matter the errand. He took Beck’s call while he was disposing of Benji's body out in the woods. He was quick to text Love when he saw Sherry tell the news reporters that she was the last one to see Natalie.

Joe will always make time for his leading ladies. It’s another green flag for him, but also another reason why fans have mixed feelings for him. Plus, this meme hilariously pokes at anyone who makes excuses for never answering their phone.

6 Fooled Fans More Than Once

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

It’s hard to root for Joe since he’s usually leaving a trail of dead bodies behind him wherever he goes. Not to mention the stalking, stealing possessions, and manipulation of people around him. However, there are times where it seems like Joe is changing for the better and has fans rooting for him when he does. When he was dating Karen after his breakup with Beck in season one, moving on from Love when they broke up in season two, and trying to make his marriage work with Love in season three, fans were hoping for the best.

But old habits die hard and Joe sabotages it every time. He doesn’t see it that way unfortunately and fans go back to wondering if they should root for him or not. It’s back and forth with him, but it’s also what makes the show so entertaining to watch.

5 This Doesn’t Mean He’s A Good Guy

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

Something that makes Joe a very terrifying character is his justifications for his murders. He really thinks he’s doing his love interest a favor by taking out the horrible people in their lives. He murders Benji because he spoke ill of Beck and believed she would be better off without him. In season two, he did have a little bit of justification for killing Jasper and Henderson. Jasper did threaten to kill Joe and Henderson had dark plans for Ellie.

In season three, he and Love played a huge role in Gil’s death. Joe later murders Ryan, Marienne’s ex, all because he’s in love with Marienne. No matter how horrible the other characters were, Joe still decided that killing them was the only solution.

4 Not Exactly A Good Growth

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Joe’s body count is pretty high, but it seems to be getting less and less each season. He is trying his best to be a better person, but it’s not easy. Now that Marienne, his new obsession, knows the grisly truth about him, Joe is going to have to come up with a great explanation.

Even the best reason in the world can’t undo his murders. How Joe explains everything to Marienne will be interesting to watch since she took Love's advice and got away from him as quickly as possible.

3 Stalking Is His Specialty

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

Joe is nothing if not thorough in his investigation for his obsessions. He’s able to find out a lot about a person based on their mannerisms, choices they make for the little things in life, and of course the internet. He puts on his trusty baseball cap and will stalk them in person to learn even more about them. It does work to his advantage for the most part. It makes him come off as romantic and deep to his love interest.

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But Joe has also set the standard when it comes to seeing the smallest details in relationships. It’s because of this, Joe’s love interests don’t realize the truth about him until it’s too late.

2 He’s Still A Bad Guy

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

Joe hasn’t had an easy life. He killed his father after he abused his mother. She then placed Joe in the foster care system. When Joe found her, she was living a new life and more or less told him she was moving on without him. When he lived with Mr. Mooney, the older man was abusive towards him and would lock Joe in the cage. Considering that Mr. Mooney was the closest thing he had to a dad, Joe’s upbringing was less than ideal.

Yet, even after all he’s done, Joe does have some fans who think he’s a good guy. Some believe he’s just misunderstood, but it doesn’t change all of the crimes he’s committed.

1 Every Woman Is Fair Game

Netflix You Joe Goldberg meme

One thing that fans find a little funny and cringey is how quickly Joe becomes interested in a woman. It doesn’t seem like it takes too much to catch his attention. Beck caught his attention because of her book choice. Love asked him about a peach. Natalie was just sitting in her backyard and minding her own business. It seems like he can be attracted to any woman that he finds beautiful.

Marienne was the only person Joe needed a bit of time to notice. This was only because he was trying to make his marriage with Love work when he first met her. The more he was around Marienne, the more he became attracted and obsessed with her. There’s no telling if he’ll find a new lady in his quest to find her, but it will be fun to watch him try and control his urges.

You can be streamed on Netflix.

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