The Umbrella Acadamy has taken the world by storm and fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of its third season. With that now gracing the screens of Netflix, the show has brought a plethora of hilarious, heartbreaking, and confusing moments, especially with Klaus.

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Klaus is a favorite among many The Umbrella Academy fans, primarily due to his hilarious personality and the wonderful things he says. Some are insightful, some are hilarious, and some are just outright random. However, season three has introduced a different side to this fantastic character. With such development came some wonderful quotes. Here are the ones to remember.

9 "He's Dead! Yay!"

Klaus in the mansion

The first season was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, destruction, and hilarity. It was a wonder the members of The Umbrella Academy held it together with impending doom, assassins, and the death of their father.

Luckily, as seen through the first few scenes, the death of their father was not something they were upset about. Klaus in particular is seen to make a few sarcastic comments, especially when caught trying to steal some of his dad's valuables. After being a little heartfelt about his hatred for his father he ends up leaving it with an element of sarcasm. It's pretty much Klaus described in one scene and with one line.

8 "Face It, The Healthiest Long-Term Relationship In This Family Was When Five Was Banging That Mannequin"

Five and Dolores

When it comes to the end of the world and stopping many apocalypses, there is very little time to fall in love or have any sort of meaningful relationship at all. However, that doesn't seem to stop this bunch, and they often land themselves in rather problematic relationships that often end in tragedy or worse.

Knowing all that, the line Klaus manages to come out with about Five's make-believe relationship with a Mannequin while he's stuck is so ridiculous yet so true. It seems to just encompass the damaged state of this lovable family.

7 "You Guys Are Scarier Without The Masks"

Klaus kidnapped

One of the main reasons many fans adore Klaus is the funny lines he says at probably the worst moments possible. He can't really deal well with dangerous situations and just seems like he would probably be the worst person to kidnap or hold hostage. This is exactly what happened when assassins descended on the mansion.

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After a few hilarious scenes of Klaus being absolutely oblivious of his surroundings while assassins try to murder 5, he ends up getting kidnaped. After refusing to say anything of importance, it just seems like Klaus tries to annoy them into letting them go. This was one of those moments and seeing how annoyed the assassins were only made it so much funnier.

6 "Like You Wouldn't Climb Luther Mountain"

Klaus and Luther

In typical Klaus fashion, anything serious happening needs to be taken down with a sprinkle of sarcasm or a pinch of puns. He seems to reject seriousness and feels rather uncomfortable sitting within it, which is probably what prompts certain quotes. Not that fans are complaining about his comedic relief or hilarious words.

One such funny comment in what would be a rather serious scene is when Five is explaining the dangers of being near themselves in another timeline. The first thing Klaus thinks about is sleeping with himself and the way he says it to Luther is just hilarious.

5 "I Feel Like Scoop After Scoop After Scoop's Being Taken Out Of Me"


This is one of the first instances where fans really get to see the heart inside Klaus. With all his jokes and silly lines, this is a moment of sincerity, even if it is embedded in a weird ice-cream metaphor.

Nevertheless, it's really nice to see season three exploring more of Klaus and how he's really feeling. His talk with his dad was meaningful, deep, and had very few sarcastic comments. It's also something many can resonate with, giving so much and getting little in return. Klaus can't keep up his persona forever, those feelings of always giving will soon come to the surface.

4 'You Had A Cult?' 'Well It Was The 60s babe, Everyone Had One'

Klaus in a cult

Klaus' almost intentional cult was a fantastic element of season two of The Umbrella Academy. It was extremely problematic but undeniably entertaining to watch these followers worshiping the ground underneath him.

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All those events happened two years ago for some viewers and the joy has become a distant memory, only reignited thanks to this quote and the release of season three. This line enabled both Klaus and fans to remember what a ridiculous time that was and the joys season two brought. Stanley was a little shocked about this admittance but Klaus just seems to shrug it off as he usually does.

3 "Celestial Comedown Is A B***h"

Dead Klaus

Klaus' carefree attitude is often taken a little far and many do seem to think he must have a death wish, especially considering the amount of time it's been said he's died. So watching him get struck with a harpoon may have been fine for some or may have concerned others as they thought killing Klaus off like this was the worst part.

Nevertheless, finding out Klaus is essentially immortal was one of the best scenes of season three, especially when he's in the elevator. The fact that he almost compared coming back from the dead to having a hangover is the most telling line for this character.

2 "You're Always Screwin' Things Up, And You're Really F*****g Tired Of It"

Klaus in a bin

Klaus is the jokester. He's the kind of character many viewers and other characters fail to really take seriously. He rarely shows his own feeling and is even less likely to actually talk about how he feels in general.

Therefore, when he opens up for the second time in season three, viewers are forced to listen. He makes a lot of mistakes in the show, and a lot of people put it down to his past, his mind, and his carefree attitude, but this line makes it clear he doesn't want to be that person anymore. It's a glimpse into the lost soul of a character coping with some serious trauma.

1 "Why Would You Put Pineapple On Pizza"

Season 3 Klaus

In perhaps one of the most important moments of the last episode, viewers are thrown between the action and Klaus and Luther being stuck in what can only be described as the desert of death. Luther is struggling to come to terms with existence and begins pondering all the important questions no one has the answer to in life. Meanwhile, Klaus' main concern is the fact that there is pineapple on pizza.

It's perhaps the most telling example of Klaus' personality and shows he may have changed a bit but he will always be the Klaus fans know and love.

The Umbrella Academy season three is out now on Netflix.

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