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The Hargreeves are a group of talented individuals who were all born in the 12th hour of October 1st, 1989, possessing miraculous abilities. Sir Reginald Hargreeves made it his mission to track several of these children down and turn them into his personal superhero team of vigilantes called The Umbrella Academy, (and Sparrow Academy) forcing them to fight crime from a very young age.

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Sir Reginald is not exactly the warmest of people and chose to refer to his adoptive children by their assigned number instead of a name, which he also used to rank the kids according to their usefulness. All of the lies and manipulation tore this "family" apart, but thankfully the Umbrellas and Sparrows assemble just in time to (try and) save the world.

The following content refers to Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy

13 Diego: The Disputant

The Umbrella Academy Diego Hargreeves Season 3 Umbrella #2

Diego may rank second in terms of usefulness but as amazing as his knife skills may be, they are relatively limited in terms of their adaptability. Not only does Diego have an eerily accurate aim, but he is capable of manipulating the trajectory that his projectiles travel (similar to Wanted) making it terribly difficult to hide from the #2 Umbrella's assaults. Furthermore, Diego is a machine when it comes to hand-to-hand combat and seems relatively unconcerned by the damage he takes in the process, as long as he can protect those he loves.

12 Luther: The Spaceboy

The Umbrella Academy Luther Hargreeves Season 3 Umbrella #1

Luther leads his siblings at The Umbrella Academy with his exceptional brains and brawn... well, maybe just brawn, and a whole lot of heart! With the strength of a thousand men and the body of an augmented ape, there is no doubt that the #1 Umbrella can pack a serious punch, but he can take one pretty well too. Luther's body appears to be impervious to most damage, even resisting Harlan's lethal attack in Season 3 episode 3, when he shields Sloane with his own body, emerging unscathed.

11 Marcus: The Mighty

The Umbrella Academy Marcus Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #1

Marcus may not have received a lot of screen time in Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy, but he seems to be in a similar position to Luther, as the leader of the pack and the strongest sibling, physically speaking. Not much is known regarding Marcus' limitations, but when facing Luther one-on-one in battle, it becomes evident who has the upper hand. Marcus also has a good head on his shoulders, showing proficiency in strategy and leadership skills, the very glue keeping The Sparrows together.

10 Jayme: The Toxic

The Umbrella Academy Jayme Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #6

The #6 Sparrow possesses venomous glands that secrete an inklike hallucinating-inducing substance that only needs to make contact with one's skin to become effective. It is unclear how much control Jayme has over these illusions (which seem to stem from the victim's subconscious, however, she can witness the events if she pleases, which allows her to gain insights into her opponents' weaknesses. Jayme has also shown a brilliant resolve, unwilling to back down from ambitious challenges with a stubborn refusal to submit to her defeat.

9 Sloane: The Aerialist

The Umbrella Academy Sloane Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #5

Sloane seems to be the most kindhearted Sparrow around; in stark contrast to her seemingly sadistic siblings. With her powers of gravity manipulation, Sloane is capable of taking flight by controlling the gravity fields that surround her, and the same can be applied to anything or anyone around her. Despite her manic pixie dream girl vibes, the #5 Sparrow displays a high level of intellect with a scientific knowledge seemingly equivalent to that of the brilliant Five, as one of the few who understands the Kugelblitz's mechanics.

8 Fei: The Feathered

The Umbrella Academy Fei Hargreeves Season 3 Season 3 Sparrow #3

As arguably one of the most mysterious of the Hargreeves, Fei has a unique ability to control a supernatural murder of crows, which appear to reside within her body. Lacking eyes herself (for reasons unknown, but likely Sir Reginald's doing) the #3 Sparrow can connect to the minds of her winged companions, controlling their movements and seeing through their eyes. Fei's crows are relentless, with blade-like beaks potent enough to make even the mighty Luther cower in fear, and her hand-to-hand combat skills are nothing to be laughed at either.

7 Ben: The Horror

The Umbrella Academy Ben Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #2

Both Bens technically share the same powers, capable of summoning Eldritch Tentacles that emerge through a portal in their torsos. With powers surmountable to that of a Kraken, Ben is supplied with increased mobility and incredible strength.

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Ben seems able to advantageously manipulate each appendage individually, however, any damage done to these tentacles is reflected upon their master. The Umbrella's #6 Ben leaned to access his abilities even as a ghost (although requiring Klaus' assistance to do so) and eventually becomes strong enough to possess living bodies too.

6 Alphonso: The Mirror

The Umbrella Academy Alphonso Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #4

Alphonso might not be much of a looker, but luckily, this isn't an episode of The Bachelorette. The #4 Sparrow appears to feel no pain and has a keen interest in food, but fortunately, not much skill is needed to make his attacks effective. In a classic case of "you should've seen the other guy", fans can only imagine the amount of harm Alphonso has caused in his lifetime to earn himself a face like that. This Sparrow can reflect any damage inflicted upon him back onto the attacker, receiving minimal injuries to his body in the process.

5 Allison: The Rumor

The Umbrella Academy Allison Hargreeves Season 3 Umbrella #3

Allison may have been a formidable force before, but her powerup (compliments of Harlan) has elevated her mind-controlling capabilities to the next level. Her influences are all-encumbering, to the point where Allison can suppress any autonomy and literally will her victim's head to spontaneously explode. She no longer needs to verbalize the phrase "I heard a rumor" before her demands are met, and those few valuable seconds gained have changed the game significantly. However, once aware of Allison's powers, the #3 Umbrella is easily disabled, if they can defeat her in a fistfight first, that is.

4 Christopher: The Cube

The Umbrella Academy Christopher Hargreeves Season 3 Sparrow #7

After Klaus, Christopher is probably the strangest Hargreeves sibling, what with being a glowing Psykronium cube reminiscent of MCU's Tesseract. He seems to have little to no weaknesses (or soft tissue) but surprisingly only ranked #7 on Sir Reginald's list.

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Christopher appears to have been designed specifically for combat, with telekinetic powers capable of debilitating any assailant, and the ability to manipulate the temperature (while favoring colder climates) and freeze his opponents in place. Another, more intense immobilizing assault involves crippling his victims with paralyzing fear, rendering them incapacitated.

3 Five: The Boy

The Umbrella Academy Five Hargreeves Season 3

This young man may have an advanced intellect with the ability to teleport and time travel, but it seems that Number Five tends to be at the butt-end of more problems than solutions. The Boy certainly has an analytic mind superseding most, but his people skills are (understandably) rusty, making teamwork quite tedious. Regardless of his small stature, Five is a relatively skilled combatant who uses his teleportation in the most advantageous of ways. However, each jump requires energy, which is not in unlimited supply, often leaving him powerless in the worst possible situations.

2 Klaus: The Séance

The Umbrella Academy Klaus Hargreeves Season 3 Umbrella #4

Who really knows what Klaus is truly capable of, as it is clear that his power potential has not yet been fully explored. Maybe if Sir Reginald had cared for the children instead of raising them as experiments, Klaus could have developed better coping mechanisms and wouldn't resort to substance abuse, dampening his abilities in the process. Nevertheless, the #4 Umbrella has eventually tapped into his immortality and Spectrokinesis and can unleash an army of spirits to fight in his honor, or eliminate them from existence if he so chooses.

1 Viktor: The White Violin

The Umbrella Academy Viktor Hargreeves Season 3 Umbrella #7

The Umbrella Academy has only touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Viktor's powers, which have been suppressed and feared for most of his life. The White Violin's skill set is dependent on sound, potent enough to obliterate the planet on three separate occasions (technically). From matter manipulation, Atmokinesis, force-field generation, Telekinesis, and sound and energy manipulation, there seems to be no stopping # 7, particularly when his emotions run rampant. Viktor is the Jean Elaine Grey of Dark Horse Comics; unstable and omnipotent, what a perfect combination!

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