
  • Netflix's One Piece Live Action series has been released and has received positive feedback from fans, who are excited for the future of the show.
  • The series features minor changes to the plot, which have been approved by the original creator, Oda.
  • The first season introduces powerful villains for Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates to face, some of whom pose a significant challenge for the heroes.

Netflix's One Piece Live Action series has finally been released, and the full season dropped recently which gave everyone a proper glimpse of what the series had to offer.

RELATED: Netflix's One Piece Live Action: Every Devil Fruit In Season 1

Needless to say, the vast majority of the fans loved what was given to them and are very excited about the future of the live-action series. The live-action series appeared to be making some minor changes to the plot of the series, which have, by the looks of it, been approved by Oda himself. The first season of the show had many powerful villains for Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates to encounter. While some of them were easy to deal with, others left a bigger mark on the story and proved to be quite a challenge for the heroes.

Updated on September 8, 2023, by Rei Penber: Netflix's One Piece Live Action series has finally dropped and it has been met with a standing ovation by all the fans. The series has been a massive success and will most definitely continue the story of Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. While Luffy and his crew were central to the plot being as exciting as it was in the live-action, much of it was also down to the incredible villains that featured in One Piece Live Action Season 1. While this list already mentions the vast majority of the villains that appeared in the series, there were some surprise inclusions that fans enjoyed watching in the East Blue Saga. With that, this list has now been updated.

11 Mr. 7

OPLA Zoro Vs. Mr. 7

Mr. 7 is the first Baroque Works member that fans got to see in the One Piece Live Action series. He made his appearance in episode 1 on Sixis Island, where he took on Zoro in combat. Fans know that this is a canon event from the original story as well, however, it isn't covered and, instead, only mentioned in an SBS and alluded to during Whiskey Peak.

In the One Piece Live Action series, fans get to see Zoro fight Mr. 7 and the two engage in quite an exciting combat. Eventually, Zoro ends up killing Mr. 7 by slicing him in half and taking him to Shells Town to claim the bounty on his head. While Mr. 7 doesn't play the role of a villain for long, he is certainly an exciting inclusion to the live-action cast of villains in the story.

10 Alvida

alvida one piece live action

Alvida is the captain of the Alvida Pirates and is most likely going to be the very first major villain that stands in Luffy's way. Fans of both the anime and the manga know that Alvida ends up being defeated by Luffy very easily and he ends up saving Koby in this arc.

Together, Koby and Luffy end up going to Shells Town, where Luffy meets Zoro. Alvida later returns in the Logue Town arc of One Piece, however, whether that will be the case in Netflix's One Piece Live Action series remains to be seen.

9 Ax Hand Morgan

ax hand morgan one piece live action

Ax Hand Morgan is going to be the main antagonist of the Shells Town Arc in Netflix's One Piece Live Action series. This is the arc where Luffy recruits Zoro and, in the live-action series, this is also where Nami joins up with the crew, for some reason.

RELATED: Netflix's One Piece Live Action: Every Major Change In The Syrup Village Arc

Morgan is going to engage in combat against both Zoro and Luffy, as shown in the trailer of the series. While Morgan is certainly not a major villain, it will still be incredibly fun to see Luffy and Zoro test out their powers against this Marine villain.

8 Sham And Butchie

Zoro Vs Nyaban Fighters sham one piece live action

Sham and Butchie are introduced to the fans in the Syrup Village arc of the One Piece Live Action series. Although they pose as workers in Kaya's mansion, eventually, they are revealed to be members of the Black Cat Pirates. These two powerful fighters end up taking on Zoro in combat at the same time.

Zoro certainly struggles against them to quite a degree at first, however, once he gets serious, he manages to dispose of them quickly. Both Sham and Butchie make a great team and their cat-like agility, combined with their ability to deliver powerful blows at an incredible speed is what makes them truly special. Their role in the Syrup Village Arc is also very interesting for the fans to see.

7 Choo

Choo vs usopp one piece live action

Choo is another Fishman who plays a big role as a villain during the Arlong Park arc. When Arlong invaded Cocoyashi Village, he accompanied him and helped him destroy the place. He continued to play the role of a villain and kept people under control using fear.

Eventually, he crossed paths with Usopp and engaged him in combat. Although he was much stronger than Usopp, the trickery of the latter got the better of him and he was eventually defeated. Nonetheless, he was a very exciting and also funny villain for the fans to witness and, above all, he gave Usopp an opportunity to showcase his skills as well.

6 Kuroobi

sanji and zoro vs kuroobi one piece live action

Kuroobi is one of the strongest members of the Arlong Pirates. In One Piece Live Action, he is the second strongest after Arlong himself. Kuroobi fights against the team of Zoro and Sanji at the same time in the Arlong Park arc. Due to his immense toughness, he poses quite a challenge for both of these fighters. Zoro, who, at this point, is still injured from his fight against Mihawk, ends up giving out and it is Sanji who does the job of taking out Kuroobi using one of his powerful moves, called Mutton Shot, from his Black Leg Style arsenal.

While there isn't much depth to Kuroobi, he is certainly an exciting villain for the fans. Furthermore, he gives Sanji an opportunity to showcase his skills and that is certainly exciting for all the fans to see.

5 Buggy

buggy one piece live action

Buggy is going to be a major villain in Netflix's One Piece live-action series and he's also going to be a very important character moving forward. Buggy appears in the Orange Town arc of One Piece.

In the teaser trailer, fans got their very first glimpse of Buggy and in the recent trailer that dropped on One Piece Day, Buggy's Bari Bari no Mi abilities were seen in full display. Buggy is going to give quite a difficult fight to Luffy and that is something that all fans are waiting for.

4 Captain Kuro

kuro one piece live action

Captain Kuro is an incredibly intimidating villain who steps in Luffy's way during the Syrup Village arc. With an incredibly high bounty of 16 million berries on his head, Kuro is going to prove to be very difficult for Luffy to defeat. His Black Cat Pirates will also give all sorts of problems to the Straw Hat Pirates.

More importantly, Kuro himself is going to be the biggest of obstacles for the crew. With his Nuki Ashi ability and his razor-sharp sword claws, Kuro was always going to be a menace and it will be interesting to see how Luffy deals with him in the live-action adaptation of One Piece.

3 Mihawk

mihawk vs zoro one piece live action

Dracule Mihawk is introduced to the fans right in the middle of the series when the Straw Hat Pirates visit Baratie. Fans see Garp contact him and ask him to dispose of Straw Hat Luffy and bring him to justice. At the time, Mihawk is seen disposing of Don Krieg.

RELATED: Netflix's One Piece Live Action: Ways The East Blue Saga Will Be Different From The Manga

Afterwards, he sails to the East Blue, where he meets Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. While Mihawk initially comes to get Luffy, it is Zoro who he ends up fighting. The fight turns out to be an enjoyable one for him and he's impressed by both Luffy as well as the Three Sword Style swordsman that he defeated. Mihawk ends up challenging Zoro to rise to the top and meet him in the future.

2 Arlong

arlong one piece live action (1)

Arlong is a Fish Man who terrorized Cocoyashi Village in the Arlong Park Arc of One Piece. After the Straw Hat Crew is done with Baratie, they set their eyes on Arlong Park next and this is where the vast majority of the action between Arlong's Fishmen and the Straw Hat Pirates goes down.

Luffy ends up taking on Arlong in combat himself, while the rest of his crew is dealt with by Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp. Arlong proves to be difficult for Luffy to defeat, however, with his friend's life on the line, he certainly pulls through. Fans hope that Netflix's live-action adaptation of this arc is going to be just as good as the anime and manga versions of it.

1 Garp


Garp made his debut at the very beginning of the One Piece Live Action series. At the time, no fan would have predicted that he would play the role of a major villain in the first season. At the end of the first episode, Garp sets his sights on Luffy and decides to chase him down and, at the same time, bring him to justice. God spends the vast majority of the first season chasing him and enjoys two major battles with him.

The first battle is fought on the ocean which Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates end up winning during the events of the Syrup Village arc. Eventually, Garp gets his hands on Luffy in Cocoyashi Village. The two end up fighting against one another and Garp absolutely overwhelms him. However, eventually, he makes peace with the fact that Luffy is going to be a pirate and might even reach the same level as Roger. The family reconciles and Garp gives up his pursuit of his grandson.MORE: Netflix's One Piece Live Action: Ways The Straw Hats Will Be Different From The Manga