Take an Isekai hero, give him a seemingly unnatural advantage, and surround him with a harem of beauties. The result? Certainly not a typical outcome, if Netflix's Alice in Borderland has anything to do with it. While powerhouses like Arisu, Aguni, and Chishiya dominate in their own heroic ways, their success would have been short-lived if their female companions hadn't intervened at some point.

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While this power dynamic may come across as exploitative of the manic pixie dream girl trope at first, the ladies in question are not simply plot devices added in for the boys' benefit. Their independent storylines hold enough weight to carry a spin-off series of their own, arguably outshining their male co-stars on more than one occasion.

8 Shiga: The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Kotoko Shiga and Ōki Yaba Jack of Hearts Game

Initially, Kotoko Shiga is essentially the walking definition of a manic pixie dream girl, acting like a loyal puppy refusing to leave her owner's side. She comes across as quite weak-willed, gullible, and co-dependent, placing her life in the hands of Ōki Yaba, who may very well be a total stranger. It is no secret that this pair has done the dirty deed, but the extent of their relationship is never divulged. They potentially met just before the Jack of Hearts' bloodbath began.

Chishiya plants the seed of doubt in Shiga's mind and, although she doesn't take up the offer to team up with him, she does begin to question her paramour's motives. With barely a tell-tale hint, Shiga defies Ōki and tries to kill him with misinformation, subsequently eliminating her "safety" net. Too bad it all backfired in the end!

7 Shibuki: The Sultry Snake

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Saori Shibuki and Chōta

Saori Shibuki has no issue with throwing others under the bus to improve her chance of survival and does little to make her male teammates seem more heroic or admirable. In fact, quite the opposite. Although Shibuki cannot claim to have the moral high ground, the boys are reluctant to help this supposed damsel-in-distress, with Karube in particular dishing out the worst treatment.

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The Borderland is a dog-eat-dog world (not all that different from Shibuki's reality, then) and this manipulative siren is not about to sacrifice her life for the sake of pleasantries. She solidifies her position on Arisu's team by targeting the weakest of the three and uses Chōta for all he is worth. Unashamedly strong-willed and cutthroat with a last-minute redemption plot twist, which is accomplished less begrudgingly in the manga.

6 Akamaki: The Conniving Cutie Pie

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Urumi Akamaki Jack of Hearts

The devious Urumi Akamaki provides the most clear-cut reference to Alice in Wonderland, although she couldn't be more different than the iconic fabled girl. Unsuspecting participants might group her in with the manic pixie dream girls at first due to her strong kawaii factor and charming persona. However, it is simply all part of her plan, which seems to prioritize bloodshed over survival.

Akamaki does not rely on a dashing young man (or anyone, for that matter) to dominate the competition and manages to amass a group of willing followers within minutes. She quickly becomes one of the biggest threats in the Jack of Hearts Game and essentially runs the show, until her overconfidence gets the better of her, that is.

5 Lisa: Conquering The Competiton

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Lisa Queen of Spades

This adaptation-only character is clearly a Yandere who quickly becomes infatuated with Arisu, subsequently raising his desirability factor as a result. If a high-ranking citizen sees such great potential in the brooding male hero, he is surely an admirable individual worthy of the Queen of Spades' attention.

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Even though Lisa's affections for Arisu essentially get in the way of the game, no one can deny that she is the toughest foe they have met so far (save for the King of Spades on God Mode), whose fighting skills are almost unparalleled. Whatever compassionate, motherly instincts she may have were thrown out the window long ago, as she is more than willing to murder an innocent child to get ahead. She becomes the ultimate Dream Girl for many players, offering them safety in her zone in exchange for their loyalty, and even dies on her own terms after all is said and done.

4 Kuina: The Karate Queen

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Hikari Kuina and Last Boss

Based on first impressions, Hikari Kuina could have easily been Chishiya's manic pixie dream girl. However, it becomes quite clear that this strong independent woman is in a league of her own. Her incredible martial arts talents are so on point that Kuina takes the formidable Last Boss down without the added advantage of weaponry. Her fists and feet are deadly enough on their own, regardless of whatever excruciating pain she may be in at the time.

This stand-out character values friendship and family above all else, often risking her life to heroically fend for another. Her beach bimbo attire has no correlation to her mental capacity, as she fearlessly tackles each game with even more ingenuity than the last. Moreover, Kuina's transgender backstory does not overshadow her entire existence and aims to be thought-provoking as opposed to sensational LGBTQ+ clickbait.

3 Ann: The Adroit Ace

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Rizuna Ann

Introduced as a vague side-character, many viewers assumed that Rizuna Ann fulfills the mad scientist trope, well suited to the Hatter. However, it becomes evident that this is a girl on her own mission! Determined to discover the truth of the Borderland, the forensic scientist prioritizes her pursuit of facts and even willingly goes on a solo death-defying adventure to the outskirts of their strange world to find answers.

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With all hands on deck against the King of Spades, Ann proves to be the best shot of the bunch. Her aim rings true as the tyrant collects bullet wounds (which may very well be the first time any player has managed such a feat!) Thanks to Ann, the King of Spades is forced to remove his bulletproof vest, decreasing his invisibility factor in the process.

2 Heiya: The Hardcore Heroine

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Akane Heiya, Aguni and the King of Spades

This femme fatale comes into the picture relatively late in the game but leaves a strong impression nevertheless. Akane Heiya seemingly survives on her own for quite some time before meeting Aguni, who she becomes downright besotted with. The almighty Aguni doesn't need anyone to stroke his ego, but he does have Heiya to thank for his escape from the Borderland (everyone actually does), as she saves his life on more than one occasion.

The partnership between Aguni and Heiya is mutually beneficial, even if the affection is rather one-sided. However, despite her blatant admiration, every decision Heiya makes in the Borderland succeeds in increasing her own value, both as a skilled fighter and archer, as well as undergoing some of the greatest personal development of the series.

1 Usagi: The White Rabbit

Alice in Borderland Subverts Manic Pixie Dream Girl Usagi Yuzuha and Arisu

As with several others on this list, Usagi Yuzuha has all the makings of a manic pixie dream girl: she is a quirky, beautiful, skilled survivor who literally stumbles across the brooding, half-dead Arisu and changes his life for the better with the Power of Love. However, stereotypical tropes aside, Usagi's character is extensively fleshed out in as much detail (if not more than) the main protagonist's, while doing her best to avoid the boundary into the damsel-in-distress territory.

Usagi arguably saves Arisu's life as often as he rescues her, as she often takes the initiative with strategizing, or at least leads the trustful Arisu towards the side of caution. She is an all-round powerhouse who has played a crucial role in clearing numerous games and essentially single-handedly eliminates the Queen of Spades from the running. Even Niragi, who seems incapable of complimenting anyone, labels Usagi as The heroine, and likely only targets her not because he believes she is weak but rather due to her lack of complacency (which he seems to get a kick out of).

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