In Neon White, players take control of White, a neon who is attempting to earn a place in heaven by slaying demons. As fans work toward this goal, they will encounter many levels, and some players may wonder how long it will take them to get through all of them. This guide is here shine some light on that matter, and fans can find details on Neon White's length, as well as a list of levels, in what follows.

How Long to Beat Neon White

While Neon White's intense focus on time trials makes assigning a specific length to it somewhat complex, players can expect a first playthrough to last around 10 hours. For clarity, this would be a playthrough in which fans of speedrunning are primarily focused on hitting just the times that are required for progression, and perhaps they collect some gifts and complete a handful of side missions as well. That said, players need not stop at that point, as it is possible to prolong the experience considerably.

RELATED: Annapurna Interactive Game Neon White Lets Players Slay Demons in Heaven

Indeed, indie video game fans that dive deep into the game's optional content, the aforementioned gifts and side missions, and go for gold medals on every level may spend 20 hours or more with Neon White before everything is said and done. Players can take this even further by working to turn those gold medals into Ace medals, something that requires very solid execution. These options mean that fans have quite a bit of control over the length of the experience, and they can decide to what level they want to perfect their runs.

Neon White: How Many Levels

Neon White is composed of 97 levels that are grouped into 12 chapters. In almost all cases, there are 10 levels per chapter, and most of them will be completed in a few minutes or less the first time through. Players will bring these times down considerably as they work to gain insight and access new parts of the story in this game published by Annapurna Interactive.

neon white hltb

For those FPS fans that would like to know more about Neon White's levels, a complete list, divided by chapter, can be found below. It is important to mention that the titles of the levels may act as spoilers, though, and players that are trying to avoid any such details are advised to stop reading now.


  1. Movement
  2. Pummel
  3. Gunner
  4. Cascade
  5. Elevate
  6. Bounce
  7. Purify
  8. Climb
  9. Fasttrack
  10. Glass Port

Killer Inside

  1. Take Flight
  2. Godspeed
  3. Dasher
  4. Thrasher
  5. Outstretched
  6. Smackdown
  7. Catwalk
  8. Fastlane
  9. Distinguish
  10. Dancer

Only Shallow

  1. Guardian
  2. Stomp
  3. Jumper
  4. Dash Tower
  5. Descent
  6. Driller
  7. Canals
  8. Sprint
  9. Mountain
  10. Superkinetic

The Old City

  1. Arrival
  2. Forgotten City
  3. The Clocktower

The Burn That Cures

  1. Fireball
  2. Ringer
  3. Cleaner
  4. Warehouse
  5. Boom
  6. Streets
  7. Steps
  8. Demolition
  9. Arcs
  10. Apartment


  1. Hanging Gardens
  2. Tangled
  3. Waterworks
  4. Killswitch
  5. Falling
  6. Shocker
  7. Bouquet
  8. Prepare
  9. Triptrack
  10. Race


  1. Bubble
  2. Shield
  3. Overlook
  4. Pop
  5. Minefield
  6. Mimic
  7. Trigger
  8. Greenhouse
  9. Sweep
  10. Fuse


  1. Heaven's Edge
  2. Zipline
  3. Swing
  4. Chute
  5. Crash
  6. Ascent
  7. Straightaway
  8. Firecracker
  9. Streak
  10. Mirror


  1. Escalation
  2. Bolt
  3. Godstreak
  4. Plunge
  5. Mayhem
  6. Barrage
  7. Estate
  8. Tripwire
  9. Ricochet
  10. Fortress

The Third Temple

  1. Holy Ground
  2. The Third Temple

Thousand Pound Butterfly

  1. Spree
  2. Breakthrough
  3. Glide
  4. Closer
  5. Hike
  6. Switch
  7. Access
  8. Congregation
  9. Sequence
  10. Marathon

Hand of God

  1. Sacrifice
  2. Absolution

Neon White is available on PC and Switch.

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