Neo: The World Ends With You came out in July 2021, which many fans have waited a decade for. The sequel to The World Ends With You follows new protagonists, Rindo, Fret, Minamimoto (who was an antagonist in the original game), and Nagi as they compete against other teams in an improved version of the Reapers' Game.

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Though this installment in the series is a lot of fun to play, it is easy to make some simple mistakes. In order for players to get better at the game and have a better experience, they should try to avoid them, with these ten being the biggest.

10 Skipping Fights Against The Noise

Fighting enemies in Neo: The World Ends With You

Like many other RPGs, most players will want to fight enemies whenever they encounter them so they won't have to grind for hours later on. Whenever entering a new area in Shibuya, players should check out what enemies they can fight and attack them. It would also be best to start a chain battle since that's the quickest way to defeat the Noise, as long as they aren't too powerful.

Without even really giving it much thought, players will level up and gain more HP by doing this, saving them a lot of time during more difficult moments in Neo: The World Ends With You.

9 Not Having A Strategy When Fighting Noise


The combat system of Neo: The World Ends With You is very simple. Players obtain pins throughout the game and by assigning one of them to a character, they will be able to use that pin's ability. Players can cause a lot of damage with the right pins, but that doesn't mean they should just tap buttons without giving it a lot of thought.

They should strategize on how to defeat the Noise, especially when it's a strong one that may defeat players easily. By learning what each enemy does and figuring out how to defeat them, players will have a much easier time progressing through the game.

8 Ignoring The Social Network

The social network menu from Neo: The World Ends With You

The Social Network is a great way for players to get rewards. As they get further into the main story, as well as play some side quests, they can earn Friendship Points.

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These Friendship Points can be used to claim things from the Social Network that can help players in a lot of ways, with the biggest one from the beginning being to unlock other difficulty modes, Easy and Hard. If players don't like how the game challenges them when they first start playing, these modes can give them the experience that they prefer.

7 Not Decreasing The Level

Neo TWEWY difficulty and level

When selecting a difficulty, players will see that they can decrease their level, along with their HP, in order to increase their drop rate. This makes it so players can earn more pins from winning battles against enemies, especially in chain battles.

In fact, it's best to not have the level be the highest it can be, with the exception of battles that are incredibly hard, since whenever they increase the level to the highest it can be again, it will feel like this mechanic has a greater impact.

6 Getting Lost In Shibuya

top down view of render of shibuya

Shibuya, the setting of Neo: The World Ends With You, as well as the first game in the series, is a real ward located in Tokyo. Throughout their playthroughs, gamers will explore Shibuya, and because of how many places there are in it, they may get lost every once in a while.

Though the game does have a map to let players know where to go, it's not that great, and it would be easier if fans tried to remember where things were.

5 Ignoring Shops

Neo TWEWY food

All around Shibuya, there are many shops in which players will be able to buy pins, threads, food, and more. Threads are pieces of clothing and accessories that players can equip to the main characters, increasing their stats, such as HP, attack, and defense. Food also increases stats permanently.

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After becoming too full to eat anymore, Rindo, Fret, Nagi, and Minamimoto will have to fight enemies until they become hungry again. Since a player's level only impacts how much HP they have, players should constantly eat food and see which threads will increase their stats the most.

4 Not Swapping Pins

Neo TWEWY Rindo holding a pin

Throughout Neo: The World Ends With You, players will obtain many pins, and while it can be easier to just keep using the ones that are given to them from the beginning of the game, it's better to try new pins out so they can see what they do and how they can be better than the pins they are used to.

If they don't like their new abilities as much as the ones they had been using, they can always swap back, but it's better to try each pin out than to miss out on some of the best powers that Rindo and his friends can fight with.

3 Wasting Groove Ability

Neo TWEWY gameplay groove 100%

As players attack the Noise, the percentage of their Groove ability, the strongest powers they have during combat, increases. Some players may want to use their Groove ability as soon as they get it, but it's better to wait for the right moment.

A great time to use Groove is at the beginning of a round in a chain battle since enemies will have all of their HP at that time. Otherwise, aim to activate it when a lot of targets are near each other so they'll all be attacked at once.

2 Skipping Out On The Side Quests

Fighting enemies in Neo: The World Ends With You

There are some fun side quests throughout the game that will reward players with money, Friendship Points, and more. Players should definitely check these out. Not only will they get into more battles, which is a great way to get more EXP that doesn't feel as repetitive as grinding, it will also result in them spending more time playing Neo: The World Ends With You.

Some people may not realize how many optional things there are to do in this game.

1 Not Paying Attention To The Smaller Details

TWEWY Reaper

One of the most annoying things about The World Ends With You is the quizzes that players will have to answer the questions to in order to get further into the story. Unfortunately, the sequel shares this flaw, and many of the questions from the quizzes aren't things that players will answer if they don't pay attention to smaller details, such as trivia about Shibuya.

Though players can get past these parts of the game by guessing what the answers are or looking them up, it would probably be faster to just pay attention to the things around them, even if they don't seem to be that important. Learning from these mistakes will certainly help players master Neo: The World Ends With You.

NEXT: Beginner Tips For Neo: The World Ends With You Everyone Needs To Know