Pins return in Neo: The World Ends With You as the de facto way to attack enemies in battle. They operate a little differently from the original game though. Instead of touch commands, each pin is assigned a button, like X or Y on the Switch version, that then corresponds to a player character.

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Pin abilities come in all varieties from ranged to melee types to supportive types like healing heroes or protecting them with an invisible barrier. Pins are how players will also make money in this game. In order to make quick cash and to find rarer, or unique pins in the game, these are a few tips to get newbies started in Neo: The World Ends With You.

6 Test Out Every Difficulty

The level adjust menu from Neo: The World Ends With You

Neo: The World Ends With You starts out with one difficulty: Normal. Eventually, players can unlock new ones via the Social Network system. Sho’s unlockable difficultly is Hard whereas Fret can unlock Easy. The final difficulty, Ultimate, cannot be retrieved until the end of the game which makes sense.

Besides making monsters harder, difficulty settings also change what sorts of pins drop. An Easy version of the first form of wolf-like monsters may be different in terms of drops compared to the Normal version of them as just one example. Make sure to test out every monster on every difficulty in order to gather data. Doing it at least twice will net even better results.

5 Check Pin Drops

Fighting enemies in Neo: The World Ends With You

Players don’t have to keep track of what monsters drop on their own. All of that data can be a menu in the player menu. There is a bestiary that describes what pins drop for what difficulty setting along with what their weaknesses are. That’s why it is recommended to fight monsters multiple times and on multiple difficulties.

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Knowing what pins monsters drop is half the battle. The other half is knowing what these pins are worth. Go into a shop, check the selling price, and make notes. The best way to make money is to farm the most expensive pins. That is simple mathematics 101.

4 The Best Place To Level Up

Exploring the world in Neo: The World Ends With You

The very best place to level up cannot be discovered until the end of the first week. That is the Udagawa Back Streets. It’s great because the battle arena is long and confined which means monsters can’t go too far. The fewer room monsters have to work with, the less time it will take players to travel those distances. These confined spaces also make it easy for area attacking pins to do the most amount of damage.

It is very easy to farm pins here because of these facts. Some weeks in Neo: The World Ends With You make it more difficult though because of certain monsters. The rhino-like monster is a pain to take down quickly because of its armor. If they are around, don’t train here. One more note to mention is that the food shop here is great for leveling up stats, especially Style.

3 Gather Noise, Lower Levels, But Don’t Push Yourself

Chaining Noise and a food shop in Neo: The World Ends With You

If one doesn’t want to be confined to the Udagawa Back Streets, then there are other ways to farm pins quickly. That would be through lowering levels and gathering Noise. Lowering levels only decreases HP so it’s not a complete setback. At first, players can only gather five Noise at a time, but Social Network links will eventually open up to increase the limit.

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The important thing to take away is to be aware of the monsters being fought. Don’t bite off more than one can chew. Fighting a bunch of the T-Rex monsters is setting oneself up for disaster. If players die they have to repeat every battle again, no matter where they left off, which can create a huge loss of time. That is the Kryptonite of any gamer: lost time.

2 PP Boost

An item shop from Neo: The World Ends With You

If one isn’t concerned with farming pins as much as leveling them up, there are ways to increase PP earned. PP is the experience of pins. There are two somewhat early accessories in Neo: The World Ends With You that have the ability called PP Boost, which naturally increases PP gained. Chaining Noise together can also help multiply PP gathered.

The first item is the Flaming Blossom which is an umbrella that can be bought at RyuGu locations. The other accessory is the Chain Necklace which can be acquired at Hog Fang stores. Equipping both of these, on separate characters, will boost the effects further.

1 Leveling Up Pins Vs Using Max Pins

The pin menu from Neo: The World Ends With You

The reason why players may want to consider leveling up pins, besides making them more effective and stronger, is that they sell better. A mastered pin is worth much more than a normal pin without any experience gained. Finding a good set of pins, farming them, and then leveling them up is a good strategy to earn quick cash.

However, if players use nothing but weak low-level pins on repeat, then that will slow down the process. Finding strong pins and mastering them will make battles go by faster. It’s a real toss-up of strategies. Every player is different so there is no right or wrong answer. Hopefully, everything listed here will at least help guide players to find new ways to farm pins.

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