Yesterday, Sony dropped a major bomb after remaining relatively silent about its next-generation plans, suddenly revealing the PlayStation 5's DualSense controller. While the internet has had something of a split opinion on the controller, it appears that one feature, in particular, may create some interesting opportunities for developers to create something special.

Specifically, integrating audio with haptic feedback will lead to some "very cool opportunities" for developers, according to Naughty Dog Audio Lead Robert Krekel, who stated he got to play around with a prototype some time ago. Controllers are a central aspect of a console, so Sony innovating on the design of the DualShock, essentially scrapping it for what seems to be a radical new design is interesting, even if the DualSense has features nobody asked for.

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The real question is what developers will cook up with the technology. For those unfamiliar, haptic feedback makes actions feel realistic in a player's hands, which does come with some benefits. Obviously, that being tied to audio should make games feel more immersive overall. As Sony pointed out, the DualSense's triggers will be able to make actions like drawing a bow feel more real, so the extra layer of hearing the bow– which should sound more realistic on next-gen hardware– should be rather compelling.

The DualSense has already become a meme, with some pointing out that the color scheme looks a bit more sci-fi than most had been expecting. Still, the tech going into it is undeniably cool, and if it manages to deliver on its promises, it will likely mean a better gaming experience than anything players have seen, or felt, before.

Comparisons between the Xbox Series X controller and the DualSense are unavoidable, but only time will tell which one takes the crown when next-gen consoles drop. Having the support of studios like Naughty Dog behind the DualSense is exciting, to say the least, but Xbox should also have some major reveals leading up to next-gen, so its anyone's race right now.

Sony still hasn't shown off the PS5's box, but the full specs have been revealed. The coronavirus has the world turned upside down right now, and next-gen consoles seem incredibly distant, but it is an exciting time to be a gamer.

MORE: PS5 DualSense Controller Does Include Headphone Jack