With each new release, developer Naughty Dog has affirmed its place among the gaming industry's elite. Each of its franchises since Sony acquired the California-based studio in 2001 has been a hit, selling huge numbers and garnering strong critical acclaim. The company is currently working on a multiplayer component of The Last of Us Part 2 titles 'Factions,' and fans are excited to see what the mode will entail. Though this is an anticipated release, the next single-player experience from the developer is what most will be eagerly awaiting.

Naughty Dog's previous Sony-exclusive games span back to 1996's Crash Bandicoot, and with a much-loved remake arriving in summer 2017, it proved the studio's 20th Century game design can still provide hours of fun. Its most recent release, The Last of Us 2, was a polarizing experience; many hailing it as a technical masterpiece and others criticizing its narrative choices. In any case, its strong sales indicate that Naughty Dog will have the freedom to explore new (or return to old) ventures, which is a cause for much speculation.

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Uncharted 5

A YouTuber highlights the graphical difference of Uncharted from PS4 to PS5.

Uncharted is perhaps the studio's most coveted franchise, and at the close of 2016's fourth mainline entry it became clear that Nathan Drake's story was over. From Drake's Fortune in 2007 to A Thief's End in 2016, Uncharted has been the gold standard for linear action-adventure, and its impact on the PS3 was huge. With such lofty praise comes the inevitable pressure for more. On one hand, fans would surely be excited about another installment, but on the other it's hard to imagine the series hitting the same highs without Nathan Drake. This is especially true knowing that The Lost Legacy, while good, was the most poorly received of all the Uncharted games.

A fifth has been rumored for a while, and a new Uncharted would have many potential protagonists. It's not a stretch to believe that Naughty Dog could be working on the next chapter of its treasure-hunting franchise given the fans that it has amassed over the past 15 years. It has a legacy of excellence, and with a whole history it has yet to explore, Uncharted has many avenues left. Naughty Dog would do well to return to its most beloved series, and given previous games, it would likely do a good job.

The Last of Us Part 3


The Last of Us is one of the most revered games of all time. Its handling of the relationship between Joel and Ellie is one that has stayed with players long after the credits rolled, and returning to that world was always going to be a mighty task. The Last of Us 2's story and symbolism are lovingly crafted, but the tale has inconsistencies that are noticeable over time. It's far more ambitious than the first in both writing and game design, so when it released in 2020 there was a range of opinions from players.

If nothing else, The Last of Us 2 showed the full scope of the cordyceps fungus and the destruction, mistrust, and unease it provoked. Naughty Dog's take on Seattle is incredible, and the game's conclusion leaves enough room for more without feeling too open-ended. The setting that The Last of Us presented is one that is littered with compelling angles, and The Last of Us 2 feels like just a piece of the much bigger puzzle. A third game in the series is surely in the cards, although it will have a bigger barrier to entry.

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Something New From Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog Confirms PS5 Compatibility

There's every chance Naughty Dog's next big-budget title will be something new. Alongside Santa Monica Studio and Guerrilla Games, Naughty Dog is at the top of the Sony iceberg, and other companies look to it for inspiration. During the PS4 generation, Sony's first-party studios released many new projects, like Spider-Man, that are receiving sequels on PS5. However, Naughty Dog has the unique opportunity to use the power of the PlayStation 5 to forge a new franchise, which could be a relief for those who didn't find enjoyment in the likes of Ghost of Tsushima, Dreams, or Horizon Zero Dawn.

The news that Amy Hennig, creator of the Uncharted series, is working on a Star Wars game has many theorizing that Naughty Dog will also create its take on an already established property. Insomniac's focus on both Spider-Man and Wolverine is further indication that Sony's developers are exploring pre-existing stories and characters. Naughty Dog's strengths lie in its approach to character development and writing, so if there was ever a company capable of adapting a beloved property while simultaneously making the project its own, it would be Naughty Dog.

With The Last of Us 2's huge commercial success, it's likely Naughty Dog will have the freedom to explore a number of different options. The studio's success has been based on the litany of superb games it has released since finding a home under the Sony banner. While opinions about each game have been loud and passionate, the quality is present for all to see. The future is surely bright for Naughty Dog, and though it would do well to explore stories in its existing franchises, something new would likely be as welcomed too.

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