Fans have been begging for a Firefly reboot ever since the show's abrupt cancellation in 2003. Nathan Fillion, who starred as Captain Malcolm Reynolds, has vocalized his support for the show's return, but the one hangup would be the potential involvement of the show's controversial creator, Joss Whedon.

Fillion was recently asked both about a potential reboot of Firefly while also asked about his feelings regarding working with Whedon following the hot water Whedon got himself into back in 2020. Although Fillion understands what Whedon's bad rep entails, Fillion spoke fondly of his time with Whedon and made it known that he would be willing to work with him again.

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In a recent interview with the show Inside of You, Fillion first added that he would absolutely be down for a Firefly reboot knowing the impact it's had on his career. "Why wouldn't I do that? It was one of the best things that ever happened to me," Fillion said. When asked about the possibility of not having Whedon involved in a potential reboot, Fillion called it "heartbreak." When asked about his time with Whedon and his impression of him, Fillion was blunt. "That was not my experience with that man... (He was) funny, self-deprecating, incredibly talented, maybe a little haunted? By his own admission, that guy's a work in progress and I appreciate that. I would work with Joss again in a second."

Fillion has collaborated with Whedon on multiple projects besides Firefly such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Much Ado About Nothing, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It shouldn't surprise anyone that those two developed a rapport in the time they've worked together. Usually, when a filmmaker and an actor work together on multiple projects, it indicates that those two like working together and trust the other to do their part in the project itself. Whedon may allegedly have a history of abusing his actors, which has no place in show business, but Fillion appears to not be one of them.

Now obviously, if Whedon did in fact abuse the actors that alleged he did, then he should never be permitted to work with them again. However, it appears as of now that no one from the Firefly crew took issue with Whedon while they worked on the show together. As long as everyone involved in a hypothetical reboot is okay with Whedon working with them again, and as long his behavior issues never resurface, there is a case for him to be involved in a Firefly reboot. That of course all depends on if such a reboot gets greenlit.

It sounds as though Whedon can be extremely difficult to work with, but there's no denying his impact on how good Firefly turned out to be. The character dynamics, plot development, and memorable quips that everyone saw in The Avengers was on full display first in Firefly and its cinematic follow-up Serenity. If fans want the show back and want every last iota of its original atmosphere, Whedon would have to be onboard. Now whether that would be as the showrunner or as a consultant is anyone's call, but if Firefly were to come back, they would need Whedon.

Firefly can currently be streamed on Hulu.

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Source: Inside of You Clips/YouTube