Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections gives fans access to one of the largest rosters in a fighting game of all time. With over 130 characters for players to try out and learn, gamers have their hands tied creating tier lists and team combinations.

RELATED: Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections: How To Get 20th Anniversary Costumes

But, there are several characters, including newer fighters, that are considered to be the greatest ninjas in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, as they combo well, dish out exceptional damage, and pair well with synergistic partners. Naruto (Baryon Mode) is one such character and has gone on to rival a few others within the S-tier of tier lists.

Naruto's (Baryon Mode) Moves and Ninjutsu

Baryon Mode Naruto using Rasengan

Naruto's (Baryon Mode) moveset appears the same as any other fighter on the Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm roster, save for the specific names of his moves. But, it's how those moves and Jutsu perform in battle that set them aside from the rest of the fighters. Naruto's (Baryon Mode) basic combos have unique properties that set them apart.

For example, Naruto's basic combo string teleports him behind his opponent on the third attack. Naruto's blazing speed in his Baryon Mode also allows him to move a lot faster than some of the slower characters in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections; because of that, Naruto (Baryon Mode) sets up strings, NInjutsu, and ultimate attacks with ease. Here are all of Naruto's (Baryon Mode) moves in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections:

Basic Combos




Nintendo Switch

Giant Rasengan

Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle

B, B, B, B, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack

A, A, A, A, A, A

Tailed Beast Bomb

Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Up, Circle, Circle

B, B, B, B, Up, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Up, Attack, Attack

A, A, A, A, Up, A, A

Kurama's Crashing Claws

Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Down, Circle, Circle

B, B, B, B, Down, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Down, Attack, Attack

A, A, A, A, Down, A, A

Dual Arm Attack (Midair)

Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle

B, B, B, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack

A, A, A, A, A

Grab Attack




Nintendo Switch

Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken

R2 + Circle

R2 + B

Guard + Attack

ZR + A





Nintendo Switch

Massive Rasengan (Can Be Activated in Midair)

Triangle, Circle

Y, B

Chakra, Attack

X, A

Tailed Beast Cannon

Triangle, Square

Y, X

Chakra, Shuriken

X, Y

Secret Technique (Ultimate)




Nintendo Switch

Baryon Rasengan: Heavenly Drill

Triangle, Triangle, Circle

Y, Y, B

Chakra, Chakra, Attack

X, X, A

Naruto (Baryon Mode) Awakening Moves and Ninjutsu

Baryon Mode Naruto using Baryon Rasengan

Naruto goes into his full Baryon Mode when he is able to use his Awakening in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections. Much like other fighters, this makes him faster, deal more damage, and tank attacks.

Although Awakened Naruto (Baryon Mode) loses his Secret Technique and lacks any special abilities that usually show up at the bottom left of the screen, his Ninjutsu and attacks are all more than enough to take on opponents. Baryon Mode Naruto dishes out insane amounts of damage while also being able to combo with certain moves.

Basic Combo




Nintendo Switch

Rapid Chase Barrage

Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle

B, B, B, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack

A, A, A, A, A

KO Kick (Midair)

Circle, Circle, Circle

B, B, B

Attack, Attack, Attack

A, A, A

Grab Attack




Nintendo Switch

Crimson Flash Straight Punch

R2 + Circle

R2 + B

Guard + Attack

ZR + A





Nintendo Switch

Baryon Rasengan

Triangle, Circle

Y, B

Chakra, Attack

X, A

Guren Burst

Triangle, Square

Y, X

Chakra, Shuriken

X, Y

Naruto (Baryon Mode) Combos

Naruto (Baryon Mode) has many combos and variations of those combos that he can perform quite easily in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections. While he can perform these combos easily on his own, Naruto (Baryon Mode) burns through Chakra at a pretty high rate, meaning that players will want to use support Jutsu to help Naruto extend combos and finish them off with Naruto's Jutsu.

RELATED: Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections: How To Raise Character Proficiency

Either way, players can find a string through any one of Naruto's moves. Here are some combos for Naruto (Baryon Mode) in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections:

These combos, much like any other characters' combos, can be modified and changed depending on the amount of Chakra that players have.



Basic to Massive Rasengan

Tailed Beast Bomb, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack, Massive Rasengan, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack

Full Chakra Bar - Secret Technique

Tailed Beast Cannon, Chakra Dash, Giant Rasengan (Cancel), Chakra Dash, Giant Rasengan (Cancel), Baryon Rasengan: Heavenly Drill

Massive Rasengan Barrage

Giant Rasengan (Cancel), Massive Rasengan, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack, Massive Rasengan, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack

Grab Combo String

Giant Rasengan (Cancel), Chakra Dash, Giant Rasengan (Cancel), Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack, Massive Rasengan

Infinite Chakra Dash - Secret Technique

Tailed Beast Bomb, Chakra Dash, Dual Arm Attack, Chakra Dash (After Opponent Bounces), Dual Arm Attack, Chakra Dash (Before Opponent Bounces), Baryon Rasengan: Heavenly Drill

Awakened Combos


Guren Burst Combo

Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Chakra Dash, Guren Burst, Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Guren Burst, Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage

Crimson Flash & Guren Burst Unblockable (Corner)

Crimson Flash Straight Punch, Guren Burst, Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Guren Burst, Chakra Dash, Rapid Chase Barrage (Cancel), Baryon Rasengan

"(Cancel)" means that players shouldn't input the last attack for a basic combo and rather use the next move in the combo. For example, canceling out of Giant Rasengan means using a Jutsu, grab, or Chakra Dash right before the last input in Giant Rasengan.

(Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack, Jutsu/Chakra Dash/Grab)

The Best Teammates for Naruto (Baryon Mode)

Kawaki, Kakashi, and Baryon Mode Naruto

Teammates are a very important aspect of Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections and have the most profound effects that truly matter in a match. Naruto (Baryon Mode) fairs very well on his own but does even better with teammates who truly synergize with him. These teammates are capable of keeping up with Naruto's fascinating speed, as well as ensuring that Naruto can combo in and out of support Jutsu.

Naruto is the type of character that brings combos from the ground, into the air, and back onto the ground once more, making him more versatile than some other ninja. With this versatility, Naruto pairs well with a large amount of fighters on the roster. Here are the best support characters to pair up with Naruto (Baryon Mode) in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections:

  • Kakashi (Double Sharingan)
  • The First Hokage: Hashirama Senju
  • Sasuke (Boruto)
  • Kawaki
  • Hinata Hyuga

How to Play Naruto (Baryon Mode)

Baryon Mode Naruto

Naruto (Baryon Mode) isn't a difficult character to learn in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, but he certainly has his complexities. To truly master this variant of Naruto, players must practice with the hero and learn all of his moves and how they work. Then, players will start to string these moves together.

Naruto's 'grab' move is a wonderful tool to use mid-combo, as it works much like Minato's in the sense that it keeps the enemy suspended in midair. Here are some more tips on how to play Naruto (Baryon Mode) in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections:

  • Naruto's second Ninjutsu, the Tailed Beast Cannon, is a wonderful ranged attack that hits from afar very quickly. This move is great for interrupting an opponent's support characters, Secret Techniques, Chakra Charges, and more.
  • Naruto's first Ninjutsu, the Massive Rasengan, is good for extending combos while in the air. Using Massive Rasengan immediately after a 'grab' attack is a fantastic way to extend a combo.
  • Tailed Beast Cannon can add damage to a combo, as it deals more damage than the Massive Rasengan. Tailed Beast Cannon can also start combos from far away; players simply need to follow up with a Chakra Dash as soon as Tailed Beast Cannon ends.
  • A support character attacking an enemy with a physical Jutsu can be assisted with Tailed Beast Cannon to further a string.
Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections-1
Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
November 17, 2023