The Naruto series’ entire shinobi system is based on chakra and its resulting techniques – a seemingly simple concept at first glance. However, the chakra system itself has several intricacies, with nature transformations being the basis of dividing chakra into different categories. With a total of five different nature transformations, each shinobi has an affinity towards at least one type, denoting that elemental release as their base chakra form.

All five nature transformations are believed to be equal, with each release being strong against one type and weak against another. While this narrative has been stated several times, the actual events of the series present an entirely contrary notion, denoting lightning style as arguably the strongest nature transformation. From all-powerful jutsu to being relevant till the end, lightning style is clearly far above the other nature transformations.

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Lightning Style Techniques Are Much Stronger

Sasuke's Kirin

Almost every elemental release has jutsu that are incredibly strong, though the sheer number of absurdly powerful lightning style techniques clearly denotes it as the superior chakra form. From Chidori to the all-powerful Kirin, lightning style abilities have always been in a league of their own. Other nature transformation abilities may be strong on their own, yet those techniques don’t exactly have the same effect.

Fire style is a prime example of the power disparity between the different elements. Throughout the series, no fire style technique has ever been able to inflict any significant damage on the opponent, with most simply walking out of the blaze unscathed. This paints fire style has nothing more than an empty threat, as viewers already know these abilities won’t be able to cause much harm.

On the other hand, lightning style is always seen as a threat as its lethal nature is sure to instill fear in the enemy. Even coming in contact with lightning style abilities is bound to incur significant damage, unlike fire style techniques that barely leave a scratch. It could be argued that lightning style is more offensive in nature, yet this argument is negated by the Third Raikage’s lightning shield – a technique capable of blocking the attacks of tailed beasts.

Lightning Style Is Rare

Young Sasuke Chidori

Lightning has clearly been denoted as the superior nature transformation, though this was never supposed to be intentional. The circumstances surrounding this elemental release are what make it so powerful and strong. Since the series is set in the Land of Fire, almost every other shinobi has an affinity towards fire style, making it an extremely common nature transformation. Since fire style techniques are widely used in the Hidden Leaf, making them immensely strong would have ruined the power scaling of the series.

Lightning style is comparatively much rarer, as the only two shinobi with this elemental release in the first part of the series are Kakashi and Sasuke – two primary characters of the series. This means that every time lightning style does make an appearance, it’s bound to leave an impact. The rarity of this element further made it stronger than its counterparts, adding a layer of exclusivity to it.

Lightning Style Is More Visually Appealing

Kakashi Purple Lightning

Lightning style has several aspects that give it precedence over the other elements, though the most apparent one is the visual aspect of lightning techniques. Out of all the elements, lightning style has the most visually stunning techniques, creating an aura clearly denoting the strength of the jutsu. Chidori is one example of lightning style’s clear precedence, with the background colors turning dull and the chidori’s lightning incessantly flashing, creating a truly fearsome sight.

RELATED:Naruto: Sasuke's Best Jutsus/Techniques

Kirin, Chidori Blade, and Lightning Beast Fangs are all examples of how flashy lightning style is, making a statement every single time an ability is used. It's only natural for the author to focus more on an aspect of a series that stands out already, rather than bringing other elements on par to match the strength of lightning style.

Lightning Style Was Relevant Till the End

Indra's Arrow

Nature transformations used to be a big deal in part 1 of the series, since most abilities were simple jutsu that utilized one element. However, this changed as soon as Kekkei Genkai came into the scene, with strength and power being associated with the number of Kekkei Genkai a shinobi possessed. Simple elemental release techniques lost their value in the series, with the only exception being lightning release.

Lightning style techniques were apparent till the very end of the series, such as Sasuke using Chidori against Kaguya Otsutsuki. Kakashi used several of his lightning style abilities during the Fourth Great Ninja arc as well, with each technique doing considerable damage. Even in the final cataclysmic battle between Naruto and Sasuke at the Valley of the End, Sasuke used his lightning style technique, Indra’s Arrow, which was able to negate Naruto’s Tailed Beast Bomb Rasenshuriken. Such abilities clearly indicate lightning style’s superiority, as no other element comes close to the destructive nature and sheer strength of lightning release abilities.

MORE: Naruto: The Strongest Jutsu In The Series, Ranked