As a battle shonen anime, Naruto stays true to its roots with its unique line-up of jutsus and techniques, giving the show a much-needed depth. However, not all jutsus are equal, as some are considered ‘forbidden techniques’, either due to their unfettered power or the risks that entail their usage. One such technique is the ‘Shadow Clone Jutsu’, a forbidden technique that allows a person to produce exact copies of themselves.

Naruto Uzumaki, the show’s protagonist, is shown using this technique multiple times throughout the series as his signature move, leaving fans confused as to why this technique is forbidden. While its common knowledge that Naruto is no ordinary shinobi, as he possesses both the Uzumaki bloodline and the Nine-Tailed Fox within him, it's still peculiar to see this forbidden jutsu being used so nonchalantly throughout the series. However, delving into the details of this one-of-a-kind jutsu reveals why it was forbidden, and how Naruto could utilize it so easily.

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Origins of the Shadow Clone Jutsu

Tobirama Senju using Shadow Clone Jutsu

The shadow clone jutsu was a product of the Senju clan, as Tobirama Senju developed this technique and passed it down to the next generations. Since the jutsu requires impeccable chakra control and a massive chakra pool, only the Senju could handle its usage for prolonged periods, as their people possessed a thriving chakra system that was almost impossible to deplete.

Soon after, the jutsu was declared a forbidden technique, mostly due to its fatal risks for the users. Even the most skilled Jonin could not maintain more than four clones at once, as the division of chakra would leave the shinobi completely powerless. One exception to this are the Uzumaki clan members, as their massive chakra reserves and tenacious lifeforce could easily handle the burden of having their chakra split into halves.

Shadow Clone Jutsu – The Risks Involved


Using the shadow clone jutsu is quite risky, as its overuse can easily lead to death. Since the jutsu essentially causes chakra to be split among each clone equally, the user is left with just a fraction of the original chakra. Moreover, maintaining the clones further depletes chakra rapidly, leaving the shinobi completely drained. Since chakra being completely depleted can lead to the person’s death, the Hokages placed the jutsu in the Leaf Village’s list of forbidden techniques. Several Jonin and Chunin have knowledge of this jutsu and can utilize it with ease, but the fatal drawback forces them to avoid using it altogether.

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Several instances throughout the anime reveal how detrimental the jutsu can be for the users. Kakashi mentions this fact himself, stating that even maintaining four clones at once is an unachievable feat for most. This is evident from the Third Hokage’s fight with Orochimaru during the Konoha Crush, where he is only able to summon two clones at once due to his limited chakra control.

How Naruto Utilizes the Shadow Clone Jutsu

Naruto using Shadow Clone Jutsu

Despite the deadly drawbacks involved, Naruto’s fighting style completely revolves around the shadow clone jutsu, as he is seen using the technique quite casually with no adverse effects. However, Naruto’s case is quite unique, as two aspects of his chakra allow him to utilize this technique with zero risks. First, he is a descendant of the Uzumaki bloodline, a clan that is known for its unyielding lifeforce and immense chakra reserves – similar to the Senju clan. This allows him to perform the forbidden technique with ease, without taking a toll on his body.

Secondly, Naruto is the Nine-Tailed Fox’s Jinchuriki, meaning he has access to the tailed beast’s chakra reserves indefinitely. Tapping into this infinite chakra pool allows him to cast his own version of the forbidden jutsu – the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, summoning hundreds to thousands of clones, a feat that no ordinary shinobi could ever hope to achieve.

With the Nine-Tail's chakra in use, Naruto can effortlessly conjure unlimited clones, as seen throughout the series’ run. However, for the ordinary, this jutsu will remain prohibited as the risks outweigh the benefits, prompting the Hidden Leaf to classify it as a ‘forbidden technique’ indefinitely.

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