Naruto is known to be one of the most popular anime and manga series of all time. It follows the journey of a young boy named Naruto Uzumaki who aims to become the Hokage of his village and get everyone around him to acknowledge him. In his story, Naruto succeeded at all his goals and saved the world at the end of the day, cliché as that might be.

RELATED: Naruto: Why Characters Stopped Using Hand SignsThe story was soon followed up with a sequel, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. This sequel has split opinion among fans and, to this day, the majority of Naruto fans maintain a love-hate relationship with it. That said, there are quite a few things from Naruto that tie in perfectly with Boruto.

6 Peace Across The World

Boruto and Naruto eating ramen

The ending of Naruto saw Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke combine to save the world. After they fought their battle, peace returned to all the Great Nations and, for the very first time, there was no major threat to the integrity of every country. This peace was, sadly, not shown to the fans in Naruto.

Boruto gives all the fans of the story a glimpse at the peace that Naruto and Sasuke, along with all the other members of Konoha and the shinobi alliance fought together for. Whether or not fans like their depiction of this piece, it is a fact that Boruto gave th story some attention that Naruto chose to completely ignore.

5 Unity Among The Shinobi Villages

Still Frame From Naruto Shippuden Opening 12 -Silhouette- With Naruto Glaring At The Camera And The Entire Shinobi Army Behind Him (1)

Along with peace all across the world of Shinobi, the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War also saw all the Five Great Nations band together for the very first time. Throughout the majority of the Naruto series, these Five Great Nations were at war with each other at several points in time.

Despite signing several treaties, they would, eventually, engage in both small-scale and large-scale battles. The threat of Madara Uchiha eventually bound them all together. Once again, Naruto did not focus on this aspect of the story at all. In Boruto, fans can see all the Shinobi nations unite to fight the threat of Otsutsuki and any other incoming threats that they face together.

4 The Otsutsuki Clan

All Otsutsuki Clan Members

The Otsutsuki Clan was first introduced properly to the fans towards the end of the Naruto series. Fans were introduced to the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, towards the end of the series. At the same time, the story also went on to introduce his brother, Hamura, and their mother, Kaguya.

RELATED: Naruto: The Most Tragic Member of The AkatsukiKaguya ended up becoming the ultimate antagonist of the Naruto series and her clan was briefly explained to the fans. Boruto built around this tiny bit of Otsutsuki lore and expanded upon it further. Thanks to Boruto, fans now know what the Otsutsuki are, how they exist, and what their goals are, and that is certainly one way that Naruto brilliantly ties into Boruto.

3 Naruto's Reign as The Seventh Hokage

Naruto - Young Naruto Facing Camera And Hokage Naruto Facing Away

Perhaps one of the most disappointing things about Naruto was that the story did not show fans a glimpse of their beloved main character as the Hokage. Naruto's journey was a very long and hard one and fans stuck with him through all of it to the very end. The anime did not even show fans a glimpse of him becoming the Hokage, which was rather bizarre, and the manga gave fans just one chapter with a very small glimpse of him living his dream.

The Boruto series is set in an era where Naruto Uzumaki is the Hokage of the village and also the strongest Shinobi in the entire world. As such, this tie-in is absolutely perfect.

2 Sasuke's Adventures Across the World

Sasuke Uchiha (1)

Sasuke Uchiha left on a journey for absolution towards the end of the Naruto series. He realized that he had committed atrocities that he couldn't forgive himself for. As a way to redeem himself, he wanted to journey across the entire world and see it with his own eyes and do what he could to help.

Once again, this journey was not focused on in Naruto at all. In Boruto, fans see Sasuke travel from place to place in search of the traces of the Otsutsuki clan and he does all this to protect the peace that Naruto fought so hard to create. Sasuke is fully dedicated to Naruto and his dream to this day and Boruto handles that in a very careful manner.

1 The Progress Of Other Shinobi


While Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke were central to the plot of the series, there are other Shinobi who worked hard to achieve their goals as well. These shinobi were, as expected, not focused on as much in Naruto in the latter half. After the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War, they were stripped of their chance to shine. Boruto, however, fixes this problem once again, by giving them a bit of shine. That said, Boruto also struggles with the issue of a very underwhelming cast of characters.

MORE: Naruto: The Rasenshuriken, Explained