Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto is one of the most popular manga series. The series follows a young boy named Naruto, who wants to become the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. Throughout his adventures, Naruto had to face many villains, and some of them were better than others.

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The villains in Naruto had unique abilities, which separates them from the other villains. Many villains in Naruto have left a huge mark on the fans for various reasons. Some were powerful, others had great personalities while some had an incredible introduction.

7 Pain

Pain, the leader of Akatsuki

Arguably the best villain in the series, Pain served as the leader of Akatsuki. In reality, Pain was just Yahiko's dead body that was being controlled by Nagato Uzumaki. Pain was a very powerful character, who could easily wipe out an entire village.

He possessed the Rinnegan, which is the strongest Dojutsu. Pain was properly introduced when Jiraiya infiltrated Amegakure. Pain sensed that someone had entered the village and so he decided to use his power to stop the rain. When Konan confirmed the location of the intruder, Pain and his other five bodies battled and killed Jiraiya.

6 Madara Uchiha

Naruto Madara Uchiha reanimated during the Fourth Great Ninja War

Madara Uchiha was a member of the Hidden Leaf's Uchiha Clan. He was the only ninja who was able to fight against Hashirama Senju, who was hailed as the "God of Shinobi." Masashi Kishimoto built a lot of hype around Madara Uchiha before finally putting himself in front of the world.

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Madara finally made his appearance during the Fourth Great Ninja War. He was reanimated by Kabuto, so he had unlimited chakra. Without having any worries of dying, Madara Uchiha started to wreak havoc on the battlefield. He destroyed entire platoons on his own, which is a very impressive feat. Madara's Fire Release technique was so powerful that it required multiple Water Release users to douse it.

5 Itachi Uchiha And Kisame

Itachi and Kisame arrive in Hidden Leaf

Itachi and Kisame were members of Akatsuki. They joined the group after defecting from their respective villages. Kisame was a ninja from Kirigakure, and Itachi was from Konohagakure. Itachi left the Hidden Leaf after massacring his entire clan and Kisane ran away with the Samehada.

The duo made their appearance after the death of Hiruzen Sarutobi. They infiltrated the Hidden Leaf quite easily and then they were confronted by Asuma and Kurenai. The two Jonin tried their best to stop them, but Itachi and Kisame were on another level. They easily defeated the Jonin and they were about to kill them, but luckily Kakashi managed to intervene and saved Kurenai and Asuma from imminent death.

4 Obito Uchiha

Obito Uchiha takes off his mask

Once a loyal ninja of the Hidden Leaf, Obito Uchiha's life took a drastic turn when his body was crushed by a boulder. He was then nourished back to health by Madara and Zetsu, who wanted to use Obito to achieve their goals.

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After seeing Rin dying before his eyes, Obito decided to punish the entire world and he became a Rogue ninja. He worked behind the scenes and manipulated Nagato. Obito successfully started the Fourth Great Ninja War and it was only then that his real identity was confirmed. When his mask was struck by Naruto's Rasengan, his face was revealed. This shocked Kakashi, who could not believe that his best friend was responsible for all the chaos.

3 Zabuza

Zabuza has a kunai in his mouth

Zabuza was the main antagonist of the Prologue: Land of Waves arc. He was a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist, but he left the village and became a rogue ninja. Even as a kid, Zabuza had a bloodthirst as he managed to kill a hundred Academy students.

Zabuza's appearance in the anime was really magnificent. He managed to overwhelm Kakashi, one of Konoha's top Jonin without much difficulty. He almost succeeded in taking out Tazuna, but luckily Naruto and Sasuke managed to save him.

2 Hidan And Kakuzu

Kakuzu and Hidan from the Akatsuki

Hidan and Kakuzu served as the members of the Akatsuki. They were labeled as the "Zombie Duo," by Kisame because they were immortal. Hidan gained his immortality by worshipping Jashin while Kakuzu used to steal the hearts of the opponents that he killed.

The two of them made their debut in Naruto Shippuden where both of them fought against Yugito Nii, the jinchuriki of Two-Tails. Yugito believed that she had the advantage in closed space, but she couldn't have been more wrong. The Zombie Duo easily managed to kill her and thus, pushed Akatsuki one step closer to its goal.

1 Orochimaru

Naruto Orochimaru when he still served the Hidden Leaf

For the majority of the series, Orochimaru was a major antagonist. Before turning against the Hidden Leaf, Orochimaru was actually one of the most decorated ninjas. He played a crucial role in saving the Hidden Leaf during the Great Wars. Along with Jiraiya and Tsunade, Orochimaru makes up the Legendary Sannin.

Orochimaru's first appearance came during the Chunin Exams arc. He had infiltrated the village by using the body of a woman. When he finally revealed his powers, it left Team 7 petrified. Sasuke was unable to move his body because he was overwhelmed by the fear. It took Naruto's efforts to save Sasuke and Sakura from any further harm.

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