
  • Tsunade's mastery of the Mitotic Regeneration Technique sets a new standard for medical ninjas' defensive abilities.
  • As Hokage, Tsunade challenges the traditional role of medic ninjas by emphasizing offensive skills for self-defense.
  • Tsunade's legacy includes training a new generation of medical ninjas and advancing medical research in Konoha.

Tsunade is often dubbed as one of the weakest Hokage in history. Harsh as it may be, it’s understandable why somebody would come to that conclusion. After all, it’s hard to stand out when your predecessors are the fastest ninja in history, the longest-serving and beloved Hokage, a genius who created countless ninjutsu, and a man widely known as the God of Shinobi.

Naruto: The Most Divisive Hokage in Konoha History

Tobirama Senju was incredibly talented, but his actions made him one of the most divisive Hokages ever.

Truth be told, Tsunade is actually much more capable than what most people make her out to be. She has contributed a lot during her tenure as the Fifth Hokage, which is why it is essential to look back at some of Tsunade’s greatest achievements, both as a ninja and as a Hokage.

7 Perfecting the Mitotic Regeneration Technique

Tsunade achieved the pinnacle of Medical Jutsu

Naruto Tsunade Creation Rebirth

For every medical ninja, instant regeneration is the pinnacle of medical ninjutsu. It is the goal that every research and experiment tries to achieve. Tsunade has attained that elusive peak by perfecting a forbidden jutsu, known as Mitotic Regeneration.

The way this technique works is quite fascinating. Tsunade uses a sealing jutsu known as Reserve Seal: The Hundred Healings Mark to store her unused chakra in a tiny spot on her forehead. When needed, she can activate her Mitotic Regeneration and use that stored chakra. As long as Mitotic Regeneration is active, any kind of wound will be instantly healed, no matter how severe it might be.

6 Creating the Paradigm Shift for Every Medical Ninja

A Medic is Not Just Support

Naruto Tsunade Kick Madara

The primary focus of a medic ninja is not offensive jutsu but rather healing jutsu. This is why they mainly stay at the rear during a war and why they need a regular ninja to act as their bodyguard. However, that all changes when Tsunade comes into the picture, especially when she becomes the Hokage.

Despite being a medic, Tsunade possesses absurd raw physical power. She can destroy a cliff with a single punch, and even break through Susanoo’s absolute defense with her kick. Tsunade is like a healer who can rush to the frontline and spam multiple critical attacks on enemies. According to Tsunade, every medical ninja should possess offensive abilities. This allows them to do their job with ease of mind, knowing that they can defend themselves should any attackers come to harm them. It is an absolute paradigm shift from the traditional teachings of medic ninja.

5 Training New Generation of Medical Ninja in Konoha

Tsunade Shares Her Skills and Knowledge With The New Generation

Naruto Shizune 4th Great Ninja War

No matter how powerful or knowledgeable somebody might be, their skills and expertise will be lost once they lose their lives. That’s why it is highly imperative for people who’ve reached the pinnacle of their field to pass on their knowledge to the next generation. That is precisely what Tsunade has done.

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From conjuring mirages to creating a deranged doppelganger, this is all you need to know about the 2nd Mizukage's unique fighting style.

Tsunade has two main pupils, Shizune and Sakura. On the surface, it may seem like Sakura is a more talented student. After all, she is the one who's able to master Tsunade’s Mitotic Regeneration Technique along with her absurd physical prowess. That being said, Shizune shouldn't be discounted either. She has been with Tsunade for years, which means her wealth of medicinal skills and knowledge is far above Sakura. That’s why Shizune is entrusted to become the Captain of the Logistical Support and Medical Division during the 4th Great Ninja War. It’s safe to say that Tsunade has successfully shared her skills, knowledge, and techniques with the next generation.

4 Advancing the Field of Medicine in Konoha

The Medics in Konoha Are Thriving Under The Fifth Hokage

Naruto Tsunade Research Medicines

Tsunade is more than just a ninja who happens to be quite adept at healing jutsu. She has been one of the leading figures in the advancement of medical research for years. That’s why, even though Orochimaru had access to everybody in the world, he still came to Tsunade to cure his dead arms.

When Tsunade officially takes the reign as the Hokage, she pours all of her medical knowledge into the village. From building advanced medical facilities to training more medical ninjas, the Fifth Hokage is undoubtedly instrumental in the advancement of the field of Medicine in Konoha.

3 Improving Konoha’s Role in the Global Stage

Konoha Takes On a More Active Role On The International Stage Under Tsunade

Naruto Tsunade Adressed her troops

The world of ninjas has always been filled with conflicts, distrust, and betrayal. That’s why all the previous Hokage had to be extra wary of the forces from the other ninja villages.

The first and second Hokage lived in an era of war. The Third Hokage had to sacrifice Neji’s father in an attempt to quench Kumogakure’s anger and lose his life when Sunagakure attempted to invade Konoha. Even the Fourth Hokage lost one of his pupils, Rin Nohara, due to a conflict with Kirigakure. Tsunade tries to move past those bloody eras. She realizes that a new era is upon them. So, she tries her best to improve Konoha’s role on the Global Stage. That’s why Tsunade doesn’t hesitate to send troops to help Sunagakure when their leader is kidnapped by Akatsuki. This is also why she instantly agrees to join the Shinobi Alliance.

2 Becoming One of the Key Figures in the 4th Great Ninja War

Tsunade’s Healing Jutsu Plays A Huge Role During The 4th Great Ninja War

Naruto Tsunade saves the Kages

Tsunade, along with the other leaders of the Five Great Ninja Villages, are among the first to face the newly resurrected Madara during the 4th Great Ninja War. Unfortunately, they are slaughtered by Madara. She even suffered a mortal injury that would’ve killed her if she hadn’t mastered the Mitotic Regeneration Technique.

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The third Raikage’s ultimate weapon can pierce through anything. Here's a closer look at what it is and how it works.

But even in her dying moments, Tsunade does whatever she can to save the other heavily wounded Kages. Without her healing jutsu, those Kage would’ve, undoubtedly, lost their lives. Later on, Tsunade also works together with Sakura to support the troops during their fight against Tobi and the Ten-Tailed Beast.

1 Performing a Large-Scale Healing Technique

Tsunade Single-handedly Saves Konoha

Naruto Tsunade large scale healing jutsu

While all of the above are certainly remarkable deeds, Tsunade’s greatest achievement has to be that time when she saved countless lives during Pain’s Invasion. At the time, so many people lost their lives, and countless were injured all over the village. Helping them all one by one wouldn’t be possible, so she decided to cast a large-scale healing technique.

To do so, Tsunade activated her Mitotic Regeneration, summoned Katsuyu, synchronized her chakra with the summon, asked the mystical slug to divide itself into thousands of tiny Katsuyus, and told them to go and attach themselves to every injured person in Konoha. This allowed Tsunade to heal them from afar. This unprecedented move saved countless lives. Unfortunately, in order to perform such a large-scale healing jutsu, Tsunade quickly burned through her stored chakra. Even worse, the technique ate through almost every single drop of chakra in her body as well. As a result, her body became weak and brittle. It’s as if decades of her youth were consumed in a matter of minutes. Tsunade may not be as gifted as the other Hokages, but nobody can take away the immense contributions and sacrifices that she has given to the village. That’s why she more than deserves to be regarded as one of the best Hokage in the long history of Konoha.


A popular shonen anime based on Masashi Kishimoto's manga, Naruto follows its eponymous shinobi's journey as he goes from his town's outsider to its hero.

Release Date
October 2, 2002
Masashi Kishimoto
Number of Episodes
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