The Naruto series presents a clear power structure within its framework of the shinobi world, denoting a set hierarchy that defines the strength of a ninja. While most are familiar with the ranks of Chunin or Jonin, another category of shinobi exists among the ranks of the Leaf Village. These shinobi belong to an organization known as the Anbu, a type of deep-state organization that is tasked with protecting the village from the shadows.

The Anbu were initially presented as an elite squadron of shinobi, each capable of taking on hoards of ninja on their own. The likes of Kakashi and Itachi being a part of the Anbu further cemented this notion of Anbu superiority. While the series tried to push the narrative of the Anbu being elite shinobi, the events within Naruto painted them in an entirely different light. Despite the buildup surrounding this secret organization, every instance of Anbu screen time has been subpar at best, leaving behind an underwhelming impact and a doubtful audience.

RELATED:Naruto: Konoha’s Anbu, Explained

The Initial Hype Around the Anbu

Naruto Konoha Anbu

Right from the beginning of the series, the Anbu were portrayed to be in a league of their own, far surpassing the likes of Jonin-level shinobi. With the introduction of Itachi as a former Anbu member and more insights into Kakashi’s past within the organization, the show made it clear that the only shinobi that are stronger than Anbu are the Hokage, with no other rival to these fearsome ninja.

A few other named Anbu members that were incredibly strong are Yamato and Sai, with their expressionless dispositions and mysterious past further adding to the hype around the Anbu. The prerequisite for joining the organization make it impossible for regular shinobi to enlist, as the required skills and strenuous training can only be withstood by a select few. The constant reiterations of the Anbu’s capabilities and secrecy truly made the organization seem like a squadron of top-tier shinobi.

This narrative, however, swiveled away after a few major events took over the premise. The Konoha Crush was the first major event that could have highlighted the Anbu’s supremacy, yet all viewers got to see were a handful of Anbu members helplessly narrating the fight between the Third Hokage and Orochimaru. During the Pain invasion, the Anbu weren’t of much use other than suppressing a few of the Animal Path’s summons. Overall, the Anbu were given limited screen time, and the few moments they do receive are overshadowed by other characters.

The Bar Was Set Too High

Itachi Uchiha wearing the Anbu mask

One significant reason behind the Anbu’s underwhelming impact within the series could be attributed to the bar being set too high. Some of the first members of the Anbu that were revealed to the viewers were Kakashi and Itachi, two child prodigies that far exceeded the capabilities of other Anbu shinobi. Itachi’s feats of attaining the rank of Captain at the age of 13 furthered the bar for the organization, a skill-level that most shinobi could never achieve.

The Anbu were bound to fall short to these high expectations, making every move pale in comparison to that of their predecessors. A few Anbu shinobi did come close, such as Fu and Torune who served as Danzo’s personal bodyguards at the Five Kage Summit. However, the two were no match for Obito despite taking him on in a two-versus-one battle. Since none could live up to the standards set by the likes of Itachi or Kakasi, every other Anbu member seemed to be nothing more than a weak side-character.

The Anbu Were Used to Scale the Enemy

Danzo's Root Anbu

Since it had been established that the Anbu are elite shinobi, the series would utilize their power levels to scale new antagonists. This is evident from Orochimaru’s initial description of a rogue shinobi that not even an Anbu level shinobi could go against. This relegated the Anbu to nothing more than a namesake for elite shinobi, yet they had nothing to show for it.

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Some villains could also be seen wiping out Anbu shinobi with ease, cementing themselves as an actual threat after defeating several ‘elite’ ninja. The Anbu quite literally became fodder characters that had no purpose other than showing off the opponent’s power levels.

Limited Screen Time of Actual Anbu Members

Fu and Torune

Another reason for the Anbu’s underwhelming presence within the series could possibly be due to their limited screen time. While some would argue that former Anbu shinobi such as Sai, Kakashi, and Yamato had plenty of screen time, the problem still persists that these characters no longer had associations with the organization. Viewers no longer perceived these characters as part of the Anbu as they gained identities of their own.

Moreover, it’s quite difficult for viewers to connect with masked characters unless plenty of screen time is given to each one. This wasn’t possible, however, as the Naruto series already had an issue of excessive side-characters that were severely neglected, eventually forcing the Anbu to be further sidelined to the point of being a disappointing and underwhelming aspect of the series.

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