There was a time when Naruto was one of the most dominant anime and manga series in the world, and it is still popular despite its story coming to a close almost a decade ago. Fans fell in love with ninja battles, and it helped that many of the characters were unique and incredibly skilled. Many shonen possess at least one criminal organization, and Naruto had the Akatsuki, which was mainly composed of rogue ninja.

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For the most part, every Akatsuki member was a Kage-level ninja, which means that they were extremely powerful. They could all use very unique jutsu, and certain members were so formidable that it is hard to believe they were actually human. Most could use a variety of justu, but each member had one specific justu that was highly effective.

11 Deidara Could Wipe Out Entire Armies With C4 Garuda

Deidara's C4 Garuda Copy Erupting Against Sasuke

Deidara possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai, which gave him explosive chakra. He would infuse this chakra into clay, which he molded into creatures that he could detonate at any time. He served as the Akatsuki's explosives expert.

During his fight with Sasuke, he utilized C4 Garuda, a technique he developed specifically for the Sharingan. He places clay into his mouth and creates a gigantic copy of himself. When the copy erupts, it produces thousands of microscopic bombs that can enter the bloodstream of any living thing in the area. When detonated, these bombs disintegrate their victim at a cellular level.

10 Orochimaru Can Bring Anyone Back With Edo Tensei

Orochimaru Uses Edo Tensei To Resurrect The 1st & 2nd Hokage

Orochimaru managed to obtain a form of immortality through scientific research, making him one of the smartest characters in Naruto. He has a multitude of jutsu at his disposal, but his most effective is the Edo Tensei, which allows him to resurrect any dead individual as long as he has some of their DNA.

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The reanimated person possesses unlimited chakra, and their bodies are virtually indestructible . The only way to stop a reanimated ninja is to seal them, or if the user stops the jutsu. A living person must be sacrificed to serve as a vessel, and Orochimaru uses Hashirama cells to strengthen his control over the reanimated.

9 The Earth Grudge Fear Technique Made Kakuzu Immortal

Kakuzu Using The Masked Beasts Of His Earth Grudge Fear Technique

The Earth Grudge Fear technique is a secret forbidden jutsu from the Hidden Waterfall Village, and Kakuzu stole its scroll when he went rogue. It transforms the user's body so that they become a rag-doll whose body is held together by hundreds of black threads.

This justu is the reason Kakuzu obtained a form of immortality. He can use these threads to remove the hearts of other ninja and connect them to his own body. He can even use the chakra nature of his victims. He can also use these threads to split his own body apart, and he can re-attach any of his allies' severed limbs.

8 Zetsu Was The Perfect Spy With Mayfly

Black Zetsu Using Mayfly To Locate The Feudal Lords

In terms of overall strength, Zetsu was the Akatsuki's weakest member, but he was still a vital part of the organization. He could use the Mayfly jutsu, a unique infiltration technique that made him the perfect spy.

This jutsu allowed him to fuse with the ground and any form of plant life, and he could then use the roots and water veins to travel underground with incredible speed. This technique allowed him to go anywhere, and it fully concealed his presence to the point that even the best sensory ninja could not sense him.

7 The Performance Of A Hundred Puppets Was Sasori's Trump Card

Sasori Using HIs Performance Of 100 Puppets Against Sakura & Chiyo

Sasori may have been the first Akatsuki member to fall, but that does not mean that he was not a powerful and dangerous shinobi. He was a master of the Puppet Technique, and he specialized in creating human puppets. He even turned himself into a puppet.

The 3rd Kazekage may have been his strongest puppet, but his most effective technique was called the Performance Of A Hundred Puppets. These 100 puppets were his finest creations, and he could control them all simultaneously. He used this technique to take down a small nation.

6 Kisame's Water Prison Shark Dance Technique is Great For Drowning Opponents

Kisame In His Shark Form In His Water Dome

While fighting Killer Bee, Kisame showed just how strong he was by trapping the Jinchuriki in a massive dome of water which submerged a large swathe of forest. This jutsu is called the Water Prison Shark Dance Technique, and it is great for incapacitating opponents.

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Kisame is the focal point of the jutsu, so the dome actually moves according to him. This is done to prevent his opponent from escaping, and in doing so, they eventually drown. When he fuses with Samehada to become a shark-man hybrid, the dome grants him complete territorial advantage.

5 Konan's Paper Person of God Technique Produces Billions Of Explosions

Konan Using Her Origami Fighting Style Against Jiraiya & Obito

Konan was the only female Akatsuki member, and she was one of Naruto's best female villains. She developped her own paper-based fighting style, and it was quite effective since it transformed her entire body into sheets of paper she could control.

When Obito came looking for Nagato's body, she used her strongest and most effective jutsu against him. The Paper Person of God Technique involved her disguising her paper as a lake, and when she opened this paper, Obito fell into a pit lined with six hundred billion explosive tags. The resulting explosion lasted for ten full minutes.

4 Hidan Was Became A Living Voodoo Doll With His Curse

Hidan Laughs while using His Curse To Kill Asuma

Hidan was a devout follower of Jashin, and he gained immortality while studying some of the religion's forbidden techniques. What made Hidan so scary however, is the Jashin curse which allowed him to turn himself into a living voodoo doll.

After ingesting some of his opponent's blood, Hidan's appearance changes, and he must step into a Jashin symbol that is drawn on the ground. This solidifies the link between him and his opponent, and any injury that Hidan sustains is shared with this opponent. Hidan relishes in causing pain with this ability, but when it comes to battle, it is highly effective.

3 Kamui Made Obito Intangible

Obito Capturing Someone With Kamui

Obito Uchiha was willing to destroy the world so he could be with the girl he loved, and in doing so, he became one of the best written characters in Naruto. When he saw Rin die, he awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan, which allowed him to use Kamui.

This space-time ninjutsu allows him to transfer objects and people to and from another dimension. He can trap people in this dimension, but he could also transfer his own body parts as well. By doing so, he made his body intangible, which means that any justu or melee attack would harmlessly phase through him.

2 Shinra Tensei Is The Pinnacle Ability Of Pain's Rinnegan

Tendo Pain using Shinra Tensei against jinchuriki

Pain is arguably Naruto's best villain, and when he came for the Nine-Tails, he was a master of the Rinnegan. These eyes grant the user a pletheroa of godly powers, including Shinra Tensei. This power is available through the Deva Path and it gives the user the ability to generate repulsive forces.

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With this ability, Pain was able to repel any form of ninjutsu and physical attack, making it great for defense. It can deal considerable damage as well, as Pain used it to destroy the Leaf Village. Once it is used however, Pain needs to wait five seconds before he can use it again.

1 Itachi's Susanoo May Have Been Unbeatable

Naruto Itachi's susanoo with Totsuka

Even by Uchiha standards, Itachi was considered to be a prodigy, and the argument can be made that he was invincible. His Mangekyo gave him powerful genjutsu and the Amaterasu, but his Susanoo was by far his greatest weapon.

This giant samurai-like avatar provides incredible offensive might, and it shields the user from most attacks. Itachi's Susanoo was special though, as it possessed the Totsuka Blade, which could pierce anything and trap it within a never-ending genjutsu. It also wielded the Yata Mirror, a mythical shield that can reflect any attack.

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