The name ‘Kaguya’ is commonly associated with Naruto’s end-game antagonist Kaguya Otsutsuki, yet many remain unaware of the clan that goes by the same name. The Kaguya Clan is an extinct bloodline that was notorious for being barbaric and archaic, as these people would kill anyone simply to satiate their bloodlust. While the exact lineage of this clan was never revealed, it is stated that these savages were direct descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki, even inheriting one of her Kekkei Mora.

Kimimaro was the sole surviving member of this clan, and his untimely demise marked the end of this ferocious bloodline. Despite only making an appearance in part 1 of Naruto, the clan has considerable importance seeing how it foreshadowed the arrival of Kaguya Otsutsuki years before her actual introduction into the series.

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Origins of the Kaguya Clan

Kaguya Clan and Kaguya Otsutsuki

The series states that the Kaguya Clan’s members are direct descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki, a fact that is confirmed by their unique Kekkei Genkai and peculiar appearance. The clan’s lineage, however, is still very much a topic of debate as the only direct descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki are the Uchiha, Uzumaki, Senju, and Hyuga Clans. While every shinobi that can knead chakra and utilize ninjutsu is technically a descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki, only a select few can directly trace their lineage back to her. The Kaguya Clan could possibly be a branched bloodline of the direct descendants, eventually forming their own identity.

Despite their archaic nature and insatiable bloodlust, the clan failed to live up to its god-like ancestor. In a bid to show off their strength, the clan made a hasty call to invade the Hidden Mist Village. With no strategy or tactics at play, the clan members were slaughtered by the Hidden Mist, with only one surviving member – Kimimaro. As the only member of the clan that lacked their brutal bloodlust, Kimimaro had no interest in fighting and successfully fled the battle. However, he eventually succumbed to a terminal illness, marking the end of this bloodline of heathens.

All-Killing Ash Bones Technique

All Killing Ash Bones Technique

As direct descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the clan possessed one of her unique Kekkei Mora – the All-Killing Ash Bone technique, otherwise known as Shikotsumyaku. Only a select few among the clan could utilize this power, with Kimimaro being the only user during his time. The technique allows the user to manipulate their skeletal structure, resulting in bones protruding out of their body that can be used as both offense and defense.

The inner-workings of this technique are quite intricate as Shikotsumyaku grants users a few novel capabilities. These include the ability to regulate osteoblasts and osteoclasts, two types of cells that produce bones and break bones respectively, and the ability to regulate calcium density in bones. These abilities allow the user to form new bones indefinitely as long as enough calcium reserves are available, and break them with ease to use as offensive weapons. The manga offers a more realistic version of this ability where Kimimaro’s skin rips apart to grow out bones, something the anime omits to remove the gore. Instead, the anime version shows small holes forming all over Kimimaro’s body for bones to protrude through.

RELATED:Naruto: Why Kaguya Is Kishimoto's Biggest Mistake, Explained

While Kaguya Otsutsuki’s version of this technique is quite lethal and all-powerful, Kimimaro only had access to a fraction of its true power. Despite the limitations, the ability turned him into an undefeatable powerhouse, almost killing Gaara and Rock Lee. If his terminal illness weren’t at play, Kimimaro may have likely been an unrivaled contender seeing how the All-Killing Ash Bone technique had no counters.

The Last Surviving Member of the Kaguya Clan

Kimimaro Fights Against Gaara and Rock Lee

Every single member of the Kaguya Clan was possessed by an insatiable bloodlust, yet Kimimaro was the only anomaly with no such sentiments. His deviating disposition is also what led to him being the only surviving member of his clan. After being adopted by Orochimaru, his life was destined to be short-lived anyway since he was chosen as a vessel. Before Sasuke, Kimimaro was one of Orochimaru’s primary vessels, mostly owing to his youthful body and all-powerful Kekkei Genkai.

However, Kimimaro developed a terminal illness that led to Orochimaru forgoing his plans. Kabuto used all sorts of medical ninjutsu techniques on him to cure the odd illness, yet nothing worked as he lacked information on Kimimaro’s unique body. He eventually lost his life to the disease, though not before ensuring that his master’s goal is achieved by aiding the Sound 4 in escorting Sasuke out of the Land of Fire. Without the illness holding him back, Kimimaro would have likely been one of the most fearsome antagonists in the Naruto series, yet the show made a glaring mistake by killing off such a novel character so early on.

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