The Uchiha is a very powerful and outstanding clan in the world of Naruto. Uchiha is another pronunciation of “uchiwa” (団扇), which means “paper fan”, and is the clan’s symbol.

Uchiwa can be used to fan flames, thus making them hotter, a reference to the fiery nature of the clan Uchiha, known for their exceptional Fire Chakra Nature, and slightly skilled in FuinJutsu, the signature move of which is the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.

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The Inspiration For Itachi Uchiha's Mangekyou Sharingan

Kotoamatsukami Being Explained By Itachi

The Sharingan is one of the most famous doujutsu of the universe in Naruto. Awakened by shinobi belonging to the Uchiha clan when they undergo great trauma, this special eye grants their possessors a series of unique abilities and improved capabilities.

The renegade shinobi, Itachi Uchiha, master of genjutsu, full of aces up his sleeves during battle, whose very existence could be referred to as True Art. Who slaughtered his clan to protect the Village of the Hidden Leaf, a sacrifice that led him to be called a traitor, for slaughtering his clan, yet sparing his younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha. Then he joined the Akatsuki, the assassin group that is a sworn Enemy of the Village of the Hidden Leaf. But the truth unfold and showed everyone who he really was. The reasons behind what seemed treacherous actions were ever to serve the interest of his brother and the village, which made him remain a loyal Konohagakure until the end, and his motives were only revealed after his death.

Such an important character in this universe, deemed god-like by many fans, has his doujutsu connected to nothing less than the major Gods of Japanese Mythology: Amaterasu, Izanami, Izanagi, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.

The Shinto Religion is the oldest in Japan, and it originally meant “ways of God”. Shinto Deities are called Kami (God). According to ancient Japanese myths, Izanagi and Izanami have given birth to many deities and islands in Japan.

After his wife Izanami died, Izanagi wandered many islands, as well as holy places, to resurrect her; however, his search ended up leading him to the Underworld (Yomi).

When he entered the Yomi, he could finally see his beloved Izanami, but she had already been consumed by Yomi and was just a corpse, forbidden to return to the realm of the living. When the horrified and disappointed Izanagi finally returned to the outside world, he blocked the entrance to the Underworld with a huge stone. The heartbroken God bathed in the sea to become purified after having come in contact with the dead, and tears fell from his eyes remembering Izanami, which, in return, gave birth to many islands. As the god started to bathe, several deities came into existence. The major Shinto Gods were then born: Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, born when he washed his left eye, Tsukynomi, the Moon God, born from his right eye – and we can see the connection with Itachi Uchiha’s Doujutsu in the legend. Susanoo, the God of the Sea and the Storms was born from his nose.

Itachi’s Mangekyou Sharingan Techniques

Itachi Uchiha Naruto Susanoo

The Mangekyou Sharingan (万華鏡写輪眼), which means “kaleidoscope copy wheel eye”, is an advanced form of the Sharingan that has only been activated by some members of the Uchiha Clan. These eye techniques are called Mangekyou Sharingan because the eyes are directly affected, turning red with black comma-like patterns, which are called tomoe. Itachi's three named eye techniques are Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.

The Amaterasu or Goddess of the Sun technique is generated by the right eye, and it is a ninjutsu technique that makes use of the Mangekyou Sharingan form to create a powerful black fire that can burn through almost anything.

Amaterasu is the highest deity in Japanese mythology. The most famous legend about her tells that she shut herself away in a cave, which brought a series of disasters to both the world and heaven. Along with her siblings, the God of the Moon, Tsukuyomi, and the Storm Deity Susanoo, she is deemed one of the “Three Precious Children”, the most important children of the creator God Izanagi.

The Tsukuyomi or God of the Moon technique is generated by the left eye and is a genjutsu technique that makes use of the Mangekyou Sharingan form so as to initiate an illusion that is both mentally and physically harmful. In order to use said illusion, Itachi has to look into the eyes of his opponent while the jutsu is cast, and the target is then at his mercy. He has full control over space and time in this jutsu and can place the victim through any hell he desires for any length desired. In reality, the technique lasts only for but a second, however, those affected could have endured several days of pain.

The Susanoo or God of the Sea and Storms technique is generated by both eyes, and it makes use of the Mangekyou Sharingan form so as to create a sword-wielding specter that will surround the user. This specter wields a shield, as well as a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything this blade cuts will be sealed away into a genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time.

Susanoo is frequently seen as a hero for defeating the Yamata no Orochi Serpent in Izumo. Also, while the sword of Totsuka is not a specific weapon in Japanese mythology, rather referring to the immense ancient swords wielded by the Shinto gods, Susanoo used a such sword to kill the Yamata no Orochi serpent in Izumo, and the final battle between Itachi and Sasuke, in which Itachi’s Susanoo kills Orochimaru using Sword of Totsuka, is a nod to the legends. There is a direct parallel with Itachi's fight with Orochimaru, in which he sealed Orochimaru in his massive serpent form while using Susanoo.

Itachi Uchiha had the Mangekyo Sharingan doujutsu awakened when he was very young, which led him to early access the powers of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo, which made him very difficult to defeat in battle. When Kakashi Hatake came to the rescue of Kurenai and Asuma, Itachi cast Tsukuyomi on Kakashi, which led the latter to become hospitalized for three straight days. He also used Tsukuyomi on Sasuke.

Blind and with a terminal disease, Itachi, the oldest Uchiha, let his brother Sasuke kill him. This very touching moment marked the end of Itachi’s miserable mission of having to assassinate his clan as a means to a higher end, and it ensured his reputation as one of the most powerful shinobi of Konoha. It was after Itachi’s death that Sasuke awakened Mangekyo Sharingan and was able to use Amaterasu with the help of his deceased brother’s eyes.


Itachi Uchiha Naruto Shinto Gods

In addition to all this, Itachi’s own given name hides occult meanings in itself. It means “weasel” that, both in Japan and in Europe, are considered to be evil, devious, and a bad omen that is associated with death. In some cases even, it is believed weasels are capable of hypnotizing people, just like Itachi’s genjutsu, the tricky nature of which is also an indication of Itachi’s behavior and hidden purposes.

Another point that can explain the almost god-like character of Itachi Uchiha is behind the meaning of the three sacred treasures of Japan, which symbolize important virtues. The Kusanagi Sword represents value, the Yata no Kagami mirror, wisdom, and the Yasakani no Magatama jewel, benevolence. These items are presented to the emperor before his ascension to show his connection with divinity. In Naruto, Itachi Uchiha possessed all of the three sacred treasures for a while.

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