
  • Shortness doesn't equal weakness in Naruto - some of the deadliest ninja are actually pretty small.
  • Underestimating smaller ninjas can lead to one's downfall - don't judge a book by its cover.
  • Characters like Koharu, Onoki, and Roshi prove that size doesn't matter when it comes to power.

Just because a ninja may be a bit smaller than their comrades doesn't mean they are any less capable in a battle, especially in the world of Naruto where the existence of Jutsu and inherited techniques means almost anyone can become a powerful ninja, regardless of their appearance. In fact, some of the deadliest ninja in all of Naruto happen to be pretty short, so it just goes to show that height doesn't mean that much in the grand scheme of things.

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With that being said, if a person isn't presented as being a fearsome giant or behemoth, it can lead to people underestimating them, which is always a good thing, since it can cause the enemy to lower their guard when they probably shouldn't. According to official heights, these are the smallest characters in all of Naruto, along with a breakdown of how powerful they are when looking past their appearance.

7 Koharu Utatane

Height: 5'

Koharu sitting down near a table
  • First Appearance: Naruto, Episode 55

Fans might remember Koharu as being one-half of the two Konoha Council Members who continued to nag Tsunade during her reign as Hokage. In truth, she's an incredibly wise and experienced ninja who holds quite a lot of authority within the Hidden Leaf Village, though it's admittedly clear her fighting days are way behind her by the point that she appears in the series.

In the brief scenes that do show Koharu during her younger years, her smaller stature works to her advantage since she's shown to be very agile and quick on her feet, preferring to use a hit-and-run fighting style rather than sticking around for too long. She may seem like a small and timid old lady these days, but Koharu was once just as dangerous as many of the other Konoha ninja who show up throughout Naruto's story.

6 Roshi

Height: 4' 8"

Roshi, the 4-tails Jinchuriki resurrected During Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 121

Roshi is the Jinchuriki of the Four Tails Son Goku, who appears in the story as a reincarnated version of himself after Kabuto resurrects his body during the Fourth Great Shinobi War. When standing next to the likes of Han and Killer Bee, Roshi can seem far less physically imposing, but his close bond with the Four Tails means he's still more than capable of destroying anyone who stands in his way, thanks to his enormous Chakra reserve.

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Despite this, Roshi did take a lot longer to open himself up to his beast when compared to the other Jinchuriki, since his stubbornness always caused him to keep Son-Goku at arms-length rather than becoming too familiar with him. As time went on though, Roshi came to admire how close Naruto had become with Kurama, and it inspired him to make more of an effort with his own tailed beast, which is always the end goal for any Jinchuriki.

5 Ishikawa

Height: 4' 7"

Ishikawa, The 1st Tsuchikage, Speaking During the first 5-Kage Summit in Naruto
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 332

The Tsuchikages of the Hidden Stone Village have somewhat of a tradition of being quite small in their overall size, and while Ishikawa isn't the smallest example, he's still much shorter than the fellow Kage who were around during his time as leader. He's barely shown throughout the series, but he does still show up as part of a flashback that showcases the very first meeting that took place between the five Kage.

During this interaction, he was shown to be a calm, composed, and collected leader who was far more capable of keeping his emotions on a lid when compared to some of the more outlandish Kage like A (First Raikage) for example. Needless to say, Ishikawa had to prove himself in combat to reach the status of Tsuchikage, having mastered Earth Release and even using insect-based ninjutsu as part of his unique fighting style.

4 Ameyuri Ringo

Height: 4' 7"

Ameyuri soaring through the trees with a saidstic smile on her face
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 265

When people think about the Hidden Mist Swordsmen, their minds usually revert to Zabuza or Kisame, who are both among some of the biggest and most intimidating characters in the entire series. Ameyuri on the other hand is by far the smallest of the bunch, but also one of the deadliest ninja to ever come out of the Hidden Mist Village, primarily because of how effortlessly she's able to use lightning release to bolster all of her attacks.

Amyuri's weapons of choice are the Kiba, a pair of twin swords that have been imbued with lightning to give them more of a punch, while also applying a nasty aftershock to the enemy once they've been sliced to pieces. She's also been shown to be carefree and casual in her personality, gladly killing anyone who dares to stand in her way without a second thought, which is another reason why she's so feared across the ninja world.

3 Yagura Karatachi

Height: 4' 6"

Yagura The 4th Mizukage preparing to fight In Naruto
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 200

Before Naruto was able to become a Hokage who also happened to be a Jinchuriki, Yagura beat him to it years before by becoming the Fourth Mizukage who possessed the immensely powerful Three Tails Isobu inside of him. He may be short for his age, but looks can certainly be deceiving, as Yagura was an incredibly strong ninja whose expertise with using water release abilities and summoning techniques made him a real force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

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He was also an incredibly influential politician during his time as Mizukage, being responsible for uniting the various islands of the Land of Water together, which was far from an easy task. It can be easy to write off Yagura as being one of the weaker Jinchuriki from his appearance alone, but in actuality, this couldn't be farther from the truth.

2 Sabu

Height: 4' 2"

Sabu crouching down with an angry look on his face
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 206

Sabu is a minor character in the story who essentially acts as a cheerleader for Killer Bee, who's always trying to help him improve his skills on the mic. As a result, he appears out of nowhere right before Bee's final confrontation with Kisame, where he manages to get a few hits in with his rather large axe that he can always be seen carrying.

The fact he's capable of dragging this thing around, given his size, is pretty remarkable and indicates he's much stronger than many may initially suspect at first. With that being said, this is the first and only time he ever appears in the story, so there's no telling how strong this guy is in general, and what sorts of weird and wacky abilities he has stored away for his opponents.

1 Onoki

Height: 4' 1"

Naruto Onoki Rock Clone Technique
  • First Appearance: Naruto Shippuden, Episode 199

The most noticeable aspect of the Third Tsuchikage's appearance, aside from the permanent scowl that never leaves his face and bright pink nose, is his height. Standing barely above 4 feet tall, Onoki is officially the smallest character in all of Naruto, but in all honesty, this simply lures his enemies into a false sense of security before he inevitably takes them down for good. It can be easy for someone much bigger than Onoki to feel like they will have the upper hand in a fight due to their size, but it won't take long before they realize that this elderly leader is one of the strongest Jutsu users to have ever lived.

Onoki is capable of using Earth, Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Yang release, which makes him incredibly unpredictable and virtually impossible to counter during an intense battle. His mastery over Earth release also allows him to cover his entire body in rock to bolster his attacks, while also forming rock clones to help him out in combat. The endlessly powerful Onoki is a perfect example of why it's never a wise idea to judge a book by its cover.


Release Date
October 2, 2002
Number of Episodes