The rift between the Senju and Uchiha clans is arguably one of the fiercest rivalries in not just the Naruto franchise but the entire anime world. The animosity between the two clans dates back centuries, yet some of their most menacing battles took place during the Warring States time period, as the two clans were the strongest among all other nations.

Even after peace was brokered between the Senju and Uchiha, and the two clans formed the Hidden Leaf Village, some hidden animosity still remained in the hearts of the Uchiha, which later on resulted in the failed coup d'etat of the Uchiha Clan. Despite the two clans being at war for the longest period of time, the series only vaguely depicts the exact events that caused this hatred to bloom. However, looking into the history of how the two clans were formed can shed some light on how this hatred was able to survive for centuries to come.

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Origins of the Senju & Uchiha Clans

Hagoromo and his two sons

Both the Senju and Uchiha Clans are quite extraordinary, as they possess unique capabilities that no other clan or nation can hope to achieve. The reason behind this exceptional power is their lineage, which can be traced back to the children of the Sage of Six Paths, Asura Otsutsuki and Indra Otsutsuki. The Senju are the direct descendants of Asura, while the Uchiha are Indra’s descendants.

This is also where the hatred between the two sides took shape, as Hagoromo, while dying, chose Asura as his successor, since he believed his desire for peace through love was a far superior ideology than Indra’s belief of attaining peace through power. Being the older brother, Indra claimed that it was his birthright to be the successor and fought Asura, a rivalry which then lived on through their respective bloodlines.

Warring States Period

Warring states period in Naruto

While the Senju and Uchiha had always been at odds against each other, their sentiment was further exacerbated during the Warring States Period. Since the two clans were known throughout the shinobi world as being the strongest, countries would hire them as mercenaries to fight other nations. If a country would hire the Senju Clan to do their bidding, the opposing nation would then hire the Uchiha Clan, further fortifying the hatred each side bore for the other.

During the same period, however, a ray of hope emerged for the shinobi world in the form of Hashirama Senju. No one could match his prowess in battle, especially due to his Wood Release jutsu. Once he took leadership of the Senju Clan, the tide of war was in their favor, and members of the Uchiha started siding with the Senju in hopes for peace. Eventually, Madara agreed to a peace deal as well, but only after he was moved by Hashirama’s willingness to die for the sake of peace.

Opposition Within the Hidden Leaf Village

Hashirama and Madara shaking hands

Peace had finally returned to the two clans after the joint formation of the Hidden Leaf Village, yet hate soon followed when Hashirama Senju took charge as the Village’s Hokage. Madara saw this as an act of Senju supremacy, and left the village in protest. Even the Uchiha had betrayed Madara at this point, as they did not agree with his ideals of achieving peace through power and domination.

RELATED:Strongest Uchiha Clan Members, Ranked

Even after Madara’s supposed demise, however, hostility bloomed once more, as the Uchiha felt they had been suppressed and isolated by the Senju-influenced government. To regain their lost power, the Uchiha plotted to overthrow the existing government through a coup d'etat, yet their plan was foiled by their own and the clan met a sorrowful demise, finally ending the unending Senju-Uchiha rivalry.

Black Zetsu’s Involvement

Black Zetsu in naruto

Most believe that the infamous rivalry between the two clans was because of a difference in beliefs and ideologies, yet there was another entity that acted behind the scenes, manipulating every event to their own favor. The mysterious figure is none other than Black Zetsu, one of the series recurring villains. Being the physical manifestation of Kaguya Otsutsuki’s will, Black Zetsu’s sole purpose of existing was to resurrect her, which he had hoped to achieve through the fighting between the two clans, resulting in an Uchiha finally casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

He was able to achieve his goal by rewriting Hagoromo’s stone tablet and leading Madara towards it. By changing the contents of the tablet, he ingrained in Madara that the Uchiha can only survive by constant fighting with the Senju, as otherwise, the clan would meet its demise. With this premise, Black Zetsu ensured that peace would never prevail between the two clans, and the rift that had long plagued them would never cease to exist.

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