Naruto ended a decade ago, but it is still regarded as one of the greatest anime and manga series of all time. Naruto has a huge following because fans love the story and characters, but they also love the action. Sasuke Uchiha is Naruto's best friend and one of the series' most popular characters — which means that he has had a lot of fights. Like many main characters, Sasuke has won most of his fights, but he has lost a few as well.

Sasuke has fought some of the strongest and most skilled ninjas in history, so it is not surprising that he has lost some fights. That being said, some of those defeats were very one-sided affairs. In certain cases, Sasuke only survived the encounter because other characters possessed advanced healing abilities.

Naruto: 8 Characters Who Came Back Stronger Than Before

These Naruto characters came back to the story even stronger.

8 Losing To Rock Lee

Naruto Episode 22, "Chunin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!"

Rock Lee Landing A Big Kick on Sasuke In Naruto

Sasuke met Rock Lee during the Chunin Exams Arc, and Lee challenged him to an unscheduled fight because he wanted to see who was stronger. At this point in time, Sasuke had his Sharingan, which meant that he could read all of Lee's movements. Sasuke's eyes were able to keep up with Lee's speed, but the rest of his body could not move fast enough.

As a result, Sasuke was unable to effectively block Lee's attacks. Lee overcame Sasuke's natural talent, and if Guy Sensei had not intervened, he would have gravely injured Sasuke with the Front Lotus technique. Lee could not use ninjutsu or genjutsu, but he was still able to overwhelm Sasuke with minimal difficulty.

7 Overwhelmed By The Sound Four

Naruto Episode 108, "Oto's Invitation"

Sasuke Looking at a Victorious Sound Four In Naruto

The Sound Four were Orochimaru's elite personal bodyguards, whom he sent to the Hidden Leaf Village to retrieve Sasuke. Earlier that day, Sasuke fought Naruto to a draw, but he was visibly upset when he saw that his Chidori was weaker than Naruto's Rasengan.

Naruto: Every Hokage, Ranked According To Strength

Being Hokage can be a huge burden, and not many are fit to hold the title. Every Hokage had something that made them unique. This is how they compare.

When the Sound Four first approach Sasuke, he refuses to go with them, and this leads to a quick fight. The Sound Four use the power of their Curse Seals to beat Sasuke up. After witnessing their power, he agrees to go with them in order to get stronger. Granted, this was a 4-on-1 fight, but even Sasuke did not believe that there was such an enormous gap in their strength.

6 Losing To Naruto In Final Valley

Naruto: Shippuden Episode 478, "The Unison Sign"

Naruto and Sasuke without their arms after the final battle

The final fight between Naruto and Sasuke was years in the making. It was a hard-fought and emotional battle, and it featured some of the best animation that fans of the series have seen. Sasuke possessed the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and the Rinnegan, but Naruto was still able to fight on par with him.

Even when Sasuke uses the chakra of the Tailed Beasts, Naruto finds a way to neutralize his strongest attack. They clashed several times during the fight, but their final clash caused Naruto to lose his right arm, while Sasuke lost his left. Most fans consider this fight a draw, but even Sasuke admitted that Naruto finally defeated him. Sasuke planned to kill Naruto during this fight so that he could create a new ninja world, but that plan was destroyed, along with all the darkness in his heart.

5 Beaten By Haku's Ice Mirrors

Naruto Episode 16, "The Broken Seal"

Sasuke Protecting Naruto from Haku's Attack

Zabuza and Haku were the first real threats that Sasuke and Team 7 faced, and they barely survived the first encounter. Their second fight took place a few days later, and Haku fought both Naruto and Sasuke. The two quickly found themselves overwhelmed by Haku's Ice Release kekkei genkai.

Naruto: Kakashi's Best Friends, Ranked

Kakashi's aloof and distant character did not prevent him from making many allies along his journey. Here are some of the ones he is closest to.

The battle caused Sasuke to awaken his Sharingan, and he used it to keep up with Haku's Crystal Ice Mirrors Jutsu. Unfortunately, Haku decided to target Naruto, and Sasuke jumped in front of the attack to save him. This was a valiant move, but it instantly took Sasuke out of the fight.

4 Overpowered By Itachi

Naruto Episode 85, "Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!"

Itachi Beats Sasuke with ease in Naruto

Sasuke sought more power because he wanted to avenge his clan. To do this, he needed to kill his older brother, Itachi Uchiha. The brothers met shortly after the Chunin Exams when Itachi visited the Leaf Village, but things did not go Sasuke's way.

He planned to kill Itachi with the Chidori, but Itachi stopped the fatal jutsu with one hand. Sasuke trained for this moment for years, and Itachi pummeled him as though he were an inexperienced Academy student. To make matters worse, Sasuke was placed under Itachi's genjutsu, where he was forced to watch his parents' death over and over again.

3 Needing To Be Saved From The Mizukage & Tsuchikage

Naruto: Shippuden Episode 204, "Power of the Five Kage"

The 3rd Tsuchikage Using Dust Release On Sasuke during Naruto's Five Kage Summit

Sasuke went to the Land of Iron to kill Danzo Shimura, who was attending the Five Kage Summit as the Leaf's interim Hokage. After fighting the 4th Raikage and Gaara, Sasuke reached Danzo, but he was able to escape.

Before Sasuke could act, he was attacked by the 5th Mizukage and Chojuro. The Mizukage used her Boil Release kekkei genkai to melt through Sasuke's Susanoo, and it would have killed him if Zetsu had not interfered. He then faced the 3rd Tsuchikage, who attacked him with Dust Release. Sasuke had no way to evade the attack, and he would have died if Obito had not saved him.

2 Nearly Killed By Killer B

Naruto: Shippuden Episode 143, "The Eight-Tails vs. Sasuke"

Killer B uses Lariat on Sasuke in Naruto

Sasuke agreed to work with the Akatsuki because he wanted to use their power to destroy the Leaf Village. As part of the agreement, Sasuke and his team went to the Land of Lightning to capture Killer B, the Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails. B is a perfect Jinchuriki, meaning he could use all of his Tailed Beast's chakra and transform at will.

Naruto: 8 Strongest Non Jinchuriki Characters  

These characters are powerful non Jinchuriki in Naruto.

Even with his Sharingan, Sasuke could not keep up with B's unorthodox eight-sword style. The movements were so unpredictable that Sasuke got impaled. He only lived because of Karin's healing power. Sasuke then tried to knock B out with genjutsu, and it seemed to work, but B snapped out of it and immediately hit Sasuke with a deadly Tailed Beast lariat. Sasuke's chest was destroyed, but Jugo managed to save his life.

1 Losing To Madara Uchiha In A One-On-One Fight

Naruto: Shippuden Episode 393, "A True Ending"

Madara Stabs Sasuke during the 4th great ninja war

Many fans consider Madara Uchiha to be Naruto's best villain, which is understandable since he set many events in motion. Madara is a legendary ninja who possessed god-like strength and skill, and Sasuke fought him during the 4th Great Ninja War. At one point, Sasuke attempted to stop Madara himself, but things do not go well.

At this point in the war, Madara was fully resurrected, but he did not have his eyes. He absorbed some of Hashirama's Sage chakra, which allowed him to sense Sasuke's approach. Before he could strike, Sasuke was suspended in midair by some type of jutsu. Madara then picked up Sasuke's sword and stabbed him through the chest. Fortunately, Sasuke's life was saved by a reformed Kabuto.

Naruto_ Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Release Date
February 15, 2007
Masashi Kishimoto
Number of Episodes