One of the greatest shinobi to ever live in the Naruto world, Sasuke Uchiha is one of the most crucial characters in Masashi Kishimoto's story. Born as a genius of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke had great potential right since he was a kid and by training throughout his life, he eventually fulfilled it.

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By the Fourth Great Ninja War, Sasuke was considered to be among the strongest Naruto shinobi of all time with some incredible powers at hand. Yet, some of his powers are barely available to him now likely due to the writers forgetting about them.

7 Animal Path

Animal Path Naruto

One of the Six Paths offered by the Rinnegan, the Animal Path allows any Rinnegan user to summon certain animals in combat. What's special about these summons is that they appear to be incredibly powerful, as seen during Jiraiya's clash with them.

Furthermore, they also seem to be immortal as every time they're taken down, it doesn't take them long to re-emerge. Animal Path is an incredible asset to any Rinnegan user yet Sasuke Uchiha never makes use of it.

6 Naraka Path

Naraka Path Naruto

Quite possibly the most incredible power of the Rinnegan is that of the Naraka Path. Simply put, this path of the Rinnegan offers two abilities to the user, the first of which is used for interrogation purposes. Sasuke, being someone who often goes on such missions, would greatly benefit from that power.

The second ability of this eye is even greater as it allows the user to repair any damage done to them by simply walking into the King of Hell. To Sasuke, this power would be of great use as he could easily repair his arm if he wanted to but sadly, he never made use of this power.

5 Preta Path

Preta Path Naruto

Preta Path is another useful ability that Sasuke Uchiha has up his sleeve but never utilizes for some reason. Just like the other Rinnegan paths, it offers a tremendous advantage to anyone in battle. Preta Path allows a user to absorb the chakra of any person and easily boost their reserves through simple contact.

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This was seen on countless occasions in the story by Nagato Uzumaki, Madara Uchiha, and even Sasuke Uchiha once. This power also allows a Rinnegan user to absorb any form of ninjutsu within a matter of seconds, no matter how dense the chakra is. It is up there with the greatest powers offered by the Rinnegan but sadly, is not seen in the story anymore.

4 Asura Path

Asura Path Naruto

Asura Path is a power of the Rinnegan that, once again, Sasuke Uchiha never utilized. This power allows a Rinnegan user to summon mechanized armor and other weapons from their body. This power was used extensively by Pain through one of his paths and it proved to be quite troublesome even for a shinobi as strong as Kakashi Hatake.

When Nagato Uzumaki was reanimated in the Fourth Great Ninja War, he used its power to restrain a perfect Jinchuriki in Killer Bee with ease. Sasuke Uchiha himself could easily have used its powers to great effect in combat but by the looks of it, the writers don't remember what skills he has up his sleeve.

3 Shinra Tensei/Bansho Ten'in

Tendo Pain using Shinra Tensei against jinchuriki

A power offered by the Deva Path of the Rinnegan, Shinra Tensei is an incredibly powerful jutsu that allows the user to repel anything at will. The more chakra the user expends, the greater is the power of this technique. Pain used it to wipe out Konoha from the map entirely, which just goes to show how tremendous this ability is.

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Bansho Ten'in, on the other hand, allows the user to attract anything towards themselves with great force, making it quite a dangerous power as well. While Sasuke Uchiha has used the Deva Path with techniques such as Chibaku Tensei, he hasn't utilized Shinra Tensei or Bansho Ten'in in canon, which fans know can be a great asset to any shinobi in combat.

2 Kirin

kirin sasuke uchiha lightning release

Kirin remains to be one of Sasuke Uchiha's strongest jutsu ever and one of the many that he invented himself. This Jutsu debuted during his fight against his brother, Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke has, strangely enough, never used it in the story ever since, although, in the anime, he has made use of it twice since, with the most recent usage of it coming in a filler arc. In fights that actually matter, Sasuke is never seen relying on Kirin, even though it is highly destructive and is incredibly fast for even the greatest of opponents in the story.

1 Genjutsu

Naruto Sasuke Uchiha Sharingan

Being an Uchiha, one of Sasuke's biggest strengths is his Sharingan-based Genjutsu. The likes of Itachi Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha made use of this power extensively in their fights and gained the upper hand against most characters. For some strange reason, Sasuke Uchiha barely ever relies on the usage of Genjutsu.

In Boruto, Sasuke has never attempted any genjutsu on the likes of the Otsutsuki which just makes this power a wasted ability. With his Rinnegan gone now, fans hope to see him use more of his other powers, however, whether the writers remember what techniques he has up his sleeve or not isn't known just yet.

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