Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto series. In the world of ninja, Naruto is born as a talentless child with a lofty ambition to surpass all the previous Hokage and make people acknowledge him. The beginning of his story is quite sad and, for the most part, Naruto looks like someone with a limited talent for the Ninja arts.

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However, that is exactly what makes for a compelling story as Naruto goes on to conquer his greatest weaknesses and rise to become the greatest shinobi to ever live. Naruto is a brilliant tale of courage, endurance, and above all the guts to never give up. Naruto's tale is, simply put, brilliant and it is his past that shapes his character, along with the entire plot of the series, and makes it the masterpiece that it is.

The Beginning To Naruto's Story


Naruto's story begins with him as a mischievous brat, creating problems for everyone around him. While Naruto can come off as annoying, his antics have more to do with the fact that he craves attention. Growing up without his parents, both of which died long ago, Naruto had no one to look after him. As such, he did everything possible to get attention, which often led to him being regarded as a spoiled brat. And the same time, Naruto was hated by the entire village. This wasn't simply due to him doing annoying and mischievous. After all, Naruto was simply a kid and that is exactly the kind of behavior one would expect from them.

He was hated for something much greater. Inside his body, he carried the Nine-tailed Fox, a Tailed Beast that once attacked the village. For the longest time, Naruto had no knowledge of what was inside his body. For this reason, the entire village ostracized him and often treated him differently. Naruto grew up alone and carried this pain of loneliness. This shaped Naruto's character in more than one way. As a direct consequence of his childhood, Naruto understood the feeling of loneliness more than anyone. As such, he resonated with other outcasts, such as Gaara, and even Sasuke, to a much greater degree.

The Burden Of His Family

Naruto in Naruto

When one is ostracized like Naruto, things don't always end up working well for them. Naruto was certainly able to empathize more with others due to his background, however, there was a good chance for him to become someone full of hatred in his heart and justifiably so. While Naruto was hated, he also had salvation in the form of certain friends who always stuck by him. Iruka, in particular, always looked out for him. It was Iruka who saved Naruto's life and went on to declare his love for him. Having a handful of good people to love and protect him, Naruto was able to become the man he is today. At the same time, Naruto was always a child blessed with immense love and care.

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The day he was born, his parents sacrificed their lives for him. Naruto's mother ended up giving her life in order for him to live a fulfilling life and his father, the Fourth Hokage, did all he could to ensure that Naruto would be safe. In fact, it was Minato who sealed the Tailed Beast that caused Naruto so much misery within him. While on the surface this looks like a burden too much to bear for a child, Minato also entrusted Naruto with this power and put all his faith in him. He realized that Naruto was the Child of Prophecy on only he would be able to stop the Masked Man one day. As such, it is clear to see that Naruto was always showered with love right from the moment he was born and, despite the hate that he faced along the way, there were always those who protected him and loved him.

How Naruto Conquered The World

Naruto in Naruto

On the surface, Naruto certainly doesn't look like shinobi who has any talent and the majority of his enemies end up underestimating him. However, what they fail to realize is that Naruto is the epitome of hard work. He might fail on the first attempt, but by practicing the same thing over and over again, Naruto will succeed. He's stubborn and, more often than not, gets his way. Above all, Naruto's greatest quality is his kindness and this allowed him to conquer everything and achieve all his dreams. Naruto had only a few bonds while growing up, however, he always did whatever he could do to protect them. His warm personality and kind heart enabled him to conquer all sorts of hardships that he had on his path.

The greatest testament to this is the fact that Naruto was even able to conquer Kurama, a Tailed Beast known to be a mass of hatred itself. Making a strong bond with it, Naruto ended up conquering his greatest weakness. Along the way, he also conquered the hearts of all those who he fought and made them acknowledge him. By the time he defeated Pain, Naruto even earned the acknowledgment of every single person living in the Hidden Leaf Village. By the Fourth Great Ninja War, he conquered the hearts of the entire Shinobi Force and was hailed as a hero for saving the world. Undoubtedly, Naruto is the greatest Shinobi to ever live and one whose past experiences made him the man that he is today.

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