The Naruto series may have set a clear precedence of ocular supremacy in terms of jutsu, yet even within this framework, the Rinnegan reigns supreme with its unfathomable powers. However, the Rinnegan’s strength is highly dependent on the wielder’s own prowess, making Madara Uchiha the strongest Rinnegan user. Being the first to awaken this revered dojutsu, Madara arguably had the most control over the Rinnegan’s abilities, utilizing techniques that no other user could handle.

Madara has been witnessed using almost all of the Rinnegan’s base abilities, from the Preta Path to raining down meteors from the sky. He even had access to abilities that none of the other Rinnegan users could perform, such as Limbo: Hengoku, serving as one of his greatest defenses and offense. Taking a look at Madara’s Rinnegan arsenal reveals his mastery over the dojutsu, a commendable feat considering he was the first ever user of this jutsu.

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Six Paths of Pain Abilities

Madara Preta Path

The Six Paths of Pain technique is one of the Rinnegan’s most renowned and strongest techniques, meaning Madara naturally had complete control over this ability. Instead of controlling corpses to use each path like Nagato, Madara simply uses the abilities himself. During the Great War arc, Madara was witnessed using the Preta Path to absorb all incoming ninjutsu, making him entirely immune to chakra-based abilities.

The Deva Path, arguably the strongest Six Path ability, was also utilized by Madara when he used Chibaku Tensei against the Allied Shinobi Forces. Owing to his mastery over the Rinnegan, Madara could conjure more than one Chibaku Tensei sphere. While Madara was never witnessed using the other Paths of Pain abilities, it is implied that he had complete control over the other paths.

Demonic Statue Chains

Madara Using Demonic Chains

The Demonic Statue Chains is an Outer Path ability of the Rinnegan, capable of subduing Tailed Beasts. These chakra chains bind to the target with a cursed seal, rendering them completely incapacitated. Madara was able to capture all nine Tailed Beasts through the use of the technique, clearly denoting his extreme mastery over the Rinnegan.

It’s worth noting that he was only able to use the Demonic Statue Chains after he was reincarnated in his actual flesh and had implanted one of his actual Rinnegan eyes, meaning the Reanimation Jutsu limited many of Madara’s actual Rinnegan techniques.

Tengai Shinsei

Tengai Shinsei Meteorite

The Tengai Shinsei has only one instance of usage (twice considering the second incoming meteorite), yet it has remained a focal point in determining Madara’s absurd strength. Many even questioned the ability as being a part of the Rinnegan’s arsenal, though it's clear from the name and the nature of the ability that it indeed belongs to the Rinnegan. Instead of conjuring gravitational spheres in the sky like Chibaku Tensei, Tengai Shinsei simply rains down a pre-formed meteorite from the sky.

RELATED:Naruto: The Six Paths of Pain, Explained

The enormous size of the meteorite and wide-scale destruction could arguably denote the Tengai Shinsei as one of the strongest Rinnegan techniques, with little to no way to counter the massive incoming meteor. Considering the overpowered nature of this technique, it was only witnessed once in the series. The sheer power behind the jutsu forced many to question whether it’s actually ninjutsu, with Gaara even believing it to be a power comparable to a god’s.

Limbo: Hengoku

Limbo Hengoku

Limbo: Hengoku is arguably Madara’s strongest technique, offering complete immunity against all forms of attacks. Limbo essentially allows the user to form clones of oneself that exist in an invisible world, one that co-exists with the physical world. These shadows cannot be sensed by regular sensory methods, nor can they be witnessed by the naked eye. The shadows also serve as the perfect offense, attacking opponents head-on without being detected.

Madara could initially only conjure one shadow when he didn’t possess both Rinnegan eyes. However, even the strength of one shadow was enough to subdue all Tailed Beasts with one strike, all while defending Madara against any sort of offense. With both Rinnegan eyes, the number of shadows went up to four at one time. It's never implied that the strength of each clone is dependent on having both eyes, meaning only the number of clones at a single time is affected by having one eye.

Limbo’s shadows seem to have no weakness against regular abilities, making the user almost invincible. However, the ability itself isn’t inherently invulnerable as another Rinnegan user can sense the shadows and counter them as well. Moreover, the Six Paths Sage Mode allows the user to sense the shadows as well. While regular chakra based abilities can’t do much damage to the clones, abilities infused with the Six Paths Sage Mode chakra can easily defeat these corporeal shadows.

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