Distinct yet bearing some similarities to the closely related concept of kekkei genkai in Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, kekkei mora are a series of techniques and abilities related to the bloodline of Kaguya Otsutsuki who was the progenitor of all chakra on earth. Virtually all of Kaguya's own powers can be classified as kekkei mora, and their potency is on a level that far exceeds the vast majority of shinobi on earth. Her abilities predate much of the main series, and her status as the most powerful adversary faced by the shinobi world throughout Naruto is unquestionable. Some of these abilities also extended to her children — Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki — indicating that the method of categorization followed for kekkei mora and kekkei genkai are not entirely identical.

For instance Kaguya's Byakugan and Rinne Sharingan, as well as Hagoromo's Rinnegan come under the banner of kekkei mora, while all other instances of these dojutsu are kekkei genkai. This also signifies that the concept of kekkei mora has some ties to the Otsutsuki clan itself. The term on its own means "bloodline encompassing" when literally translated, and kekkei mora include some of the most powerful techniques seen in Naruto. Kekkei mora also have links to the powers obtained by those who consume chakra fruit, which contains the combined life force and genetic information of a planet's biosphere. Hence, the ability to manifest kekkei mora may also be connected to the God Tree itself.

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What Is A Kekkei Mora?

Tears flowing down Kaguya Otsusuki's face

Loosely defined, kekkei mora broadly encompass the abilities possessed by Kaguya Otsutsuki and her bloodline, cast without the need for hand signs. Collectively, they are the forerunners of Ninshu, ninjutsu, and all other forms of chakra manipulation seen throughout Naruto. Some abilities such as the Byakugan, Sharingan, Rinne Sharingan, and the Rinnegan can be either kekkei genkai or kekkai mora depending on the wielder, whereas others such as Kaguya's All-Killing Ash Bones, Amenominaka, or her Yomotsu Hirasaka fall exclusively under the latter category. Many kekkei mora also bear a number of similarities to kekkei genkai used by shinobi from all over the world. Examples include Kimimaro Kaguya's Shikotsumyaku, which is likely derived from Kaguya's own All-Killing Ash Bones, allowing her descendants from the Kaguya clan to modify their skeletal structure and weaponize it.

Kekkei mora grant users immeasurable advantages in battle when used cleverly. The sheer diversity, power, and versatility of these techniques is on a scale that no other jutsu or family of techniques in Naruto can ever compare to. From combining all five nature transformations, to incredible visual prowess, bodily modification, teleportation, genjutsu, or even the manipulation of the Ten-Tails and the God Tree, kekkei mora are a cut above most other ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjustu, or even senjutsu techniques in the franchise, giving anyone who uses them a huge upper hand in virtually any combat situation they may find themselves in. It is likely that kekkei mora require tremendous amounts of chakra, on a level that ordinary shinobi cannot even come close to.

What Are The Different Types Of Kekkei Mora

Kaguya Naruto using her Kekkei Mora against Naruto

The Three Great Dojutsu have their roots in the kekkei mora of Hagoromo and Kaguya, illuminating the close relationships between the two families of abilities. In particular, Hagoromo and Kaguya wielded the predecessors of the Hyuga's Byakugan and the Uchiha's Sharingan, as well as the godly visual prowess of the Rinnegan. Besides ocular powers, kekkei mora also include genjutsu techniques, space-time ninjutsu, taijutsu techniques, and nature transformations. In the case of nature transformations, the Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball combines all five basic chakra natures as well as Yin-Yang Release into a single form which can be molded to any shape as per the user's desire. These expanding mass is made of black chakra, much like the standard Truth-Seeking Ball, but it can be generated from nothing, unlike the ones that manifest with Six Paths Sage Mode, Tenseigan Chakra Mode, or becoming the jinhcuriki of the Ten-Tails. Expansive Truth-Seeking Balls are said to hold the power to destroy and reshape the world and require massive amounts of chakra to create, which makes it difficult to make repeated use of this technique in quick succession.

Other kekkei mora include the All-Killing Ash Bones, which hardens a user's bone structure to create projectiles that can be fired from their palms or back. If these projectiles strike an intended target, they will completely reduce it to ash, leaving no trace behind. Kaguya's kekkei mora also includes two space-time ninjutsu — Amenominaka and Yomotsu Hirasaka. While the former transports dimensional planes towards a user and their opponents, warping the fabric of reality around them to suit their needs, the latter is the progenitor of most space-time ninjutsu in Naruto, allowing the Otsutsuki to traverse dimensions at will.

Taijutsu techniques that are classified as kekkei mora include Kaguya's Rabbit Hair Needle which fires hardened hair fibers as projectiles with the aid of the Byakugan, and the Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack which enhances her punches with chakra to create massive fists that leave no room or time for escape, capable of damaging a Six Paths Chakra enhanced Complete Body - Susanoo. The Infinite Tsukuyomi also falls under the category of kekkei mora, in its status as the most powerful of all genjutsu. Finally, God: Nativity of a World of Trees is a method of spreading the roots of the God Tree to capture those caught within the Infinite Tsukuyomi and harvest their life force to create a new chakra fruit.

NEXT: Naruto: Kekkei Genkai, Explained