The Naruto franchise features a number of unique jutsu and forbidden techniques that are distinctive to each clan, showcasing their unfettered power and high status among their respective villages. However, with such power comes great risk, and these clans are willing to go to any lengths to protect their secrets. Such is the case of the Hyuga Clan, one of the Hidden Leaf’s four noble clans and the bearers of one of the Three Great Dojutsu – the Byakugan.

The Hyuga Clan is known throughout the shinobi world for its unique Kekkei Genkai, as the Byakugan’s abilities can turn the tide of any battle in the user’s favor. The Byakugan has been a subject of interest for several other nations, most notably the Hidden Cloud Village, as several attempts have been made to steal the revered Dojutsu to study its secrets. To ensure the Byakugan remains safe from the enemies, the Hyuga Clan has been known to employ drastic methods, with the most severe one being the Hyuga’s cursed seal – a mark that brands the branch family members into eternal servitude to the clan.

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The Hyuga Clan’s Branch System

Hizashi Hyuga with the cursed seal

Before delving into how the cursed seal protects the Hyuga’s Dojutsu, it is essential to first understand the Hyuga Clan’s branch system. The clan is divided into two parts; the main house and the branch house. As the name suggests, the main house is responsible for leading the clan and managing its affairs, while the branch house is tasked with protecting the main house.

However, the system is slightly complicated as the title of heir to the main house can only be passed down to one child, while the rest are then deemed as branch house members. This can be seen in the case of Neji's father, Hizashi Hyuga, who was made a branch house member and given the cursed seal despite being the second born of the Hyuga’s main house. This system of two houses was set in place to ensure that branch members serve and protect the main house, while keeping the lineage pure.

The Hyuga’s Cursed Seal

Hanabi Hyuga

The cursed seal, or the Caged Bird Seal, was the Hyuga Clan’s way of protecting their revered Byakugan, along with ensuring that the branch members served their solemn duty as protectors of the main house. On the third birthday of the main house’s next heir or heiress, members of the branch house are marked with the cursed seal on their forehead. Neji received his seal when he was four years old, on Hinata’s third birthday.

Once applied, the cursed seal cannot be undone, forcing the branch members into servitude to the clan. The curse can be used by the main house to tame their branch counterparts, as the seal can be activated through a special hand seal to subjugate excruciating pain upon the disobeying branch member. The seal even goes as far as killing the branch member by destroying their cranial nerves, if need be.

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As for the main purpose of the cursed seal, once a clan member dies, the cursed mark seals away their Byakugan, rendering it completely useless for anyone trying to get their hands on it. Keeping the Kekkei Genkai safe is the clan’s first priority, as evident from the fact that the main house members are not allowed to leave the village since they do not have a cursed seal, with Hinata being an exception.

Implications of the Cursed Seal

Neji's death during Great Shinobi War

Despite the cursed seal primarily being used to protect the Byakugan, it only led towards more animosity and hate among the clan itself. In a world where clans and villages fought for their freedom, being servants of their own clan seemed like a fate worse than death for the branch house members. Neji’s struggle with the idea of being subjugated to servitude for the rest of his life is proof of how the system only created more rifts within the clan.

During a spar between Neji and Hinata, Hiashi is forced to use the Cursed Mark: Caged Bird jutsu to activate the seal’s power, completely incapacitating Neji. An event such as that forces him to grow up with hatred for the main house. The same is the case for the rest of the branch house members, who view serving the main house as a burden and a hindrance towards achieving their own destiny. However, after the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the Hyuga Clan discontinued the practice of branding branch members with the seal, partly due to Neji’s death and his sentiments towards the cruel seal.

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