The Naruto Franchise features an impeccable lineup of chakra-based abilities that are referred to as 'Jutsu', with each one producing distinct effects and outcomes. However, not all jutsu are equal in terms of strength and utility, as some dominate the battlefield with their absurd power, with one example being the Flying Raijin Jutsu. Although this Jutsu is rarely mentioned in the series due to its direct link with past Hokage, it still serves as a testament to the Hidden Leaf's overall prowess.

While many associates the Flying Raijin Jutsu with Minato Namikaze, it was actually Tobirama Senju who created this unfettered ability. However, its popular attribution with Minato isn't unjustified, as he was the one who perfected and improved the jutsu further, turning an already powerful ability into an all-out absurd power creep. Looking into how Minato tweaked the jutsu reveals how he was able to further improve this godly technique.

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How Does the Flying Raijin Jutsu Work?

Minato vs Raikage fight

The jutsu can be considered a space-time ninjutsu, as it allows the user to travel through time and space to instantly arrive at the target location. However, the caster can't exactly teleport to wherever they want, as a necessary prerequisite for the jutsu to be used is placing a mark on the target location. The mark can be placed simply by touching the target, and once applied, it cannot be removed, even after death.

The jutsu doesn't seem to have any blindspots as even the chakra usage is minimal, meaning it can be used indefinitely without much to lose. However, teleporting other objects through its space-time travel can require heaps of chakra, depending on the size of the object. To teleport anything other than the user themselves, one simply needs to be in contact with the object or person, or be linked to their chakra in Minato's case.

The technique may seem to be reminiscent of the commonly used Body Flicker Technique, yet their workings are inherently different. Its true similarity lies with the Summoning Jutsu, as both require a mark and allow instantaneous space-time travel. Nevertheless, the Flying Raijin Jutsu defies normal shinobi speed limitations, seeing how the Second and Fourth Hokage were deemed as the fastest shinobi to ever live due to its lightning-fast teleportation.

Minato's Improvements to the Flying Raijin Jutsu

Minato Flying Raijin Jutsu

While the technique remains essentially the same, Minato was able to tweak the Second Hokage's special technique and make it his own through more advancements that better suited his fighting style. The primary difference between the two variations is that Minato's Flying Raijin mark allows him to sense the surroundings of the mark, essentially giving him critical information about the battlefield. Tobirama's version lacked this advancement, forcing him to blindly teleport himself to the target location.

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Another difference lies in how the jutsu teleports other people and objects. Tobirama's version required him to be in direct contact with the object he wanted to teleport. On the other hand, Minato's perfected version allowed him to teleport anything his chakra was in contact with. This meant he could teleport others that weren't in direct contact with him to his target location.

Lastly, a necessary improvement that Minato made to the jutsu was the teleportation itself, and where he would appear around the target. Tobirama's teleportation allowed him to appear right beside the mark, which could potentially put him at a disadvantage if he teleported too close to the enemy. Minato removed this limitation as he could appear at a slight distance from his target, creating a much-needed gap between him and any potential target enemies.

Flying Raijin: Guiding Thunder

Flying Raijin Barrier Technique

Apart from improving the Second Hokage's revered Jutsu, Minato was also able to create another version of it, which essentially followed the same principle. With Flying Raijin: Guiding Thunder, Minato could form a barrier that could teleport any object that collided with it. The technique's primary purpose is to serve as a defensive barrier and to deflect any sort of enemy attacks. The extent of the barrier's defensive nature is demonstrated by its ability to even deflect tailed-beast bombs. This improvement to the jutsu, along with the other tweaks, stand as a testament to not just the jutsu's strength but to Minato Namikaze's rightful position as the Fourth Hokage.

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