
  • Ice Release is a powerful kekkei genkai that allows users to create constructs, weapons, and alter the terrain with ice.
  • Haku was a skilled exponent of Ice Release and could produce snow, create ice spikes, encase himself in ice, and confuse opponents with his mirrors.
  • The Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals technique was Haku's ultimate weapon, creating a field of ice mirrors that rendered opponents unable to track his movements.

Easily one of the most memorable antagonist pairs in Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, Haku and Zabuza Momochi got the series off to a rollicking start in the Prologue: Land of Waves Arc, pushing Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi to their limits right from the get go. In large part, this was also due to the introduction of the first kekkei genkai in the series, which was the fearsome Ice Release ability wielded by Haku. This would later pave the way for other kekkei genkai such as Wood Release, Lava Release, Magnet Release, Boil Release, and Storm Release to debut later on in the series.

Now counted among the most flexible and terrifying powers in Naruto, Ice Release was a core feature of Haku's ninjutsu abilities, where he used it to create weapons, projectiles, or even alter the terrain around him over a large area. Ice Release was a major factor behind why Haku was chosen by Zabuza as his subordinate, and it allowed him to put up a valiant fight against Team 7 and Kakashi. With that in mind, what exactly is Ice Release, and how did Haku use it in combat?

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What Is Ice Release?

Haku Ice Release Naruto

Similar to most other nature transformation based kekkei genkai, Ice Release combines two different chakra natures to produce a new elemental ability that merges the attributes of both. With it, Haku was able to produce ice to create constructs, weapons, or other elemental attacks. It is an inherited power confined to certain individuals and bloodlines, with the most well known among them being the Land of Water's Yuki Clan. Being a descendant of the clan, Haku naturally inherited Ice Release from his mother.

Other individuals in the Naruto universe have possessed Ice Release, but the vast majority of them were non-canon characters from the series' film franchise, with the sole exception being Ryogi from Boruto, who was a canon character in the anime. That being said, Haku was likely the only one who inherited his powers due to his lineage being tied to the Yuki Clan. Unfortunately, the clan faced a lot of prejudice and persecution due to the potency of their Ice Release abilities, which led to most of its members either being hunted down or forced into hiding.

A Chillingly Versatile And Deadly Kekkei Genkai

Naruto Haku Kekkai Gankei

The sheer variety of ways in which Ice Release can be applied, as well as its destructive potential, are why the Yuki Clan was once so feared in the Land of Water. Haku was an exceptional exponent of Ice Release, as he learned how to apply it to a plethora of combat scenarios and other situations. For instance, it was heavily implied that he could alter weather phenomena over a fixed area to produce snowfall during the Prologue: Land of Waves Arc, which was one of the most wide-ranging applications of this kekkei genkai.

Alternatively, he could use this ability to generate large spikes of ice from the ground with Ice Release: Certain Kill Ice Spears, to impale anything in their path. Even as a child, Haku was shown producing spikes large enough to pierce through a single floor house, and his refinement of the jutsu only intensified with age. The rate at which the spikes protruded from the ground was near instantaneous, giving opponents virtually no chance to react, which made it an almost infallible offensive measure in confined spaces.

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In addition, he was also able to encase himself along with others in a dome made of ice with Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness, to ward off a barrage of enemy attacks while sustaining no damage. Other users of Ice Release, such as Kahyo in Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky, could plant particles of ice that would lower a target's body temperature and make them freeze to death if they failed to use their chakra to stay warm.

Additionally, Kahyo's brother Rahyo used Ice Release to augment his taijutsu by surrounding his fists with ice. Lastly, Ryogi from the Land of Snow used his version of Ice Release to fire shards of ice as projectiles towards his opponents, taking them out with deadly efficiency. However, even though all of these attacks were formidable to deal with in a one-on-one confrontation, they paled in comparison to the Yuki Clan's ultimate weapon, which Haku employed with immense mastery and tactical intelligence.

The Yuki Clan's Secret Weapon

Haku using Ice Release

The most powerful weapon in Haku's arsenal was the Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals technique, which is said to have been passed down in the Yuki Clan for generations, as the pinnacle of their Ice Release abilities. With it, Haku could create a large field of ice mirrors to surround his targets. Upon entering one of the mirrors, his reflected image would appear in all of them, rendering the target unable to discern what his actual position was.

He could then move freely between the mirrors by exploiting his raw speed, to either deliver short range attacks, or fire projectiles such as senbon needles. These volleys would appear to come from every direction due to the mirrors, which overwhelmed an opponent's vision and prevented them from evading the attack. If any one of the mirrors was broken, Haku could leap out to assault his adversary, or simply move to another mirror and evade their countermeasures.

It was nearly impossible for most shinobi to track Haku when he uses this technique. Only users of the Sharingan such as Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki in his initial jinchuriki form, were able to dodge Haku's assault. The mirrors were also quite resistant to Fire Release, but Naruto's tailed beast chakra was able to break through them, indicating that they were not entirely indestructible. Furthermore, the jutsu also consumed a lot of chakra, and so, Haku was unable to use it indefinitely. Instead, he generally employed it to end fights quickly or take on powerful enemies.

As the most powerful jutsu wielded by Ice Release users from the Yuki Clan, the Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals technique is extremely difficult to guard against, and only shinobi of an extremely high caliber could hope to emerge unscathed once Haku activated it. Hence, it is no surprise that the Yuki Clan inspired such fear among shinobi from the Land of Water, and it is interesting to think of how powerful Haku might have become if he had been given the chance to continue his journey as a shinobi alongside Zabuza.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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