Anime series tend to highly value friendships, with some even basing their characters’ strength on the renowned ‘power of friendship.’ The Naruto series is no different, as friendships and allegiances are valued above all else, and characters have been witnessed sacrificing their lives for their loved ones. However, not all characters have found the same success in terms of making friends, especially those that have tailed beasts forcibly chained inside them.

While most Jinchuriki have had difficulty making friends, Gaara received the short end of the stick as his childhood was spent entirely in isolation. Despite his unfortunate beginnings, Gaara ended up developing close ties with many characters, either due to circumstances or his own willingness to form a bond of friendship. Although Gaara’s best friends are limited, they still showcase his tremendous growth from an antisocial antagonist to a kind and reliable friend.

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5 Rock Lee

Gaara's Old Rival

Naruto and Rock Lee 11

Gaara and Rock Lee’s friendship dates back to the very first Chunin Exams, though at that point the two were nothing short of bitter enemies. Rock Lee almost lost his life due to Gaara’s bloodlust, and the aftermath of their fight left Lee in a crippled state. An assassination attempt by Gaara furthered their mutual hate, and fans would never have imagined the two to ever be on friendly terms.

Despite all odds, Gaara finds a reliable and trustworthy friend in Lee. This can be attributed to the Sasuke Retrieval arc where Gaara saves Lee and helps him defeat Kimimaro. By this arc, Gaara had reflected on his shortcomings and vowed to change his ways, and this resolve shined through during the fight. The two share a heartfelt moment after the fight, finding a common ground on cherishing their loved ones. This marked the beginning of a friendship built on trust and respect – one that stood the test of time.

4 Shukaku

Gaara's Tailed Beast

Shukaku and Gaara

Every single one of Gaara’s friendships has had a bumpy start, yet his relationship with Shukaku was arguably the most malicious one. Much of Gaara’s bloodlust and antisocial traits can be attributed to Shukaku constantly poisoning his mind. Even after Gaara gained control over his tailed beast, their relationship didn’t exactly improve.

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However, their relationship turns around in Boruto: Naruto Next Generation considerably, with the two forming a novel bond despite not being chained together anymore. Gaara has expressed his willingness to die for Shukaku, and these sentiments have been reciprocated by Shukaku several times. His relationship with Gaara’s adopted son Shinki is another indicator of their close ties and trustworthy relationship.

3 Temari

Gaara's Sister

Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro

Gaara’s relationship with Temari never exactly embodied the typical brother-sister dynamic, as she used to be terrified of her younger brother. Due to Gaara being a Jinchuriki, Temari would rarely interact with her brother. The few efforts she made to bridge the gap were all in vain due to Shukaku poisoning Gaara’s mind.

Their relationship underwent a dynamic change right after the Chunin Exams, with Temari being one of the few people supporting Gaara after his redemption. Throughout the rest of the series, Temari has remained one of Gaara’s biggest advocates. She also supported him as the Kazekage and went up against all opposing voices to cement her brother’s position as the Hidden Sand’s leader.

2 Kankuro

Gaara's Brother, Bodyguard, and Advisor

Kankuro Gaara's Brother

Kankuro's role in Gaara’s life has been much more than just a brother. Despite facing the same circumstances as Temari, Kankuro was able to look past Gaara’s past misdeeds and support him in his reforms. Kankuro initially remained apprehensive of Gaara due to his psychopathic tendencies. However, his view of his brother changed right after Gaara vowed to turn a new leaf and lead his life with a new perspective.

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Alongside Temari, Kankuro became one of Gaara’s strongest support systems, even taking on the role of the Kazekage’s advisor. In Shippuden, Kankuro can be seen by Gaara’s side in every appearance, and the bond of utmost trust and respect shines through each time. While Temari also bears similar sentiments, the series never exactly featured any scenes with just her and Gaara. Kankuro, on the other hand, has several heartfelt moments with Gaara, strengthening not just their sibling relationship but deeming them nothing short of best friends.

1 Naruto

Gaara's Very First Friend

Gaara and Naruto

As the person who saved Gaara from the verge of madness, Naruto easily takes the top spot as Gaara’s closest friend. Before meeting Naruto, Gaara had given himself up to his destructive tendencies and desire to kill all those around him. He believed that there was no one in this world who had suffered as much as him, and none could understand his pain and suffering.

Naruto successfully shifted Gaara’s entire perspective in just one encounter, bringing him back from the depths of madness. He showed the maddened Jinchuriki that despite living a life of isolation and despair, it is still possible to find people that will accept them the way they are. Naruto opened his eyes and freed him from his internalized despair, with Gaara himself deeming Naruto his very first friend. Their friendship only deepened throughout the rest of the series, and the same sentiments have trickled down to the show’s sequel.


Release Date
October 2, 2002
Masashi Kishimoto
Based On