Byakugan is one of the strongest eye jutsu, also known as Dojutsu, in the world of Naruto. As a matter of fact, it sits right behind Rinnegan and Sharingan in terms of power and unique abilities. Furthermore, Byakugan also originated from the Otsutsuki clan, just like Rinnegan and Sharingan. However, unlike the other two, Byakugan is actually the original eyes of the Otsutsuki, not a derivative like Sharingan, or the evolved version like the Rinnegan.

Similar to how Sharingan is an eye jutsu that is exclusive to the Uchiha Clan, Byakugan is also exclusive to one particular clan in Konoha, the Hyuga. That being said, Byakugan doesn’t have a high affinity to Genjutsu like Sharingan. That being said, it still has quite a few practical abilities that make it arguably more useful than Sharingan, both in combat/mission and also in day-to-day life. Here are some of the most notable abilities of this iconic dojutsu.

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360 Vision

Naruto Neji Byakugan Blind spot

As the name suggests, once activated, Byakugan users have the ability to see everything around them, without having to move their head, in other words, a 360 vision. Be it something that is located behind them, above them, beside them, and even under them, they can see it all. Imagine a sphere with the user at its center, that is precisely the range of vision of a Byakugan user.

That being said, Byakugan is not an all-powerful vision. First of all, while the user can swiftly shift their gaze in any direction in a fraction of a second, they can’t look at two different things that are located in two different directions at the same time, just like a normal human. They can only see one spot at a time. Not only that, a Byakugan user actually has a blind spot, which is a small area at the base of their nape. Which means if the enemy manages to hit that precise spot, the Byakugan won’t be able to see it coming.

Other than that, this is basically a perfect ability that can be used in all kinds of situations. But it is especially useful during combat. After all, if you can see every direction without having to move a muscle, any kind of surprise attack is basically useless. Be it a punch or an arrow, a Byakugan user can easily see them coming.

Telescopic Vision

Naruto Neji Telescopic vision

There are quite a few Byakugan abilities that are similar to that of Superman’s supervision. One of which is Telescopic Vision. It is a pretty straightforward ability, because as the name suggests, this ability allows the Byakugan user to see objects that are located far away from them, sort of like an advanced binocular.

There’s no set limit over how much distance a Byakugan user can cover with their eyes, but one thing for sure, different users have different distance limits. One thing worth noting, however, is the fact that this is not a permanent limit. While the base distance may be determined by their chakra output, they can increase their limit through training and experience. That is why Neji can see a lot farther when he’s become a Jonin compared to when he was still a Chuunin.

Unlike the 360 vision, telescopic vision doesn’t have any obvious weakness. But since its primary purpose is to see into the distance, this ability is much more suited for reconnaissance, rather than combat. After all, when combined with their 360 vision, Byakugan users can really see everything around the battlefield at any given moment, which is a huge advantage in both infiltration missions and in an open war.

X-Ray Vision

Naruto Byakugan Chakra Pathway

Just like telescopic vision, this particular ability is also quite similar to one of superman’s superpowers, which is the X-Ray vision. As the name suggests, this ability allowed a Byakugan user to look through solid objects, such as pouches and bags, buildings, and even human organs. But what makes it different from a mere x-ray vision is its ability to clearly see the chakra pathway inside the human body.

As a matter of fact, the ability to see the chakra pathway is basically the foundation behind Hyuga Clan’s iconic Gentle Fist. After all, this technique requires its users to hit certain points within the chakra pathway in order to block or release the flow of the chakra. Seeing the chakra pathway also enabled them to recognize chakra signatures and see the activation of a ninjutsu. That is why a Byakugan user is one of the few people who can detect when a Sharingan user uses a Genjutsu, or when somebody is under the influence of a genjutsu.

X-Ray vision can be used both during combat, and also for recon jobs. After all, when combined with both 360 and telescopic vision, a Byakugan user will be able to look inside the enemy headquarters, or even something as simple as detecting objects within the enemy’s bags. And as mentioned earlier, this ability is also the key component that enabled a Hyuga to execute their trademark Gentle Fist, which is a very dangerous and effective technique that can either incapacitate or even kill their opponents.

So as you can see, although it might not be as powerful as a Sharingan, Byakugan is far more useful for a ninja, both for combat, and also for their regular missions. As a side note, almost every tactical squad in Konoha, be it Anbu or agents from the Roots, have a Hyuga among them. That is the testament to how valuable their Byakugan eyes are for any kind of mission.

More: Naruto: The Real Mythology Behind The Uchiha's Strongest Jutsu