
  • Size matters in combat in the Naruto universe, with tall characters like A and Han using their stature to dominate on the battlefield.
  • Characters like Kitsuchi and Fuguki show that being tall isn't just about physical appearance, but also indicates immense power and durability.
  • Tall characters like Kushimaru and Kinshiki use their height to strike fear into their enemies, showing that size can be a huge advantage in battle.

While it's not a requirement that someone needs to be big and tall in order to qualify for being a ninja in the Naruto universe, it can still definitely be a big help in combat. Whether the person decides to use their stature to their advantage by adding weight to their punches, or they prefer to take a more defensive style, there have been plenty of incredibly tall characters throughout the story of Naruto who have struck fear into their opponents' eyes with just their size alone.

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Most of these characters make a physical appearance during the story, but there are also some who lived before the events of Naruto even began, leaving fans to imagine how gigantic they must have been during their heyday. This list is going to reveal who are officially the tallest characters in all of Naruto to uncover which of them truly stands as the tallest among them all.

7 A (Third Raikage)

Height: 6' 7"

The 3rd Raikage charges into the Allied Shinobi Forces during the 4th Great Ninja War in Naruto: Shippuden.

The mighty Raikage who leads the Hidden Cloud Village are known for always being big and brutish in their appearance, and A, the Third Raikage, is no exception. A's large stature didn't end up making him any slower on the battlefield, with him instead often being considered the fastest and deadliest warrior in the village's history, and a master of taijutsu who enjoys using his massive frame to crush his opponents.

It also doesn't affect his stamina, since A possesses such a large Chakra reserve that he can easily get back into a fight, no matter how many times he's beaten down. In fact, it wasn't long after he took on ten thousand shinobi single-handedly that he earned the nickname "Strongest Shield" in honor of his remarkable durability and strength. This just goes to show how menacing of a leader A really was, and his size plays a big part in earning him such a reputation.

6 A (First Raikage)

Height: 6' 8"

First Raikage

As if the Third Raikage wasn't already big enough, the Village Hidden in the Clouds once had a leader who was even taller than A, that being the first Raikage, who also happens to share the same name. The First Raikage wasn't as much of a combatant as future leaders, and instead, enjoyed the more political aspects of being the Raikage. He was also known for being very proud and, at times, stubborn as a leader, such as how he refused to bow in front of other leaders to show his dominance, or how he was always willing to step over the boundaries to ensure the prosperity of his village.

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Because fans only get a few glimpses of the First Raikage, it's hard to get a full sense of his size, though it is officially stated that he's taller than the Third Raikage, which means he would easily tower over all the other Kage too. This large stature allows him to look down on his political opponents, not only physically, but also mentally.

5 Kushimaru Kuriarare

Height: 6' 9"

Kushimaru fighting Kakashi

Zabuza, who is a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, appears quite early on in the series, but it takes a while before the others become fully revealed. It's fair to say though, when they do finally show up, they are just as dangerous as everyone expected them to be, all featuring their own unique and memorable designs, especially in the case of Kushimaru.

Though the most notable part of Kushimaru's appearance is his porcelain Anbu mask and long shaggy golden hair, it's also shocking how tall the swordsman is, standing head and shoulders over his allies. Thankfully, Kushimaru's weapon of choice, Nuibari, is a longsword which is almost as big as he is, making him a true force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Needless to say, once Kushimaru steps out from the mist to hunt down his prey, there's no point in even trying to fight this legendary swordsman, as he's had more than enough experience in cutting people down to size.

4 Kitsuchi

Height: 7' 1"


Though Kitsuchi only makes a few brief appearances throughout the story, he does still prove to be a huge asset during the Fourth Great Ninja War, taking on hordes of White Zetsus and enemy soldiers without even breaking a sweat. Kitsuchi is able to pull this off thanks to his mastery of Nature Transformation techniques, and his size, being one of the tallest individuals from the Hidden Rock Village.

When he's not using Earth Release abilities to annihilate his foes, Kitsuchi can often be seen utilizing taijutsu, where he uses his body to force his enemies into submission. He may not be quite as fast as the likes of the Raikage, but Kitsuchi is still remarkably quick on his feet for someone so big, and he certainly knows how to throw his weight around, as seen when he pummels Kinkaku with a single hit.

3 Han

Height: 7' 4"

Han kicking Naruto

As the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tails Kokuo and a master of Steam Ninjutsu, Han's name became well-known during the Third Shinobi World as being one of the most powerful combatants the world had ever seen. Of course, another reason he became so feared by his enemies was his size, standing at over 7 feet and easily towering over his Jinchuriki peers. Because Han's entire body is covered in durable Steam Armor, it ensures every single one of his physical attacks hit as hard as possible, and when paired with his huge Chakra reserve, it's not hard to see why he's considered to be so immensely powerful.

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Even though he might look a little scary on the surface, Han has been shown to be kind and considerate to those he truly respects, including Naruto. He's the tallest Jinchuriki by quite a big margin, even managing to dwarf Killer Bee, who is often considered to be one of the larger characters in the series.

2 Kinshiki Otsutsuki

Height: 7' 5"

Kinshiki with a red glowing weapon

As the personal guardian of his foster son Momoshiki, it makes sense Kinshiki would stand tall, but at 7 and a half feet, there's no way that anyone would want to get on his bad side. Though he does often prefer to use special techniques like the Byakugan, Kinshiki isn't afraid to use his physical prowess to crush his opponents when the situation calls for it, as shown when he almost takes out Sasuke during their intense duel.

Even when Kinshiki was being held down by two Kage, he was able to use his immense durability and strength to break free of his opponents, making him without a doubt one of the most dangerous beings in the world of Naruto. Kinshiki is only briefly mentioned in the Naruto series, but he does appear in the flesh during Boruto, where he proves why he's earned such a mighty reputation among both his allies and enemies.

1 Fuguki Suikazan

Height: 8' 1"

Kakashi slashing Fuguki

Fugukie was once the wielder of the legendary Chakra-absorbing sword known as Samahada, the blade which Kisame can be seen using for most of the series. The truth is, Fuguki was once a loyal member of the Hidden Mist Swordsman who had acquired one of the strongest words in the entire world, and though Samehada is massive, it was the perfect fit for someone as large as Fuguki. Considering that the group also included Kitsuchi and eventually Kisame, it's fair to say that the Hidden Mist Swordsman were known for their size and strength.

Though Fuguki is eventually sealed away by Kakashi and Sai after he becomes re-animated, it still took an entire division of soldiers to even slow him down, which is a testament to his immense durability. When not counting summons such as Kurama and Gamabunta, Fuguki is officially the tallest character in all of Naruto, a feat which no doubt played a big part in allowing him to become a member of the Hidden Mist Swordsman.

Naruto_ Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Release Date
February 15, 2007
Masashi Kishimoto