Naruto, a notable member of the Big Three, is a thrilling shonen anime that features a ninja-based world with spectacular battle techniques and powerful characters. Among the central fighting techniques, one stands out: Dojutsu. Dojutsu are ocular-based skills utilized by special eyes to create powerful techniques.

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Dojutsu can be inherited through one’s bloodline or transferred from one user to another. The Sharingan, Rinnegan and Byakugan are the most popular Dojutsu in Naruto. Amidst the many Dojutsu users in the series, some stand out due to their prowess and skill manipulation. Here’s a list of the strongest Dojutsu users in Naruto, excluding the Boruto Franchise.

This ranking is exclusively based on the listed characters' visual prowess and related skills, excluding their true combat strength and ultimate abilities in Naruto.

10 Uchiha Shisui

 shisui uchiha displaying his sharingan In Naruto

Uchiha Shisui’s visual prowess was remarkable even at a young age. Raised as a genin during the Third Shinobi War, he witnessed the death of his closest friend, allowing him to unlock his MangekyouSharingan. Even among the Uchiha Clan, where the Sharingan was common, Shisui was revered for his skill as a Shinobi and a Dojutsu user.

The cunning and shady Danzo even praised him as one of the strongest members of the Uchiha Clan. Shisui was adept at casting the Kotoamatsukami, a high-level Genjutsu that allows the caster to entrap and manipulate multiple people simultaneously. If not for his early death, he could have been stronger than most characters on this list judging from his potential.

9 Uzumaki Nagato

the six paths of pain

Uzumaki Nagato, popularly known as "Pain," ranks high among the proficient Dojutsu users in the Naruto Franchise. As the interim leader of Akatsuki, the main villain organization in Naruto, Pain’s ocular jutsu skills were powerful enough to defeat Jiraiya, a member of the Legendary Sannin.

The formidable skill Nagato is popularly known for is the Rinne Tensei No Jutsu,” a technique that gives Nagato control over life & death itself. Despite Nagato’s non-display of any genjutsu-based skill, his use of the borrowed Rinnegan was impressive.

8 Uchiha Obito

uchiha obito smirking

Initially, in Naruto Shippuden, Obito carried out his scheme under the alias “Tobi,” fooling even the members of the Akatsuki about his true identity. Obito's skills as an Uchiha were average at best until his narrow death encounter and exclusive training from Madara. These factors contributed to his exponential growth as a Dojutsu user.

His famous ocular-based skill, Kamui is a space-warping skill that allows him to move himself and others to a different dimension; it also makes Obito intangible to physical attacks. Obito was his strongest when he became the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki; however, this power increased his battle strength as opposed to his ocular prowess.

7 Uchiha Sasuke

uchiha sasuke

At the start of Naruto Shippuden, Sasuke already displayed signs of proficient ocular prowess alongside his Sharingan, which he eventually upgraded to the Mangekyou Sharingan. After his tough battle with his brother, Uchiha Itachi, whose actions he misinterpreted, he collected Itachi’s eyes and made his Mangekyou eternal.

Sasuke’s powers peaked after meeting Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who helped him unlock the Rinnegan. His ocular abilities allow him to use powerful techniques like Amaterasu – flames that don’t extinguish until they eliminate their target, Planetary Devastation, profound Genjutsu, and Indra’s Arrow.

6 Hatake Kakashi

hatake kakashi and his perfect susanoo

Hatake Kakashi, popularly referred to as the "Copy Ninja," is another notable Dojutsu user in the Naruto franchise. After gaining his Sharingan from the half-dead Obito, Kakashi’s classic skill was the ability to copy most jutsu easily; however, this technique was mostly limited by his average chakra reserves.

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Kakashi’s visual prowess climaxed during the Fourth Great Ninja War after receiving power from the Sage of Six Paths Chakra through Obito. This power boost allowed Kakashi to create the “PerfectSusanoo,” commonly debated to be the best Susanoo in the series. Also, since Kakashi uses Obito’s Sharingan, he can perform the Kamui technique.

5 Uchiha Itachi

uchiha itachi using his sharingan

Undoubtedly, Uchiha Itachi is among the most talented Uchihas with the profound usage of his ocular-based abilities. Awakening his Sharingan at a tender age, the prodigious Uchiha Itachi learned how to expertly use genjutsu faster than most Uchihas.

Using his ocular technique, he managed to massacre the Uchiha Clan with Obito at the age of thirteen, attesting to his skill. Later on, Itachi’s ocular skill was proven through his use of Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. Despite being afflicted with sickness, he still managed to be one of the most astounding Dojutsu users in Naruto. Factually, Itachi's growth would have been limitless if he wasn't sick.

4 Uchiha Madara

uchiha madara displaying his sharingan

At different points in the Naruto series, Uchiha Madara proved himself to be an exceptional Dojutsu user. Once Madara is mentioned, what comes to most fans' minds is the battle scene in the Fourth Great Ninja War, where he single-handedly battled hundreds of Shinobi. Despite his incredible Taijutsu techniques, his ocular abilities are astonishing.

Using the Susanoo, a visual skill, he was able to relatively fight on par with Hashimara Senju, hailed as the "God of Shinobi." Even without the Rinnegan, Madara was already a formidable shinobi, so his Rinnegan awakening only added to his already incredible visual prowess.

3 Indra Otsutsuki

indra otstsuki

Indra Otsutsuki, the son of the revered Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, was an Otsutuski with terrific visual prowess similar to that of his father. This is not surprising since he’s the direct ancestor of the Uchiha clan, a group revered for their tremendous ocular abilities.

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Indra inherited his father's eyes and boundless chakra reserves – a critical factor that contributed to the awakening of his MangekyouSharingan. Indra’s battle skill was properly accentuated with his brother Asura, revealing the high-level usage of his ocular abilities.

2 Hagoromo Otsutsuki

the sage of six paths

Hagoromo Otsutsuki, popularly known as the "Sage of Six Paths," is the son of Kaguya Otsusuki, the first Otsusuki to arrive on earth. Due to this factor, Hagoromo’s Chakra Reserves were immense, allowing him to use and create god-like ninjutsu techniques. Also, Hagoromo was the first character to possess the Rinnegan from birth in Naruto – a testament to his advanced visual prowess.

Hagoromo’s powers increased after becoming the first Jinchuriki. The Sage of Six Paths' control over chakra was so advanced that he didn’t need hand seals to perform certain techniques. Naturally, his Rinnegan-based techniques were also powerful.

1 Kaguya Otsutsuki

kaguya otsutsuki Using The All-Killing Ash Bones Jutsu In Naruto

Kaguya Otsutsuki, the mother of the Sage of Six Paths, was the first being to consume the Chakra Fruit. Consequently, she became the forebearer of the Chakra in Naruto’s world. Although she wasn't as talented as Hagoromo, her command over chakra was absolute. As a Dojutsu user, Kaguya is second to none in the series.

First, her Byakugan allows her to visualize chakra pathways clearly. Her visual prowess was capable of seeing through Kakashi’s perfect Susanoo. Her compound Rinne-Sharingan grants her a number of high-level abilities such as Dimensional Teleportation and advanced Genjutsu. Undoubtedly, Kaguya is the strongest Dojutsu user to exist in Naruto.

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