The Naruto series is one of the most widely known and beloved shonen anime to date. As the name suggests, the show centers around a young ninja named Naruto as he works to become the Hokage and gain the respect of his village. The thing that sets Naruto apart from other shonen anime is its wide cast of quirky characters, who all play an integral role in Naruto's story.

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The show not only puts emphasis on Naruto's close friends and teammates but also provides an in-depth look at the leaders, teachers, clans, villages, and even the antagonists of the series. Each character has a unique design and character outfit giving them enough personality to make them memorable. Some go even beyond that to become an iconic part of the franchise.

5 Jiraiya- Normal Outfit


The Legendary Sanin Jiraiya is one of the most influential characters of the Naruto franchise who took many notable young ninjas under his wing and trained them to help them become powerful shinobis. Jiraiya trained for a long time at Mount Myoboku, becoming a toad sage in the process. His character outfit, though simplistic, comes off as quite appealing mainly due to Jiraiya's quirky movements.

He wears pale green inners, on top of which he dons an elegant red jacket. To complete his outfit, he also wears red sandals. His headband is also different from the usual Konoha band and contains the symbol of Mount Myoboku. He carries huge scrolls on his back, which makes him look very wise.

4 Rock Lee-Green Jumpsuit

Rock Lee

Rock Lee is a member of team three and specializes in Taijutsu much like his master, Guy sensei. Rock Lee's outfit is one of the most iconic outfits in the Naruto franchise. He wears a dark green jumpsuit gifted to him by his master. Though the suit might look goofy on most characters, Lee is able to pull it off with finesse. What makes his outfit even more interesting is the fact that the orange coverings on his legs actually hide ankle weights that he wears around all the time in order to train his body.

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This was revealed in one of the most iconic scenes of the first part of the Naruto series where Rock Lee went up against Gaara in a one-on-one match during the chunin exams. In Part 2 of the series, he started to wear a green flack jacket on top of his usual clothing, much like other Chunin and Jonin.

3 Sasuke-War Arc Outfit


Sasuke Uchiha is one of the most crucial characters of the Naruto series and, as such, has always had the best character designs. Though he has changed his outfit many times throughout the course of the show, his War arc design is arguably the coolest of them all. Near the end of Part 1 of the series, Sasuke decided to become Orochimaru's pupil in order to become strong enough to defeat his brother. His time with Orochimaru had a significant impact on his clothing style.

During the War arc, Sasuke is seen wearing a grey zipper top with the Uchiha symbol on its back and navy blue trousers. He also has a greyish-purple cloth wrapped around his waist, held up by a light purple rope which he uses as a belt. The belt also holds a scabbard for his sword and is a clear influence of Orochimaru. He also wears navy blue wristbands and grey sandals to go along with the rest of his outfit.

2 Minato-Hokage Outfit


Minato Namikaze was the fourth Hokage of the leaf village and the father of Naruto Uzumaki. Minato was revered throughout the five great nations as the Yellow Flash, due to his unrivaled abilities. Minato became the Hokage in his early 20s and sacrificed his life for his son and his village against the Nine Tails Attack on the Hidden Leaf.

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Minato's character has a simple design that sees him wearing a blue jumpsuit with long black sleeves under the iconic green flak jacket. He also wears a blue headband and bandages on his right leg for storing his kunai. However, the most iconic part of Minato's character outfit is his flashy white cloak with red flames, which reads "The Fourth Hokage." Out of all of the Hokages, Minato definitely looks the coolest when he puts on his cloak.

1 Naruto-Sage Mode Outfit


Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist of the Naruto series who had to endure many adversities in life before finally being accepted and acknowledged by his peers. Naruto's character design has always been iconic with his orange color scheme. Part 2 Naruto wore orange trousers with an orange and black zipper jacket that had the Uzumaki symbol on its back. He bought these clothes with his master, Jiraiya sensei, during their training.

Though Naruto has had many design changes throughout the show, his best outfit was seen during the Pain Assault arc, in which he made an epic entrance following his mastery of the Sage Mode. During this arc, Naruto retained his usual orange and black outfit but also wore a magnificent red cloak over it. He also carried a giant scroll on his back much like his master, Jiraiya. What made his appearance even cooler were his sage eyes with the orange glow.

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