Naraka: Bladepoint is a high-octane Battle Royale. It pits worthy warriors against each other in a deadly contest inspired by samurai and martial arts tales of old. Instrumental in those tales are weapons, so players naturally want to be well-equipped for the ordeal.

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Thankfully, Naraka: Bladepoint gives players plenty of lethal tools to choose from. Granted, not all of them are authentic to the setting or equal in usage, but they do accommodate various gamers by excelling in specific aspects. Whether melee, ranged, heavy, or light, they should satisfy any preference that players might have. If fans prefer a particular fighting style, then the developers have covered that base. In the end, players should have no problem knocking each other's brains out in good, not-so-clean fun.

7 Bow

A bow in Naraka: Bladepoint

One would think the crossbow would trump its primitive predecessor thanks to the more advanced machinery, but it's actually the other way around. The regular bow might want for ammo, but it has a longer range. This makes it ideal for sniping: a strategy that ranged players will predominantly fall back on.

While the rate of fire is not as high, the bow compensates through sheer damage. The individual arrows pack a bigger punch than the crossbow bolts. Players can also opt for charged shots, crippling an enemy's health in one fell swoop. Sometimes, it's hard to beat the classics.

6 Greatsword

A greatsword in Naraka: Bladepoint

Any action game aficionados know what they're getting into with the greatsword. Its massive size means it has incredible damage output. It can smash through any defense and demolish any health on the other side, and no one wants to be on the receiving end of this bad boy. The problem is that it's easy to avoid that receiving end.

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The greatsword's size results in slow speed. The windup to every swing is painfully slow. That would be bad enough when fighting CPU enemies, but it's worse with players. They know the blade's weakness and are more likely to exploit it through careful dodges and counters. That's why they should take the greatsword with a grain of salt.

5 Dagger

A dagger in Naraka Bladepoint

Standing in stark contrast to the greatsword, the dagger exists for speed and maneuverability. It has a plethora of complex combos, many of which use momentum to their advantage. Like the greatsword, such gameplay should be familiar to action fans, as it essentially turns players into a rogue class. Of course, they also know that they must be more creative with their strikes.

The dagger isn't as strong as standard swords, meaning foes can absorb a lot more hits. Players must choose the moment to strike and pick their foes apart. The best result is death by a thousand cuts. Anyone comfortable with that tactic will have plenty of use for the dagger.

4 Musket

A musket in Naraka: Bladepoint

This gun shares the bow's perks. Its long range and high damage mean it can easily pick off targets from a distance. It even sports similar charged shots to amplify the impact, but that's just the beginning.

Not only does the musket cover the same positive bases, but it amends the bow's biggest weaknesses. Namely, Naraka: Bladepoint players can use it more thanks ti the larger ammo capacity. In addition, it can fire multiple shots before reloading, which is obviously impossible with a bow and arrow. These factors make the musket more viable as a ranged weapon.

3 Longsword

A longsword in Naraka: Bladepoint

The longsword's main appeal is balance. Though it doesn't have the combo potential of the dagger, it's hurtful enough with its simpler moves. These swings are more likely to connect thanks to the weapon's reach. The longsword's length makes it difficult to dodge, and its special attacks even capitalize on this. These elements make it seem like just another greatsword, but that's far from the truth.

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The longsword's strengths don't come at the cost of speed, making it superior to its bulkier brother. Further, it's immensely enticing as a general-use blade with no notable downsides. Its only real flaw is that another weapon vastly outclasses it in every department.

2 Spear

A spear in Naraka: Bladepoint

Here's a jack of all trades in Naraka: Bladepoint. The spear sports numerous advantages seen in other tools. It has the strength of the sword and the speed and elaborate combos of the dagger. Finally, its length gives it more range than most melee weapons. Opponents won't know how to respond to such an erratically bloody offensive.

While none of these aspects match the weapons specifically designed for them, they aren't downgraded enough to hinder users. Because of that, the spear feels practically overpowered at points. Fans can whip it out for any occasion to ease their way to victory.

1 Polesword

A polesword in Naraka: Bladepoint

This more recent weapon is a higher-tier version of the greatsword. As such, the polesword excels in similar ways, mainly in its long-range and colossal damage. At the same time, it has several facets which lessen the former blade's flaws.

The polesword thankfully addresses the greatsword's biggest problem: speed. Though still slow in its strikes, it equips players with the Stone Form. This sturdy state makes it more difficult for enemies to interrupt one's combos. In conjunction, the various special attacks increase the weapon's melee rate while maintaining the devastating damage. If players exploit these traits at the right time, they can cover any apparent shortcomings and emerge nearly unstoppable on the battlefield.

Naraka: Bladepoint is available on PC, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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