Naraka: Bladepoint has been released on the PlayStation 5 and joined the console generation of battle royal games. Naraka: Bladepoint is one of the most unique battle royal games on the market for its eastern setting, melee-focused combat, and combination of both PVE and PVP environment. Paired with stunning graphics and detailed customization options, Naraka: Bladepoint is a great game to try out, as it has released a free-to-play base version with an option to upgrade.

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The combat in Naraka: Bladepoint is what makes the game stand out among most battle royal games. With several different weapon types, multiple offensive and defensive options, and a laundry list of ways to change a character's style of play, the skill threshold for Naraka: Bladepoint is very high. Players must verse themselves in the game and find a character that suits their play style, build that character, and make the most of their abilities. Each character in Naraka: Bladepoint has a set number of skills and one ultimate ability that, when used correctly, can upset an engagement either one-on-one or in group play. The Ultimate abilities in the game range from support, utility, and outright high-damaging attacks. Here is a deep look into some of the best Ultimates in Naraka: Bladepoint.

6 Tsuchimikado Kurumi - Sacred Circle

kurumi character build

Karumi falls into a support role in the game and has one of the strongest kits for supporting herself and her teammates in the entire game. Being an exceptional healer, Karumi also excels in mobility but lacks overall damage and can not lock down opponents. However, thanks to her ranged healing and AOE effects, Karumi has excellent sustain that can prove to be the decider when engaging in drawn-out fights. Karumi's Ultimate is called Sacred Circle. Upon reaching full Rage, Karumi can cast this ability and create a moderately sized AOE skill on the ground that recovers her and her ally's health while cleansing them of any adverse effects.

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Sacred Circle has an active time of fifteen seconds, upon which Rage is drained to zero. Sacred Circle also has two other variations that apply additional effects. The Armor Enhancer variation of this ability now applies a steady buff to ally armor, keeping the fifteen-second uptime. However, the Rapid Healing variation of this ability loses the AOE field and remotely heals an ally for a lesser amount, regardless of their position on the map. Players may want to lean into the Rapid Healing variation, as the Circle AOE field can be targeted by ranged attacks with elemental effects and made harmful to Karumi and her allies.

5 Valda Cui - Nether Nightmare

naraka bladepoint valda cui

Valda Cui is a solid offensive character with more than capable damage capabilities along with strong skills that can control targets, hindering their movement with ranged elemental attacks. However, Valda Cui suffers with her own mobility having few options to evade and retreat from a poorly favored engagement. In addition, Valda Cui has lengthy cooldowns that may not suit players with certain play styles. Valda Cui's Ultimate ability is called Nether Nightmares. Upon casting, Valda summons a massive wave of water and knocks back opponents, who become entrapped in her torrents and considered airborne. Valda herself also becomes airborne and can fire off a single water spear to end the ultimate.

Valda has two variations of her Ultimate, Nether Nightmare: Smite, which allows Valda to remain on the ground and mobile while still entrapping targets in her torrents for a shorter duration but can be useful in interrupting enemy Ultimates and Transformations. The final variation of Nether Nightmares is called Bind, allowing Valda Cui to entrap targets for a shorter duration while firing off more water spears at multiple targets. All three variations of Valda are incredibly useful,l and players should choose the one best fits their play style.

4 Wuchen - Tai Chi Rift

Wuchen showcasing his ability

Wuchen is also considered a strong mix of an offense and a supporting character in Naraka: Bladepoint, utilizing his various skills that control the battlefield and hinder his opponents. Manipulating Chi, Wuchen can summon spectral swords for ranged attacks and easily control the battlefield, making him a perfect addition to a squad. While Wuchen does not do as much damage as combat-focused characters, this makes him a lesser choice in solo situations.

Wuchen's Ulitmate ability is Tai Chi Rift. When cast, it allows Wuchen and his allies to teleport to a pre-marked location within fifty meters. This ability is beneficial for ambushing and retreating to a safe distance when overwhelmed. Tai Chi Rift has two variations, the first being Switch. Switch allows Wuchen to target enemy players and force them and Wuchen's positions to change, and the targets have a debuff placed on them. This is an excellent ability for upsetting a team out of formation or gaining an advantage on a single target. The second variation of Tai Chi Rift is Portal, which creates a large gap that Wuchen and his allies can walk through and receive an attack buff.

3 Temulch - Zephyr Prison

temulch character menu

Temulch succeeds at being very reliable in any type of engagement or situation in Naraka: Bladepoint. As a character, Temulch has high marks in damage, mobility, and survivability and can even be an adequate support character to some extent. Overall, Temulch has powerful abilities that support an aggressive style of play that can lock down enemies and secure safety for himself from ranged attacks or entrap enemies in wind torrents. Temulch's Ultimate is called Zephyr Prison, when cast Temulch conjures a large AOE wind storm that knocks back opponents and protects Temulch from ranged attacks lasting for fifteen seconds.

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In addition, enemies present inside the AOE zone have their movement impaired. This Ultimate is great in solo and team play, as its versatility can completely dismantle an opposing team's tactics. Zephyr Prison has two variations, and the first is Enhanced. The Enhanced variation of Telmuch's Ultimate grants him the ability to regain energy faster while also providing a cleanse to allies who walk into the AOE field. The second variation of Telmuch's Ultimate is Summon. Summon grants a constant cleanse to allies and makes Telmuch immune to debuffs while also allowing him to recast his Zephyr Wisp ability.

2 Yoto Hime - Ominous Blade

Yoto Hime in Naraka: Bladepoint

Yoto Hime is one of the best characters in the game and arrived as a very high-damage character that excels at one-on-one encounters and combo potential. On top of having high damage, Yoto Hime also can maneuver around the battlefield easily thanks to multiple teleportation options fitted into her abilities. With spectral blades that can keep combatants out of the fight and set them up for a combination attack either solo or with a team, Yoto Hime is a great choice for any game mode.

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Yoto Hime's Ultimate ability is called Ominous Blade. Yoto Hime conjures a massive sword that she can attack at a distance of up to three times, with the damage increasing with every swing. In addition, Yoto Hime can fire out spectral blades in her demon-incarnate state and use those blades to teleport to multiple positions. Ominous Blade also heals Yoto Hime greatly as she attacks that can overflow to armor. The first variation of Ominous Blade is Restore, which increases the rate Yoto Hime heals and restores armor but removes the stacking damage effect. The final variation of Ominous Blade, Combo, allows Yoto Hime to continue to attack three more times after the conjured blade has dissipated.

1 Matari - Hidden Wings

matari character build

Matari is one of the deadliest characters in the game because of how much utility she provides in group settings. Matari is a stealth character with a lot of support power thanks to her skills that make overwhelming enemies a walk in the park to deal with. With multiple teleports and attack buffs, Matari is a threat against most other characters and a treasure for her team, as she can zip around the battlefield with ease and clean up weakened targets.

Matari's Ultimate is called Unseen Wings, which cloaks Matari and herself in the shroud of the desert for up to sixteen seconds. During this time, Matari's cooldowns are reset, and she can cast her teleport abilities further and inflict a special attack on a target. This ability is a great ambush tool for unsuspecting groups or separated teams. The first variation of Unseen Wings is called Assassin and shortens the amount of time Matari can be in stealth while providing a substantial damage buff. The final variation of Hidden Wings is Restore which allows Matari and Allies to heal themselves while attacking targets.

Naraka: Bladepoint is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.

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