
  • Players will face various enemies in PvE combat in Myth of Empires, each with different difficulties but predictable behavior.
  • Weapons in the game, like the Shuttle Spear and Black Iron Tower Shield, offer unique advantages for specific combat scenarios.
  • The Meteoric Blade stands out as the best weapon in the game, combining high damage with versatility and defense capabilities.

Players will spend the majority of their time in Myth of Empires engaging in PvE combat encounters. These encounters differ from the PvP encounters that also feature in the game. Enemies within PvE may well be harder or easier than real-life opponents, but they will always be easier to predict.

20 MMORPGs Perfect For Newcomers To The Genre

MMORPGs can be daunting for new players. Luckily, plenty of stellar options exist for those looking to break into the world of online multiplayer.

With this in mind, players have access to a wide array of weapons across the Eastern Continent that includes one-handed, two-handed, and ranged weapons each with their own categories. For example, a one-handed weapon can be a sword, axe, or mace. The range of weapons can make it overwhelming when choosing a weapon. So before spending precious materials crafting a weapon, check if any of these are suitable.

7 Shuttle Spear

A Steep Learning Curve

Myth of Empires character on horseback with spear
  • Damage Type: Piercing
  • Damage: 666
  • Level Required: 60

The Shuttle Spear is the best-throwing weapon in the game. These weapons have a range between 14 and 16 meters and are primarily used when enemies are just out of range of one-handed or two-handed weapons but too close for ranged weapons. A hard weapon to master, but if players can master the aiming part then this is a very effective weapon.

This weapon will be very useful in fighting in major battles with multiple allies and enemies as this can nullify the learning curve by firing the weapon at a major group to increase the chances of hitting. These situations are more likely to arise in PvE.

6 Black Iron Tower Shield

Deal And Prevent Damage

Man in horse and cart with shield on back
  • Damage Type: Blunt
  • Damage: 178
  • Level Required: 51

When combined with an effective one-handed weapon, the Black Iron Tower Shield can be the perfect weapon to complement it. Becoming available earlier than most on the list, at level 51, this shield is suited to major crowd control as it can block an astonishing amount of damage.

Also, it can be used as a secondary weapon against multiple enemies at once and can be used before or after swings of players' main weapon depending on the desired outcome. This tool will be especially useful against the more predictable enemies of PvE.

5 Meteoric Crossbow

Very High Damage

Myth of empires hunting with a crossbow
  • Damage Type: Piercing
  • Damage: 975
  • Level Required: 60

Offering the highest single damage of any weapon on this list, the Meteoric Crossbow can deal up to nearly 1000 damage if everything goes right. There is an element of high-risk, high reward as the reload time of 5 seconds can mean major punishment if shots are missed consistently.

8 MMORPG Games that Have Been Thriving for More Than 10 Years

Some MMORPGs have withstood the test of time and still have an active, passionate player base.

With a range of 49 meters and a slow reload time, this crossbow should be used to defend a position. In PvE combat, it should be possible to pick off enemies moving towards you with good consistency.

4 Black Iron Axe

Pure Power

Myth of empires crafting weapons at forge
  • Damage Type: Slashing + Piercing
  • Damage: 517 + 346
  • Level Required: 60

Offering the highest damage output of any one-handed weapon, the Black Iron Axe can deal as much as 863 damage and that is without any potential modifier.

Players will need to gather 2 Steel ingots, 3 Black Iron ingots and 4 Yunite ingots. The latter of these will be the hardest to acquire for players as they don't become available until level 60. All that will be left then is to combine the ingredients using an advanced weapon bench.

3 Quake Hammer

Smash Enemies Out Of The Way

Armored soldiers with one holding a mace
  • Damage Type: Crush
  • Damage: 491
  • Level Required: 60

The Quake Hammer is a weapon that will specialize against heavy opponents. This one-handed mace has two multiplies to help players do this: broken armor and broken weapons. This means that the Quake Hammer deals massive damage with its swings whilst also limiting the enemy's ability to deal damage by breaking their weapon.

As a bonus, this weapon will also be more effective in siege combat than most other weapons a player can carry on their person. Although not a replacement for traditional siege weapons, it can be useful when trying to bring down lower-level enemy defenses.

2 Dual Crescent Halberd

Perfect For Horseback

Myth of Empires players riding horseback
  • Damage Type: Slashing + Piercing
  • Damage: 476 + 544
  • Level Required: 60

Riding on horseback can often be the best way to engage enemies before safely retreating to avoid damage. The Dual Crescent Halberd suits this style well. It can be used for massive sweeping attacks that hit multiple enemies at once.

Elder Scrolls Online: Best Two-Handed Weapon Skills

Two-handed weapons are just one of the many choices in Elder Scrolls Online, and these are the best skills to accompany them.

Its ability to hit enemies at a longer distance also makes it very suitable for combat while on foot. This weapon also has a 200% multiplier on shield breaking and is, therefore, very useful against heavy opponents with large armor and shields.

1 Meteoric Blade

The Best In Class

character working on one handed blade at forge
  • Damage Type: Slashing + Piercing
  • Damage: 443 + 489
  • Level Required: 60

The Meteoric Blade is the best weapon on any mode of Myth of Empires. Its extremely high damage is accompanied by a supporting class of additional bonuses. The first of these is the Meteoric Blades's dual damage modes, meaning that this weapon can slash targets to make them bleed as well as pierce through heavy armor.

Despite only being a one-handed weapon, this weapon parries more attacks than players would expect. When combined with a shield, players will have a build that can deal huge amounts of damage at close range whilst heavily limiting the damage that gets through.

Myth Of Empires
Myth of Empires

February 21, 2024
Angela Game
Sandbox , Survival