Myst is one of the most brilliantly challenging games ever made. There is a reason why it was honored at the Smithsonian. People that have never played Myst will need to learn a few things before they decide to solve the mysteries of the island and its features. The exploration game can seem tedious and outright impossible for those that are unfamiliar with the game.

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Players will need to put their critical thinking caps on and diligently analyze every detail. To have the best chances of reaching the end of the complex puzzles, gamers will want to follow the tips in this guide. While there is no such thing as a "pro" Myst player, these tips will help people get off to a quick start in the game.

10 Every Miniscule Detail Matters

Myst Cover Art

People will want to have a notepad and jot down all of the information they are given in the game. Everything the developers included in the game was deliberately placed to provide clues to the user.

Many of these clues will not be apparent until later on in a playthrough. This may seem like overkill, but in Myst, it is crucial. Screenshots work too for those that prefer images. Most of the puzzles in the game are not readily available on the internet, and some hints only appear once.

9 Interact With Everything

Myst mist

Gamers should be clicking on any item that can be interacted with. Many of the hints and details in the game are hidden on purpose. Open books, pushbuttons, and activate switches. Many of these will appear to do absolutely nothing.

However, on inspection, there is always a clue around the corner. Players should be creative and think of ways they can complete a task. Only a genius will be able to figure everything out at first, so stay patient and curious.

8 Each Puzzle Is Interconnected

Myst VR

Whenever a puzzle is completed, it will open up a new area or provide vital information about another sector of the map. When one door closes, another one opens. People need to keep this in mind when they manage to solve the complex riddles in the game.

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Constellations, icons, dates, and times are all relevant. Take note of them and keep them in mind whenever there is a roadblock. People will progress faster if they can move from task to task in a linear fashion.

7 Explore The Island

Myst real version

Knowing where everything is will have an immense impact on how fast people can progress. Because all of the puzzles are related, people will want to know exactly where they need to go to utilize the information they have.

Despite how the game appeared in 1993, the island is actually quite small. It will only take a few minutes to get familiar with the map and form a basic understanding of what all is there.

6 Get Reading


Reading through all of the texts in the game can take forever. However, there are clues hidden in each book and description. Many people make the mistake of skimming the books and other texts in the game and get lost.

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Embrace the tedium and the game will be a lot more enjoyable in the end. Myst is not an easy game to play, it is a challenge of determination, intellect, and reasoning.

5 Take Small Steps

the realMyst

No one can complete Myst in one play session, it is literally impossible. The amount of concentration and diligence it takes to progress in the game will take a toll on the user. Every time they log in, gamers should set out to solve a few puzzles and limit the amount of things they try to do all at once.

Confusion and frustration are common when players attempt to do too much all at once. By taking notes, people can take a break and return to the game at a later time without an issue.

4 The Kitchen Sink Approach

Myst remastered

When there is a blatant clue, players will want to perform a process of elimination to solve a puzzle. For example, if dates are provided, those dates need to be inputted somewhere. Whether that is in the underground base, the tower, or the observation building is a mystery gamers will need to discover.

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Try the clues in each possible location to solve the puzzle. The interface of each computer will indicate what type of data can be inputted.

3 Use The Flashlight

Myst Spawn

Players that have the remastered version of Myst can use the flashlight when maneuvering through dark areas of the map. This is a feature that would have been great in the original Myst.

With all of the obscure details in the game, it is nice to have a better view of the island. Another related tip is to look for light switches in each location. They usually denote a puzzle and will provide a lot more light than the flashlight.

2 The First Puzzle

Myst Tower

Without spoiling too much, users will want to turn left as soon as they spawn in. This will lead to the first of many riddles in the game. As a hint, the note on the wall will help players get started.

Use the clues in the notes to activate the module in the center of the room. From there, follow the hints to continue progressing in Myst. Remember, every piece of information will be used at some point.

1 Re-visit POIs

Myst VR Release

Every time players solve a task, it may reveal how to initiate a new task. Most of the main POIs are near the spawn point, and those areas are the proper locations to begin the journey.

It is a good idea to rotate between the known POIs whenever the game gets confusing. The needed to proceed is likely in one of those places. Also, it helps to take a break when the game seems like it is at a dead end. Everyone struggles at some point, but the answer is always closer than you may think.

NEXT: Myst Documentary in the Works