In the smash-hit series My Hero Academia, the forces of good and evil are very quickly separated, which holds for the typical Shonen series. The series has been one of the more popular shows in recent memory and has enthralled fans and viewers with its extended cast of mighty heroes.

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However, not all of these heroes are as strong as they might suggest, with a more significant percentage doing just enough to take on the hero title and others simply not suited for combat. Here are some of these heroes in the series.

10 Thirteen

Thirteen Using Black Hole While Fighting Villains In My Hero Academia

A pro-hero, Thirteen is a faculty member of U.A High School, and her real name is Anan Kurose. She’s a hero whose quirk is Black Hole, and she specializes in rescue operations. Portrayed as kind and well-mannered, Thirteen is very passionate about saving people and does her best to do just that.

Also shown to be very brave regardless of the situation, she is simply unsuited to combat duties and possesses no combat-oriented quirks to allow her to showcase any real strength in battle.

9 Present Mic

Present Mic smiling

Much more like a TV host, Present Mic, whose real name is Hizashi Yamada, is a pro hero and a teacher at U.A. High School. His quirk called “voice" allows him to increase the volume of his voice, granting him an ability similar to a sonic scream, but there is no mention of him having actual combat abilities.

He is portrayed as eccentric but has no other noteworthy feat regarding battles against villains. However, he is efficient at his primary duties, mostly communication and narration.

8 Ms. Joke

ms. joke my hero academia

Ms. Joke is a pro-hero whose real name is Emi Fukukado, and she is a teacher of Class 2 second years at the Ketsubutsu Academy for hero trainees. Particularly cheerful and carefree, she is portrayed as outgoing and passionate about teaching her students, Although she may seem unprofessional.

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Her quirk, “ Outburst,” forces her opponents into uncontrollable laughter while she takes them down at close range. Aside from being skilled in hand-to-hand combat, she has no other notable abilities to make any significant difference in battle.

7 Minoru Mineta

Mineta (My Hero Academia)

Mineta, also known as the Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice, is a class 1A student at U.A High School and is one of the students training to be pro-heroes. He is a short, round-headed boy depicted as perverted and comically depraved; Mineta is also very timid.

Possessing the quirk, Pop-off, which allows him to pluck sticky grape-looking objects from his head that grow back instantly, Mineta is not a direct-combat hero. Given his limited physique, he has no outstanding physical features distinguishing him in battles.

6 Manual

Manual my hero academia

Manual, also known as Masaki Mizushima, is the no.222 pro-hero whose quirk allows him to control water. Usually very attentive, Manual is kind and described as having an ordinary personality and dreams of becoming a role model for all modern heroes.

His personality, however, is not the only ordinary attribute he possesses, as aside from his quirk, he has no exceptional skills, nor is he suited for combat. Averaging out on his abilities, Manual does not have enough credentials not to be considered weak.

5 Slugger

slugger my hero academia

Also, a pro-hero, Slugger is a relatively background character whose most notable contribution in the series was during the Entrance Examination arc against the sludge villain. He is portrayed as skinny with above-average height but does not use his body efficiently.

His quirk is also unknown, with the only information regarding it being its similarity to baseball and nothing else. Slugger’s personality is also primarily unknown, giving no hint of any tendencies. His inefficient physique and unidentifiable quirk make him inferior to other pro-heroes and incapable of significant impacts during battles.

4 Mr. Principal

My Hero Academia Side Characters Nezu

Mr. Principal, also known as Nezu, is a pro-hero and the principal of U.A. High School. He is one of the rare cases where an animal manifested a quirk. Nezu is a short and stout man whose physique implies a possible combination of different animals, which makes him a chimera. Due to his quirk, he has better senses and a higher IQ, giving him the ability to talk.

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Despite possessing impressive cognitive abilities, he is unsuited to battle due to his slight build and anatomy. He is much more suited to strategy and planning, which is highlighted frequently in the series.

3 Backdraft

Backdraft my hero academia

Another pro-hero, Backdraft, works at the Musutafu Fire Department in the show. Usually dressed as a firefighter, Backdraft’s quirk allows him to control water through hose-like funnels, which are in place of his hands, with which he displays impressive control over his water abilities.

Not having the most prominent personality, he is not a combat-oriented hero but specializes in rescue missions, with his most significant feature of the series being trying to stop the Sludge villain during the Entrance examination arc. Backdraft is an ordinary hero with an unimpressive physique and below-average physical abilities.

2 Lunch Rush

Lunch Rush cook hero

Lunch Rush is a pro hero that is hardly noticeable. Among staff members of U.A High School, he is the chef in charge of the cafeteria. Always donning an apron and a chef’s hat, his personality is portrayed as upbeat. Although he rarely speaks, his usual response is always a thumbs-up.

With his quirk being cooking, Lunch Rush is not combat-oriented and has no outstanding physical features, with his most prominent impact coming during the Final War arc, where he is tasked to maintain a constant supply of food to Yaoyorozu. Already assigned a specific duty by his quirk, he focuses solely on that.

1 Recovery Girl

Recovery Girl squeezing her mouth

Famous for her kisses, Recovery Girl, whose real name is Chiyo Shuzenji, is a pro-hero and nurse at the U.A. Academy. Precisely as her hero name sounds, Chiyo’s quirk allows her to speed up the body’s healing process. She is, however, unable to heal severe injuries.

Despite having such an important ability, she is a frail older woman with no notable physical ability besides her healing quirk and unfit for battles. Specializing alongside the nature of her power, she can only heal other injured heroes.

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