Over the past few years, My Hero Academia has become one of the more popular manga and anime series in the world. It is set in a world where the majority of humanity possesses some type of ability called a Quirk. There are multiple categories of Quirks, and they are all useful in their own way, but some Quirks are far more powerful and deadlier than others.

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Many Quirks are hereditary, but most of them are random and unique to one individual. Characters who look strong, tend to have strong Quirks, but there are a few who have Quirks that are fairly weak. Due to the randomness of some Quirks, the opposite is also true, and that means that there are a number of weak characters with strong Quirks, and some of these abilities can be considered overpowered.

8 Thirteen Has The Power Of A Black Hole

Thirteen Using Black Hole While Fighting Villains

Thirteen is a Pro Hero who specializes in search and rescue operations. She is by no means a fighter, but she is incredibly brave, and she will not hesitate to fight villains if the situation calls for it. As far as her Quirk is concerned, it has the power to destroy the entire world.

It is called Black Hole, and it gives her the ability to replicate the suction effect of a black hole with her fingertips. Even light cannot escape the pull of this effect. Any physical matter that gets sucked into her finger is disintegrated.

7 Recovery Girl Can Heal Just About Any Injury

Recovery Girl Arriving On The Scene To Help The Injured

Every school needs a nurse, and U.A. High School has Chiyo Shuzenji, otherwise known as Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl. She possesses the Heal Quirk, and as the name suggests, it allows her to heal others. She amplifies the human body's natural healing process, and it activates when she kisses an injured person.

If someone loses a limb, she won't be able to regrow it, but she can heal multiple broken bones and torn muscles in a matter of seconds. The healing process depends on the recipient's total life force, but she can adjust the healing speed to ensure they do not die.

6 Kurogiri's Warp Gate Is An Invaluable Asset

Kurogiri Preparing To Use Warp Gate In The League Of Villains Hideout

In terms of actual strength, the argument can be made that Kurogiri was the weakest member of the League of Villains, but his Quirk made up for his lack of strength. It is called Warp Gate, and it allows him to create and manipulate a dark fog that functions as a portal.

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Anything that touches this fog gets transported to another location, and it is Kurogiri who picks the location. As shown in the anime, he can use this ability to transport an army of villains anywhere, and it comes in handy during a retreat. It has offensive potential as well, as Kurogiri could send an attacker into space or the bottom of the ocean.

5 Shinso Possesses A Type Of Mind Control

Hitoshi Brainwashing A Fellow Student

When Hitoshi Shinso first appeared, he was part of the general education program, which is for students who did not qualify for the hero course. His combat ability was underdeveloped because he relied heavily on his Quirk, which is understandable seeing as it is a form of mind control.

His Brainwashing Quirk forces his targets to obey his commands. He can control multiple people at once, but he needs to activate his power on one person at a time. In order to be activated, Shinso's target must respond to him verbally. With this ability, he can stop virtually any villain without having to actually fight them.

4 Koji Can Control The Animal Kingdom

Koji Using His Quirk To Speak To Animals

Koji Koda is part of Class 1-A, which means that he has benefitted from having All Might as a teacher as well, but he has received minimal screen time. He may look like a muscular brute, but Koji is actually quite shy, and he barely speaks to his fellow classmates.

He has a very strong and useful Quirk though. It is called Anivoice, and it gives him the ability to command animals through speech. This makes him a beastmaster who can use animals to swarm his opponents. He can create effective diversions while hindering his opponents' vision, and he can use animals to relay information, and for search and rescue operations.

3 Neito Monoma Can Copy Most Quirks

Neito Using The Hardening Quirk

Neito is another U.A. student, but he belongs to Class 1-B, and his Hero name is Phantom Thief. He chose this name because his Copy Quirk allows him to duplicate another person's Quirk. He needs to make physical contact with someone in order to copy their ability.

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He can store up to four Quirks at once, and he has access to them for ten minutes. He can use these Quirks as if they were his, but he cannot use multiple Quirks at the same time. This power may not be as strong as All For One's, but it still allows Neito to use some of the world's more powerful abilities.

2 Toru's Invisibility Has Been Underutilized

Invisible Toru Revealing Her Hero Name To Class 1-A

No one knows what Toru Hagakure actually looks like, and that is because her Quirk is always active. She possesses the Invisibility Quirk, and as the name suggests, it makes her entire body invisible. She is a short and skinny girl, and she uses her invisibility to launch surprise attacks.

Invisibility is overpowered because it is the ultimate ability for stealth missions. She can spy on villainous organizations without being seen, and she could take someone out and escape with ease. If that were not enough, she can also blind people by refracting the light that passes through her body.

1 Eri Can Wipe People Out Of Existence

Eri Activating Her Rewind Quirk Accidentally

Deku and Mirio put their lives on the line to rescue Eri, who suffered a great deal at the hands of Overhaul. She is a sweet child with a heartwarming smile, but her Quirk is incredibly powerful and dangerous. It is called Rewind, and it allows her to reverse a person's body to its previous state.

It can make her target physically younger, and in doing so, she can revert them back to a point when they never even possessed a Quirk of their own. This ability is so powerful, that Eri can literally rewind a person's body to a point where they never existed.

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