
  • Ochaco Uraraka, also known as Uravity, is a supporting character in My Hero Academia known for her positive attitude and powerful gravity quirk.
  • Uraraka's quirk, zero gravity, allows her to float objects and people by touching them with her fingertips. She can also use her quirk in collaboration with her peers to gain an advantage in battle.
  • While Uraraka's quirk is powerful, it has limitations, such as a weight limit of three tons and the need for physical contact. She must also think quickly and be aware of opponents who can nullify her quirk.

One of the most prominent characters in the My Hero Academia series, Ochaco Uraraka (who also goes by Uravity) is a supporting character and a student of Class 1-A at U.A. High. This bubbly character is well known for her positive attitude and unique gravity quirk, making her an unstoppable force.

Inspired by many of her My Hero Academia classmates to become the best hero she can be and strives to put a smile on people's faces, one of the main reasons she chose to become a hero. Even though she may come off cute and warm, Uraraka packs a huge punch and exhibits that with her powerful quirk.

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The Unique Properties of Zero Gravity

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Uraraka 's quirk is known as zero gravity and is an extremely powerful quirk. Zero gravity gives her the ability to float living or non-living things simply by touching them with her fingertips. To deactivate the effects of her quirk on an object or person, she touches her fingertips together, causing the floating object or person to fall to the ground. When at a distance from her opponents, Uraraka uses her surroundings as a tactical advantage by using rubble or debris as a weapon, by either dropping it on her opponent or by throwing it at them. If she is in reach of her opponent, a simple touch from her fingertips will cause them to lose balance and begin to float, rendering them incapacitated.

One of the best things about Uraraka 's quirk is that she can also use it to sync with her peers during a battle. She is able to collaborate with a teammate in order to become a power weapon. This is seen when Uraraka uses her quirk on Froppy and herself along with a platform like wreckage to float and gain an aerial advantage on their opponents. By doing this, they were able to fly and were able to launch debris at an opponent using Froppy's toad-like tongue. This move was later coined as Meteor Fafrotskies. Similar to this type of attack, Uraraka also has other powerful moves, such as - Meteor Storm, where she is able to drop heaps of rubble onto an opponent after making the rubble weightless. Zero Satellites is also another move she uses with the grappling hooks in her suit to launch debris at them. Another powerful special move Uraraka uses is known as Comet Home Run, similar to hitting a baseball for a homerun. Uraraka uses her quirk to make debris float and then uses a huge pillar to hit the rubble towards an enemy.

To further enhance her quirk, Uraraka also uses her hero costume to help her when in battle. The wrists and neck areas contain a device that helps pause and release blood pressure in order to avoid nausea. Her wrist equipment is also able to shoot out grappling hooks. The equipment on her leg was designed to support her when she falls from a height and her toes have shock-absorbing cushions to soften the fall. Fans of the My Hero Academia series would have seen Uraraka's growth from a timid and shy person to a combat-ready hero. Her growth to becoming one of the powerful students in her class was no easy feat, and she had to constantly push herself to exceed her limits to become stronger. Because of the versatility of her quirk, Uraraka is able to utilize her quirk in a number of ways, whether it's creating a makeshift platform to navigate herself around a battlefield or confusing her opponents when the opportunity arises, making her an extremely formidable opponent.

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Uraraka Has to Managa Zero Gravity's Limitations


While Uraraka 's quirk is quite powerful, it also has its limitations. The central one being that she is unable to move rubble or debris if the weight limit exceeds three tons. If she were to push herself, this would cause her to feel nauseated, which would also result in her throwing up. Another weakness is that, most of the time, she needs physical contact in order to activate her quirk on her opponent and cause them to float, which can be quite difficult if an opponent can overpower her in close range attacks and is aware of her quirk.

Zero Gravity can also be used for a limited duration and cannot be used at a stretch. Because of this, Uraraka needs to be fast on her feet and think quickly during a battle in order to avoid losing the upper-hand. In certain environments where aerial movement is difficult to carry out, Uraraka may be limited in her movement, as she is usually seen floating around a battle to gain an aerial advantage over her opponents. Some opponents can also nullify her quirk, so if she were to come in contact with someone who is able to cancel her quirk, it would pose a direct threat to her Zero Gravity abilities.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Prime Video.

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