
  • Deku's post-quirk sacrifice and potential evolution leaves readers questioning his future hero status.
  • The evolving definition of #1 Pro Hero status raises speculation on Deku and his friends' achievements.
  • My Hero Academia's finale may address societal changes, international impact, unresolved plot threads, and character fates.

It has recently been announced that the My Hero Academia manga is coming to an end in the next few chapters, which has shocked most of its fan base. After all, Kohei Horikoshi’s masterpiece has defined an entire generation of shonen fans with its iconic characters, fascinating world-building, and thrilling battles. So, the fact that it’s so close to concluding after almost 10 years in serialization is a historic event for the entire industry.

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Some characters in My Hero Academia are not only evil, but their morals make them irredeemable in the eyes of many more ethically-sound heroes.

However, some people are worried about the number of open plot threads that still haven’t been resolved in the My Hero Academia manga, and many are wondering if the final collection of chapters is going to be enough to tie them all up. From the fate of Deku’s quirk to a possible imminent world-ending event, these are some of the most notorious examples.

9 Deku’s Quirks (Or Lack Thereof)

Will He Remain Quirkless, Or Is Something Else Going On?

Deku's final clash against Shigaraki, after transfering all of his Quirks in My Hero Academia

One of the most powerful moments of the final battle was when Izuku Midoriya had to transfer One For All - and all the Quirks that reside within it - to Tomura Shigaraki in order to break into the villain’s consciousness and prevent All For One from further corrupting him. It was a truly heroic sacrifice that left Deku without a Quirk, just like he was at the very beginning of the series.

But despite his lack of quirk, Deku is still attending U.A. High School, which led many readers to wonder if he’s truly going to remain Quirkless until the conclusion of this story. On top of that, Deku mentioned to All Might that he can still feel the embers inside of him, so there’s a slight possibility that he may still have One For All or some new mutation that occurred when it came in contact with All For One inside Shigaraki’s mind.

8 The #1 Pro Hero

How Are Deku And His Friends Going To Achieve This Prestigious Title?

The entirety of Class 1-A posing in their hero costumes alongside All Might and Aizawa in My Hero Academia

The main premise of My Hero Academia is centered around Deku eventually becoming the #1 Pro Hero like All Might, something that was mentioned in the very first chapter of the manga. Of course, the meaning of this dream completely changed in Chapter 324, when the protagonist clarified that he and his friends are all going to become the #1 Pro Heroes together.

Now that the final battle against Shigaraki and All For One has ended, Deku and his friends have gone back to school, with no real answer as to how they are going to achieve the title. Is Japan going to name an entire class of high schoolers the #1 Pro Heroes right now, or is there going to be some sort of time skip to a time when they’re all adult Pro Heroes? It could also be a symbolic title, seeing as Deku managed to influence the entire hero society positively, despite being Quirkless.

7 The Improvement Of Hero Society

Is Everything Going To Change For The Better?

The All Might statue in Kamino Ward with a sign that says I AM NOT HERE in My Hero Academia

As inspiring as Pro Heroes can be, there’s no denying that the Hero Society of Japan that is shown in My Hero Academia is extremely flawed, as it was what indirectly caused the rise of dangerous yet broken villains like Shigaraki, Spinner, Dabi, Toga, and more. But now that all those criminals have been defeated, things can’t return to how they were.

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Although rare, several heroes have met their demise in My Hero Academia. Here's a look at the strongest ones that have perished so far.

The positive change of Hero Society has been one of the most recurring themes throughout the entire manga, so this is something that will most likely be addressed during the final chapters. Deku’s goal was not about just defeating dangerous villains; it was also about making a significant change in order to prevent more people from ending up like that.

6 The Fates Of Other Countries

Has Only Japan Been Impacted By The War?

Pro Heroes from around the world helping out in Japan in My Hero Academia

Throughout the events of the Final War Arc, Kohei Horikoshi had the brilliant idea of showing what was going on in the rest of the world, with brief scenes of characters from foreign countries reacting to the immense battle against All For One. And, at the very end of the arc, countless international heroes can be seen helping the citizens of Japan.

Despite the fact that most of My Hero Academia’s story has focused mostly on Japan, the events that transpired in this country had a significant influence on other places, and this shouldn’t be ignored. How are these countries responding to the defeat of All For One? Are they also going to improve their own societies? And also, what's going to happen in the United States now that Star and Stripe is dead?

5 The Todoroki Family Storyline

Are Shoto And Endeavor Going To Make Amends With Toya?

Endeavor sitting in front of a support pod that seems to be holding Dabi in My Hero Academia

The conflict between Shoto Todoroki and his lost-long brother Toya (better known as the villain Dabi) has definitely been one of the most engaging and intense plot threads in My Hero Academia. And, luckily, during the Final War Arc, the entire Todoroki Family could be seen working together in order to put off both Dabi’s burning flames and hatred.

At the end of the day, it would have been very unsatisfying to end that plot thread right there, considering that Endeavor should still try to make amends with Toya after all they have been through. Nevertheless, Endeavor and Shoto can be seen standing in front of a large supporting pod in Chapter 425. If Dabi is truly inside the pod, then this plot thread is most likely going to be resolved very soon.

4 Himiko Toga’s Fate

Is She Truly Gone? How Did She Impact Uraraka?

Himiko Toga sacrifices her blood in order to save Ochaco in My Hero Academia

Most of Ochaco Uraraka’s actions during the final chapters of the manga were surrounded around her rivalry with Himiko Toga, seeing as the young heroine was aware of how this villainous girl had been ruined by an unfair society and was trying to help her however she could.

The climactic encounter between them was as intense as it was heartwarming, but it seemingly concluded with Toga sacrificing herself so Uraraka could live. Not much of her has been revealed ever since, so many readers are wondering if she actually is dead. Not to mention that the usually cheerful Uraraka has been acting distant and cold in the last few chapters, so the impact of this battle on her psyche is definitely part of yet another unresolved plot thread.

3 Spinner And The Future Of Mutant-Type Quirks

Is The Discrimination Against Heteromorphs Going To Be Addressed?

Spinner becomes a mindless monster because of his new quirks in My Hero Academia

The villain known as Spinner had an interesting role during the Final War Arc. After being granted many new Quirks by All For One, he is transformed into a hulking giant monster and gets involved in an emotional battle against Mezo Shoji, where the discrimination that Heteromorphs suffer in this modern Hero Society was a crucial part of their conflict.

Spinner was last seen trying to recover Kurogiri, and he has not been seen again since the final battle ended. However, there’s a small panel of what seems to be the sharp scales generated by one of his new quirks in Chapter 424, so he’s likely going to appear in the near future. After all, the plot thread of Heteromorph discrimination is partially centered on Spinner, and he needs to reappear in order to satisfyingly resolve it.

2 Overhaul’s Promise

Is He Going To Apologize To Eri And Save His Boss?

A broken Overhaul promises to apologize to Eri in My Hero Academia

After his defeat at the hands of Izuku Midoriya (and an even harsher encounter with Shigaraki) Overhaul was left as a broken man, with no arms, a deteriorated mental state, and with his only reason to keep on living being intention to get his Yakuza boss out of a coma. He was seen alongside Lady Nagant during many scenes of these few final story arcs.

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At one point, Overhaul encountered Deku once again and swore to apologize to both Eri and his boss, so maybe he could someday use the young girl’s quirk in order to wake him up (seeing as he has lost the use of his own quirk). So, there’s a good possibility that an interaction between Overhaul and Eri may be included in the final chapters of My Hero Academia.

1 The Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory

Is This World Going To End Soon?

A visual representation of how the Quirk Singularity may break Hero Society in My Hero Academia

Longtime readers may recall the infamous Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory that has been proposed many times throughout the series. Its hypothesis is that the constant combination and evolution of quirks are making each generation more powerful and chaotic than the last one and that, someday, the entire world may be severely altered or even come to an end if this singularity is left unchecked. This terrifying theory was proven to be true when it was revealed that Shigaraki's new body was able to adapt to all his different quirks.

So, even if all other plot threads are tied up during the final chapters of the manga, many fans are still wondering if the future scenarios mentioned in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory are ever going to actually factor into the plot in some way or another, or if this was something that Kohei Horikoshi simply created as part of the world building or as an excuse to give Shigaraki a power-up during the final arc. There’s also a solid chance that this will be addressed in a possible sequel and/or spin-off series.

My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia (2016)

Release Date
April 3, 2016
Number of Episodes