The following content contains spoilers from My Hero Academia, Season 6, episode 24. Convincing Principle Nezu and Endeavor to allow Deku to return to UA High School was phase one, while getting the stubborn Izuku on board posed a whole other problem; however, Class A has eventually overcome the initial hurdles of their rescue mission. Now for the hard part: addressing the mob mentality of the scornful citizens.

Principle Nezu, Present Mic, Best Jeanist, try and fail to calm the crazed crowd down, who want to throw Deku back out onto the streets. However, little, timid Ochaco is the one to make the greatest impact, turning the civilians' misguided discrimination on its head, making this episode "the story of how everyone became the greatest heroes."

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Ochaco's Motivation Speech

My Hero Academia How Ochaco Saves ALL Heroes Season 6 episode 24 Ochaco and Deku

The usually reserved Ochaco stands before everyone, shouting from the rooftop, and begins her argument by attempting to move the crowd's blame onto herself and the other Class A members, as they are the ones responsible for Deku's presence at UA in the first place. She explains to the masses that he essentially threw himself to the wolves for their sake, confirming suspicions that Deku is the one who is fated to fight All For One. However, she implores the evacuees to look past the faceless facts and empathize with the individual standing before them; beaten, battered, bruised, and begging for a temporary safe haven.

"He's the one who most wants to do something about this situation, and is walking down a path where he could be attacked at any time. Will you please look at him?!"

Recently, those who have come across Dark Deku in the streets flee in terror, as his disheveled and menacing appearance makes the general public question his heroic alliances. However, with all the smoke and veils removed, it is quite evident that this youngster is suffering, barely capable of standing on his own.

Taking That Extra Step

My Hero Academia How Ochaco Saves ALL Heroes Season 6 episode 24 Deku Accepted by UA Evacuees

Some stubborn pessimists take Deku's current state as proof of their impending doom and argue that if they stand by his side, they will share the same fate. The Heroes' inability to do their jobs efficiently and truthfully is the whole reason All For One and his crew are running rampant in the first place. Why should innocent civilians endanger themselves to clean up the mess? It's best to kick Deku to the curb, along with the other so-called-heroic deserters, or send him off to another vicinity; a "kill one to save many" psyche, which unfortunately outnumbers the sympathizers.

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Ochaco admits that she cannot guarantee anything in life. She is a Hero, not a god, just like everyone else, who, ironically, are claiming control of Deku's life by refusing him access to UA. Hero Society only works in the first place because it is a symbiotic relationship, whereby the saviors are rewarded for their efforts with encouragement and praise. Viewers who aren't crying by now are in for a ride, as the waterworks are just waiting to burst, spurred on by Ayane Sakura's gutwrenching VA performance.

"So please lend him your strength! ...with all of your power, please will you let him rest beside you? Will you let him prepare? ...He is just a normal high schooler! Please let this place continue to be his Hero Academia!"

With this tear-jerking declaration, Deku falls to his knees, but this time it's the civilians who rush to help him up. With young Kota and the unnamed woman (from Season 6, episode 20) leading the way, the barrier has officially been broken between Hero and bystander as Deku is accepted into the folds, facilitated by the very same person he saved on his first day at UA. Ochaco was once trapped, afraid, and surrounded by people unwilling to help, and instead of saving his own skin in the Entrance Exam, Izuku leaped into the air to battle a seemingly invincible enemy. Ochaco has now performed an eerily similar feat; however, she has potentially saved many more lives as a result.

Heroes Are Human, Too!

My Hero Academia How Ochaco Saves ALL Heroes Season 6 episode 24 All Might

"I felt like I was in the audience, and the heroes were performing on stage... How long are we going to stay audience members?"

By trying to save Deku, Ochaco inadvertently tackles the root of Hero Society's biggest problem, which has created a detached construct between the almighty Hero and the average citizen. As a byproduct of several elements, the Pro-Heroes status has elevated them past the point of, well, humanity, and into the realm of unrealistic idolization, where a faultless performance is expected each and every time. And as Stain suggested, not all Heroes are in it for the goodwill factor, but now that fame is no longer on the table, it's easy to see who the virtuous saviors are.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: What IS a Hero?

This swooping statement, along with Deku admitting that he can't hope to succeed alone (and therefore publically relinquishing his ego and not claiming any superiority), convinces the last stonehearted stragglers to finally show some compassion. And although the conversation essentially revolves around Deku, the crowd discusses Heroes as a collective force, implying they are capable of applying the same empathy to other unfairly hated Heroes, such as Endeavor and Hawks, subsequently pushing Hero Society back into place in the long run. The positive chatter created by UA evacuees could spur the group conscience back towards celebrating their heroic lifelines, but hopefully this time around, with more awareness and mercy. They can learn to work together to make the world a better place, instead of burdening the Heroes with their delusional expectations and harsh judgments.

" Uravity connected everyone to Midoriya... If they're all able to think about 'everyone' just a little more, then that will bring about a brighter future where everyone can't help but smile, and heroes have too much free time on their hands."

Not The Typical Sweeping Declaration

My Hero Academia How Ochaco Saves ALL Heroes Season 6 episode 24 Ochaco and Deku in Tears

Some expectant fans assumed from the previous episode's teaser (and their predisposition regarding the 'rooftop declaration trope' in anime) that Ochaco was going to express her love for Deku at this stage in the game. While this would have been a heartwarming moment that many viewers have been anticipating pretty much since day one, not making that particular scene now was a wise decision, as the mood would no longer be focused on support, friendship, and the essence of humanity. Ochaco's love shines through loud and clear with her actions, without being cheesy or romantic. Even if Deku didn't pick up the besotted undertones in Ochaco's grand statement, he is undoubtedly on board for this group effort mission, thankfully no longer trying to face the world alone.

MORE: My Hero Academia: The Deku Effect